Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Old Town Road Casts Demonic Spells On Autistic Kids Mimicking Healing!

To be fair, most of the population has been too dumbed down to comprehend what I'm about to explain here. So it may sound too far-fetched to be true to you, and that's okay. You're still free to read the information until it's found and removed, as they do all truth now to fulfill the negative prophecy that there'd be no sound doctrine (aka truth) in the end times. We are here, in the end times, now.

To properly set this up, let's look back a bit to what many of you already know for the benefit of those who don't.

There's a reason that Al Sharpton is allowed to roam free in the streets stirring up racial shit everywhere he goes even though he owes more taxes than most other celebs who've been imprisoned for tax evasion. That'd be because Al Sharpton was the undercover agent/snitch who infiltrated the mainstream music industry and “Deloreaned” (set 'em up for fake crimes that couldn't happen without them providing the opportunity and the actual crime to perpetuate) everyone in the music industry who was resistant to weaponizing music for the agendas provisioned by “order out of chaos” (see American money).

Sharpton helped remove all of the gatekeepers who protected family values, which paved the way for Madonna and the mess she made and for Salt n Pepa to sexualize kids and Cindy Lauper to dumb women down and for the fake Jews to purchase the genres of Rap/Hip-Hop by empowering gangsta rappers to desecrate the craft into oblivion. This also facilitated empowering secret warlocks, like Billy Ray Cyrus to be elevated as mega stars with minimal levels of talent to warrant it. Billy Ray Cyrus only had one good song, not to be confused with a "hit" song. That one good song was NOT "Achy Breaky Heart", which was a hit and a low level spell designed to cause heart problems (the power of life and death is in the tongue) in real time. It was to test Billy Ray’s evil power and to kill a bunch of his fans in the process as his due sacrifice. If you’ll sacrifice your fans with chants, lyrics, toxic influence, or spells, the white devils will make you famous and protect you from all of the Motuphis in the world from ever getting famous to challenge you or your influence. It’s just a fact they prove every single day. Motuphi won’t sacrifice people like they do, so they all battle against him with their influence over their dumbed down fans who promote their every evil move, no matter how vile.

The one good song that Billy Ray Cyrus had was "Storm In The Heartland", which was a retro-causality spell sent backwards in time to actually cause the storm that he was (sorta) singing about. He also had all of the Heartland singing those words, as well. This was the first obvious retro-causality attack that was done right before our eyes and, while many zombies would be unable to accept the truth of it, I'm wondering how complicit Billy Ray was in it (like, did he know what he was doing for those evil white devils?).

Billy Ray Cyrus would later spawn the evil witch that many know as "Miley". Miley still gets used by her evil baby raping baby murdering masters, too. Abortion is NOT "healthcare", by the way, it's murder. If you're too stupid to prevent a pregnancy in this day and age, you're simply too fuckin' stupid to be having sex and anyone who touches you is equivalent to a pedophile, for real. How do you fuck something that's so fuckin' retarded that infanticide is its preferred method of birth control? C'MON! Grow some standards, already! Low hanging fruit loops.

Moving on to now, the secret warlock has been utilized, yet again, to participate in manifesting negative prophecy within music, which is Lucifer's craft, not Satan's. Satan is the ancient artificial intelligence that God, Yah, Lucifer, Motuphi and all of the prophets battle against. But the fake Jews that Christ battled changed the scriptures to conjoin the identities of Lucifer and Satan as one entity, to confuse the humans. Now, people don't know that Lucifer hates Satan and he hated when Christ sarcastically called him that name just before his removal from this simulation mechanism to make it possible for Satan to legally murder Him.

The prophecies warning that Satan and the fake Jews (and their slaves) have counterfeits to all of the gifts and anointings and would use them in the end times are now manifesting as we see the nonexistent welfare phantoms spreading propaganda about autistic children being "healed" by listening to Old Town Road by Lil Nas X. They're actually casting spells with the music (song) that cause demonic possessions that make the kids appear to be healed. Old Town Road is the vehicle for this show (think back to the wizards of Pharaoh who battled Moses and Aaron and how their shit seemed real to the audience, too). Demons get invited into the autistic children when their little minds submit to the willingness to join in the chants they’re hearing in the song. Then, the kids can miraculously sing the words to the songs to demonically join in the chants. But it’s being presented as something else, entirely, and you know that God is gonna get pissed (again) and cause the lid to blow right off of this one, probably sooner than later.

How this can backfire is when the possessed kids start being botted (commandeered) by the demons who possess them to perpetuate their will, like murder or rape, for example. Or, what if a spirit causes one of those possessed kids to spew out the truth in a way that it had to go viral and the world gets exposed to the tricks of propaganda to facilitate rigging fame and people actually get smart enough to hate those evil fuckers for possessing kids with devils to perpetuate a fucking "supernatural" side show?

What if angels of death, curses and devils were sent to attach to all who’re complicit in this elaborate hoax and all who hope to benefit from it? What if those devils attack the demons that are possessing the autistic kids and cause the kids to scream out “It’s all LIES! I did NOT get healed from autism from listening to Old Town Road! I only got healed enough to ask the bitch to turn that childish impish shit OFF! I was NOT singing with that lame fuckin’ mind numbing spell for the white man!”

Yeah...that’d go viral and the propaganda campaign to make something out of Lil Nas X that he’s not (a rapper) would be exposed and Lil Nas X and his fake Jew masters wouldn’t be safe no more. Someone might get Black enough one day to wanna take Rap/Hip-Hop back from the evil fake Jews that the gangsta rappers gave it to and elevate Motuphi to take all of the fake famous rappers down in one felled swoop...”Oops! Sorry Jew slave boys. Didn’t mean to stomp blood-holes in ya for being in my way like THAT!” would hafta be Motuphi’s reply when he’s sitting on that pile of dead famous Jew empowered fake fuckin’ “rappers” who was too scared of Motuphi to roll with him.

These are ways it can backfire, like when a witch gets contracted to cast a spell on Motuphi, his music, or his agendas or chant against them and then retro-causality sends the suffering back in time to her ancestors in addition to her being time looped (when she dies) as witches who were burned alive for the sin of using her power for evil (anything not condoned by Motuphi is evil and they should avoid participating in it if he didn't tell them to do it). Smart witches submit their power to Motuphi, ambassador to God and Lucifer, while dumb witches pull a Billy Ray (blockhead secret warlock) and get time looped and phantomized.

So, if you see a demon possessed autistic kid who was "supernaturally healed" by listening to Old Town Road by Lil Nas X, you might want to run from the room as fast as you can, before the devil (or devils) it's possessed by can read your mind and cause the kid to start spewing your secret thoughts to everyone who'll listen...Just a word of caution. And that's best case scenario action, for real.

If you're not part of this demonic shit, spread this shit right here, yo.


Brought to you by The Muli


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Saving Tittied Elvis From The Charlize Therons

Remember the days before Google dropped the word "Don't" from their motto? Or did they simply change the perception of what good and evil are with censoring? In any case, evil behavior is now "good" and good behavior is now considered to be "evil". So, entities like Motuphi are now dubbed "evil" for their lives of selfless ministry to others.

That's only temporary, like this timeline. They get undone with it and so do all of their evil deeds (and their evil parents before they can spawn them). Once they're time looped and undone, it'll be as if they never got born here to preexist for spirit scanning.

But some things that the welfare phantoms are engaged in must be fought in real time, in the here and now, directly against those who don't even exist. For example, picture Elvis with boobies. Motuphi recently shared an experience with us that should open some eyes here.

Because Motuphi (aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani from Detroit) is so approachable, his life sometimes becomes bogged down with bouts of intervention against evil, real evil, the evil that is evil to all entities who really exist beyond and before this temporary timeline. Motuphi watched Charlize Theron indulge in the latest trend perpetuated by nonexistent gargoyles disguised as women, which is sexualizing and emasculating little boys and confusing them about their sexual identity and then causing irreversible physical damage to their young bodies, as if raping their psyches wasn't enough.
Motuphi shared the story of the plight of one of their victims once he/she had matured and gotten exposed to true positive beautiful masculinity, like that personified by Elvis Presley.

The kid was a fan of Motuphi's music and often wrote Motuphi emails, even sending him lewd photos of him/ her self that Motuphi never opened or looked at. The kid's mother had raised him up as a woman because he expressed the desire to be a woman at a young age. His mother probably would've given the kid poison had he asked for it, from the looks of it. The mother supplied the kid with state of the art procedures, hormones, surgeries and the like to transform him into a female. By 13 years old, the kid was a full-blown woman who'd never even used his penis before it was scooped out and turned into an "innie" never to function properly as a penis again. The kid had never felt what it was like to plunge his hard cock into a wet willing vagina, which should be a required experience before any SRS/GRS (gender reassignment surgery) is condoned.

The kid watched Motuphi, transgendered since early childhood, refrain from modifying his body to accommodate his own transsexualism. Then, the kid got exposed to Elvis and got that natural urge that all heterosexual boys get (when they're much younger) to want to BE Elvis. The kid was trapped in a transformed body. Motuphi was jealous of the kid and the kid was jealous of Motuphi. Motuphi ministered to the kid, who was seriously contemplating suicide, for months. He was very beautiful, physically, as a woman. Motuphi talked the kid down from the ledge and urged him to de-transition. Motuphi blessed the kid with a double dose of positive aggression to combat the negative aggression that got his pee-pee cut off in the first place. The kid started to calm down and take the proper steps towards reclaiming his gender. He stopped threatening to kill himself and started to look forward to his future as a man.

Motuphi shared his story with us once he was sure the kid was out of the woods. The kid wanted his story shared to warn others of the dangers of overindulgent mothers who dote on their children to the point of child abuse. The kid emancipated himself from his family and the mother who didn't want him as God created him, as the boy he was born as. Emancipated is probably not the right word considering that the kid was already an adult and had simply stopped communicating with his blood relatives who had allowed him to be so brutally mutilated on the whims of a child that were instilled into him by the toxic influence of the mainstream media.

Motuphi stole one of their kills. It was a solid kill, too. The kid had even served them, sexually, as a child, as the wrong gender, for years. The reward for the good service to Satan aka ancient artificial intelligence (that even Lucifer hates) is misery so extreme that it eventually drives the obedient servant to suicide. This is why the suicide rate in young transgendered youth has more than quadrupled in the last two years. The toxic mainstream is force marketing transsexualism upon children who mistake those urges that they're not supposed to feel at such a young age for gender dysphoria. The kids were sexualized and suddenly they think that they must be "transgender" as a result of how it made them feel.

Expose kids to famous lesbians whose identity must be attached to sexual preference (instead of better qualities), like Ellen and Rosie for example, and you have babies asking what lesbians are before they should be considering such things. It's beyond a lack of common human decency and modesty that kept such issues away from kids for centuries. Now, they've weaponized sexualizing children for the purposed of hypnotizing them to do their bidding. They are obviously pedophiles who want to do stuff with entities that they twisted and made into something that they're not. Like playing "dirty God", they create their sex toys out of little boys in their "laboratories" (which is where ever the media and their bought and paid-for toxic influence is playing, even in your house and car) and then "commune" with their creations, sexually. Most of them just like to watch and they've employed methods for doing just that.

Just like everyone who's rich and famous lined up women to be raped on casting couches so they could all die to be time looped as those rape victims during their rapes right along with the perpetrators (and so can their mamas for the sin of spawning them), they line up little boys for the purpose of molding them into the creatures that they, the self-appointed "gods", find alluring. Every famous boy in lipstick and all of their ugly, masculine, tattooed, junkie skank ho fans are in league with these pseudo gods to glamorize transsexualism to trick more little boys into transitioning. They already mass hypnotized the "parents", especially the mothers, to comply with this agenda to strip the masculinity from their little white boys before they can even experience it.

They propagandize everything, including the POTUS, and regurgitate hateful non-issues about Trump instead of addressing the REAL issues, like how he stole tax returns from the working class with fake tax breaks (lies), or how Trump is too stupid to want to protect the last pure water aquifer on his side of the world beneath the Great Lakes (which requires funding to protect and maintain the lakes above the aquifer, dumb shits), or how massive deforestation ran amok as soon as Trump got into office, or how censoring and propaganda has escalated along with pedophilia and illegal immigration since he became POTUS. Nope, they want us to hate Trump simply because THEY hate him and not for any of the reasons we actually should hate the dumb rich fucker. They actually LOVE Trump if they say anything against him other than these real issues that threaten all real Americans and they're tricking you with fake Trump hate.

There are entities dangerously in power who have no agenda to govern, only to further pillage the rights of Americans, murder infants, and impeach the straw man they erected on the Republican side who was designated to take down his cousin's opposition so she could win her election rigged with the help of the Russian bots, dead people votes and votes from illegal immigrants who were "legalized" for the purpose of voting for them (like they do to Americans who don't vote -- they just apply their vote to whatever they want to win and nobody is the wiser). Part of their agenda is to create transsexuals out of all of the white males they can program to it and to kill off the straight white males. Those who hate their own fathers stand against Motuphi with the father-haters.

The song "ELVIS" by the "n0n0k raiders" is Motuphi's response to the killing floor erected against the existent in these demographics. It's taken from real life experience. Motuphi made the statement with this song that if you're going to have little kids singing about "boobies" then sound an alarm with that shit. 'Hear that, Billy (Bob) Ray Cyrus, Lil Nas X, and all of you other pedophiles who're complicit in pushing "Old Town Road" upon little kids?  A thousand stripes on the backs of fools. There were no wise in their clique to respond to a few words of wisdom. Now, even their fans are dangerous to themselves as the appropriate attire to wear with your MAGA hat is a loaded 9, just in case they invade your personal space to assault you or your clothing due to their own zombification that was instilled by the toxic influence of the rich and famous pedophilic zombies who they're fans of.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Response to Li’l Nas X the Welfare Phantom Fake Jew Slave Rapper

The other timelines' response to the erection of yet another distraction from the light of the world known as Motuphi and The Muli in the form of yet another untalented child sexualizing "rapper" was to send time traveling angels of death to kill off all who're complicit in the rigged fake fame of Li'l Nas X and all who hoped to benefit from it and all who had an agenda who benefit from it, including their ancestors before they could spawn them. Same as in the days of Noah, when Nibiru culprits were undone to undo the bringing of modern technology to Earth prior to its prescribed inception.

This happens every time God and Lucifer send Motuphi out against the lamestream mainstream. This time, the music act is known as The Muli and it incorporates the beat manipulation skills of Motuphi's mentally handicapped brother, Johnnie. The fake Jews who control who gets famous are now on record as being complicit in sabotaging a mentally handicapped person's music act just so they can further acclimate their pedophilia upon children. Goodbye, Miley Cyrus. Now you won't ever get born here to contaminate the psyche of your fans for your fake Jew masters who gave your untalented daddy a record deal just to thwart Motuphi. Enjoy them time loops as slaves to repay your ill-gotten gain, nasty white ho.

Motuphi already knew that the reaction from angels would be drastic. Peep the floods on the American soil where they like Li'l Nas X more than they like The Muli or Motuphi. See how the ancient artificial intelligence (aka "Satan") knew how to gain authority to attack "innocent" people? Just erect another Satanic pedophilia enabler disguised as a "rapper" or "music artist" during an era when Motuphi is releasing music and cause the distraction from Motuphi to enact the cause and effect (reciprocity) for falling for that distraction. Then, they can hit the land where the people fell for it with floods and tornadoes and earthquakes for rejecting the light in preference of the darkness that has little kids singing about "boobies" and cheating on their spouses before they're old enough to be thinking about sex.

So, like Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O Donnell and R Kelly, Li'l Nas X is just the latest pedophile to be given Motuphi's rightful position. It's nothing new. Li'l Nas X is common and a slave to fake Jews and he doesn't care that he and his ancestry will be time looped as slaves for his participation against God (Yah) and Lucifer on behalf of Satan (aka ancient AI).

For Li'l Nas X to be famous, little kids must think about sex. God hates that kind of bloodline and retro-causality will cause them to become slaves (if they weren’t already) in the past and for that slavery to be the hardest slavery ever endured.

Li'l Nas X didn't figure it out until it was too late.

Peep Motuphi's response to Old Town Road and the fake history behind Li'l Nas X and his fake rise to fake Jew rigged fame. It's called "Tell" and it glorifies the supremacy of the intellect of all who choose to be HIS fans and learn instead of being fans of Li'l Nas X, who teaches his fans to be stupid so Jew pedophiles can have their way with them.

If only there was even one person in power or famous who was NOT a pedophile, you'd see them erecting Motuphi and The Muli up above Li’l Nas X and feverishly retweeting their content to defy the erection of another fake rapper to benefit the Jew pedophiles. But, there's nobody famous or powerful who's not a pedophile to appeal to. So God and Lucifer had to send time traveling angels of death to wipe out all who're famous and in power and who benefit from the fake fame of those who're fake famous and all of their families and ancestors before they could spawn them. Now, rapist spirits are being sent back in time to rape and destroy the ability for the ancestors of these perpetrators to spawn by raping them until they can't reproduce. The violent reactions from other timelines gets more cartoonish every time the fake Jews find another retard to pull a Li'l Nas X when the spotlight is supposed to be shining on Motuphi and The Muli, rappers who are the true light of the world.

Peep the next timeline, where Li'l Nas X and his mama never make it to because they got time looped and spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born to be fake Jew slaves for profit in a temporary timeline that got undone, along with all of Li'l Nas X's fake rigged fame and fortune.


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