Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Old Town Road Casts Demonic Spells On Autistic Kids Mimicking Healing!

To be fair, most of the population has been too dumbed down to comprehend what I'm about to explain here. So it may sound too far-fetched to be true to you, and that's okay. You're still free to read the information until it's found and removed, as they do all truth now to fulfill the negative prophecy that there'd be no sound doctrine (aka truth) in the end times. We are here, in the end times, now.

To properly set this up, let's look back a bit to what many of you already know for the benefit of those who don't.

There's a reason that Al Sharpton is allowed to roam free in the streets stirring up racial shit everywhere he goes even though he owes more taxes than most other celebs who've been imprisoned for tax evasion. That'd be because Al Sharpton was the undercover agent/snitch who infiltrated the mainstream music industry and “Deloreaned” (set 'em up for fake crimes that couldn't happen without them providing the opportunity and the actual crime to perpetuate) everyone in the music industry who was resistant to weaponizing music for the agendas provisioned by “order out of chaos” (see American money).

Sharpton helped remove all of the gatekeepers who protected family values, which paved the way for Madonna and the mess she made and for Salt n Pepa to sexualize kids and Cindy Lauper to dumb women down and for the fake Jews to purchase the genres of Rap/Hip-Hop by empowering gangsta rappers to desecrate the craft into oblivion. This also facilitated empowering secret warlocks, like Billy Ray Cyrus to be elevated as mega stars with minimal levels of talent to warrant it. Billy Ray Cyrus only had one good song, not to be confused with a "hit" song. That one good song was NOT "Achy Breaky Heart", which was a hit and a low level spell designed to cause heart problems (the power of life and death is in the tongue) in real time. It was to test Billy Ray’s evil power and to kill a bunch of his fans in the process as his due sacrifice. If you’ll sacrifice your fans with chants, lyrics, toxic influence, or spells, the white devils will make you famous and protect you from all of the Motuphis in the world from ever getting famous to challenge you or your influence. It’s just a fact they prove every single day. Motuphi won’t sacrifice people like they do, so they all battle against him with their influence over their dumbed down fans who promote their every evil move, no matter how vile.

The one good song that Billy Ray Cyrus had was "Storm In The Heartland", which was a retro-causality spell sent backwards in time to actually cause the storm that he was (sorta) singing about. He also had all of the Heartland singing those words, as well. This was the first obvious retro-causality attack that was done right before our eyes and, while many zombies would be unable to accept the truth of it, I'm wondering how complicit Billy Ray was in it (like, did he know what he was doing for those evil white devils?).

Billy Ray Cyrus would later spawn the evil witch that many know as "Miley". Miley still gets used by her evil baby raping baby murdering masters, too. Abortion is NOT "healthcare", by the way, it's murder. If you're too stupid to prevent a pregnancy in this day and age, you're simply too fuckin' stupid to be having sex and anyone who touches you is equivalent to a pedophile, for real. How do you fuck something that's so fuckin' retarded that infanticide is its preferred method of birth control? C'MON! Grow some standards, already! Low hanging fruit loops.

Moving on to now, the secret warlock has been utilized, yet again, to participate in manifesting negative prophecy within music, which is Lucifer's craft, not Satan's. Satan is the ancient artificial intelligence that God, Yah, Lucifer, Motuphi and all of the prophets battle against. But the fake Jews that Christ battled changed the scriptures to conjoin the identities of Lucifer and Satan as one entity, to confuse the humans. Now, people don't know that Lucifer hates Satan and he hated when Christ sarcastically called him that name just before his removal from this simulation mechanism to make it possible for Satan to legally murder Him.

The prophecies warning that Satan and the fake Jews (and their slaves) have counterfeits to all of the gifts and anointings and would use them in the end times are now manifesting as we see the nonexistent welfare phantoms spreading propaganda about autistic children being "healed" by listening to Old Town Road by Lil Nas X. They're actually casting spells with the music (song) that cause demonic possessions that make the kids appear to be healed. Old Town Road is the vehicle for this show (think back to the wizards of Pharaoh who battled Moses and Aaron and how their shit seemed real to the audience, too). Demons get invited into the autistic children when their little minds submit to the willingness to join in the chants they’re hearing in the song. Then, the kids can miraculously sing the words to the songs to demonically join in the chants. But it’s being presented as something else, entirely, and you know that God is gonna get pissed (again) and cause the lid to blow right off of this one, probably sooner than later.

How this can backfire is when the possessed kids start being botted (commandeered) by the demons who possess them to perpetuate their will, like murder or rape, for example. Or, what if a spirit causes one of those possessed kids to spew out the truth in a way that it had to go viral and the world gets exposed to the tricks of propaganda to facilitate rigging fame and people actually get smart enough to hate those evil fuckers for possessing kids with devils to perpetuate a fucking "supernatural" side show?

What if angels of death, curses and devils were sent to attach to all who’re complicit in this elaborate hoax and all who hope to benefit from it? What if those devils attack the demons that are possessing the autistic kids and cause the kids to scream out “It’s all LIES! I did NOT get healed from autism from listening to Old Town Road! I only got healed enough to ask the bitch to turn that childish impish shit OFF! I was NOT singing with that lame fuckin’ mind numbing spell for the white man!”

Yeah...that’d go viral and the propaganda campaign to make something out of Lil Nas X that he’s not (a rapper) would be exposed and Lil Nas X and his fake Jew masters wouldn’t be safe no more. Someone might get Black enough one day to wanna take Rap/Hip-Hop back from the evil fake Jews that the gangsta rappers gave it to and elevate Motuphi to take all of the fake famous rappers down in one felled swoop...”Oops! Sorry Jew slave boys. Didn’t mean to stomp blood-holes in ya for being in my way like THAT!” would hafta be Motuphi’s reply when he’s sitting on that pile of dead famous Jew empowered fake fuckin’ “rappers” who was too scared of Motuphi to roll with him.

These are ways it can backfire, like when a witch gets contracted to cast a spell on Motuphi, his music, or his agendas or chant against them and then retro-causality sends the suffering back in time to her ancestors in addition to her being time looped (when she dies) as witches who were burned alive for the sin of using her power for evil (anything not condoned by Motuphi is evil and they should avoid participating in it if he didn't tell them to do it). Smart witches submit their power to Motuphi, ambassador to God and Lucifer, while dumb witches pull a Billy Ray (blockhead secret warlock) and get time looped and phantomized.

So, if you see a demon possessed autistic kid who was "supernaturally healed" by listening to Old Town Road by Lil Nas X, you might want to run from the room as fast as you can, before the devil (or devils) it's possessed by can read your mind and cause the kid to start spewing your secret thoughts to everyone who'll listen...Just a word of caution. And that's best case scenario action, for real.

If you're not part of this demonic shit, spread this shit right here, yo.


Brought to you by The Muli


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