Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Reviewing A Rap/Hip-Hop Song To Dr Kier

A Rap/Hip-Hop love ballad to a doctor is something you don't see or hear everyday. But Any1 by Lotta Jesus is just that.
Any1 by Lotta Jesus is written to/about Dr Yelena Kier, a beautiful educated woman who's probably oblivious that she was the recent music muse of Detroit music legend Motuphi (aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani).
Perhaps this muse won't be as embarrassing as the "guitar goddess" proved to be: For those who don't know the story, Motuphi fell in love with a young guitarist who played in a band with her sister in Grayling, Michigan. This happened in, like, 2009-2010, right after he was gang-stalked by her fans over a fund-raising video he'd done in drag. Motuphi knew he was too old for her, so he said that he tried to join their band, instead, and tried serenading her online to get her to interact with him. Meanwhile, there were junkies, white devils and "Christians" busying themselves with sabotaging that predestined hook-up.
Motuphi wrote love songs to the guitar goddess for more than 8 years. He wrote her a Valentine Day song every year and then took it down when she failed to notice it. 2018 was the first year he failed to do it, which was a sign that he finally gave-up on her. During that eight years, though, she was busy having empty sex hook-ups in her motel room in every town she played in. She worshiped the mainstream music acts, like a retarded zombie. She desecrated her beautiful body with tattoos on cartoonish levels. If you see her arm, it's more masculine than a Marine's arm and covered with way more tattoos, the mark of a white trash POS. She became common. Maybe she always was and Motuphi mistook her for something special. Now, even if he writes her a song, he’d have to say it was to someone else just to save face (that guitar goddess bitch will embarrass the shit out of him). Otherwise, he could appear to be a diddler of the feeble-minded for continuing to pursue her.
Motuphi attempted to interact with the "guitar goddess" (gone masculine gender deflector) on Twitter and she blocked him. This all proved to be too embarrassing for him: Here the object of his affection became a ridiculous Craigslist slut who covered herself in tattoos and blocked him (of all people) from communicating with her...Yeah...That was a dumb move, to write songs to something so devoid of its own thoughts, as if it's a "woman" and not just another mainstream-created zombie.
So, we see that (perhaps) the song to Dr Yelena Kier is an attempt to backpedal tossing his musical pearls before swine (like the guitar goddess) in the past. The beautiful doctor appears to be worthy of the elevation to muse of Motuphi, while the "guitar goddess" chose to trample his affection and use it to hurt his feelings every chance she got. The song is awesome, if a bit too sexual and sensual for someone to write who's never actually been intimate with the subject, as Motuphi recently stated is the case in the lesson where he asked us all to refrain from retweeting his tweets (so Twitter doesn't get victories over us by restricting our accounts, too)...
Motuphi  claims to have never met Dr Kier, that he's just smitten by her image and the fantasy of her loving him...That was the same situation he was in with the guitar goddess...Motuphi needs a muse he can be intimate with...imagine how deep his music would be, then, if his love was reciprocated.


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