Thursday, October 3, 2019

On Phayke Real & Unreported Criesees 

Looks like we have a lot of stupidity going around, so the ability for the masses to distinguish between what's real and what's fake has diminished. For example: People let it slide that the "solution" to the "Opioid Crisis" was to target only the law abiding taxpayers and make it impossible for them to maintain health regimens devoid of unnecessary pain. Meanwhile, troops still guard opium fields afar on your tax dollars and your neighborhood dope-house where heroine can be purchased is still open. If you're a law abiding taxpayer in America with health conditions that cause you pain, you're being told by the current POTUS administration that you're far less important to them than unproductive junkies and therefore you must writhe in pain while they funnel your tax dollars to government sanctioned shooting galleries where your tax dollars provide heroine and needles to junkies and provides them with a place to shoot up and "nod" (sit around, high) without the fear of being busted by police. This is for real happening in "America" right now! But you hafta drop a urine sample for a few days of pain pills if you're law abiding in "America".

How about how a few kids have died from tainted vaping cartridges and it's regarded as a "crisis" requiring government intervention, while there are pharmaceutical drugs being pushed on sexually confused children (in school) to deter their puberty from occurring that have caused Cancer and KILLED approximately 7,000 children in less than a year?!? Only if you're asleep can the former (a few vaping deaths) be regarded as a "crisis" by comparison to killing (7,000) kids and afflicting them with Cancer by injecting them with tainted drugs after confusing them about their sexuality. You're devoid of basic comprehension skills if you can't see the calamity at play here. They're creating victims out of children now, much like those who're pro abortion (infanticide/murder of babies) as a "birth control" method.

On the bright side, according to the Bible, those complicit in and all who hope to benefit from the aforementioned atrocities will die to be time looped as those victims of those unnecessary sufferings and as slaves to repay all ill-gotten gain generated from their atrocious behavior before their spiritual executions to never get born to perpetuate any of it. It all gets undone with the restoration of this temporary timeline (like taking a computer back to a restore point where the infected files never get introduced, except for the infected files must pay for what they did while in the system before they're undone to never preexist). So, none of this actually happened, like when Nibiru (Planet X) culprits brought modern technology here and had to be undone by time traveling inter-dimensional angels of death (some hieroglyphs record the tech that was "never here").

Notice how the mainstream (fake) "news" media is refusing to report on or address these issues? That's because they're controlled by the same welfare phantoms who control the American government now (the most nasty entities ever to breath here). Yeah. Interesting "fiction" novels being wrote about em in the next timeline, where they never make it to because they failed to graduate from this first temporary timeline...This is how the meek inherit the Earth devoid of all damage caused by the welfare phantoms, by the way.


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