Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Raising Vibration Levels With The Only High Vibrational Rap/Hip-Hop

If you're aware of the Collective Consciousness and how vibrational energies effect it and its response to you, we have a special treat for you! You may have noticed that there is no high vibrational mainstream music or Rap Hip-Hop, and that's by design. There are those who control the media who want all of your positive energy sucked out of you and into them.

Motuphi became aware of what they were doing and did something about it. He has even studied Ho'oponopono and other healing modalities to learn how to incorporate positive energy into Rap/Hip-Hop music. That's where the term "posi-flow" (or "posi-flo") comes from. Motuphi used the phrase in a few songs from the collection he did to raise vibrational levels of those who listen to it, especially if they sing along with the songs.

The collection we're talking about is the nine songs released by The Muli earlier this year. There's the Chocolate Sauce EP and then three other songs; "Kick The Butt", "Boots" and "Downtown". We know, for sure that the collection is available on spotify and their bandcamp page. Sometimes, due to the AI controlling the narrative, places like Amazon will deprive their patrons of one or more of these songs in an attempt to stop the "posi-flow" in their lives.

If you listen to these songs every day and sing with them, it has the same effect as most boring meditation modalities you can do, it raises your vibration levels and causes the Collective Consciousness to respond to you as a contributor. For those who understand what this can do for your lives, you know how valuable of a tool it is and you should share the information so that others can contribute and free themselves of the vampirish pirating of their positive energy by the rich, famous and powerful (those who made them rich and famous to be energy vampires).

Stream all of the nine songs by The Muli at any reputable mp3 retailer or streaming site.
While supplies last, you can get a home-made CD with all nine of the songs directly from Motuphi's wife by sending $10 to

Lisa Marie
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738


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