Friday, July 17, 2020

What Happened To NWA Is Happening To This Rapper Now

Remember the late 1980's, when Niggas With Attitude (NWA) supposedly couldn't get played on the radio because of their constant use of the word "nigga" in their lyrics and due to their low-life ghetto images and songs about inferior mentality being pimped as the Black norm? Well, that was all a publicity stunt to garner fans from he Black race who, at the time, did not worship and elevate the dregs of their race. The truth is, they were owned by the same fake Jews who own all media outlets, formats and venues. So radio airplay was really never a problem for NWA. But stupid people fell for it and began to see gangsta rappers as underdogs who represented the hardworking Black folk that they and their fans were constantly victimizing. The worst victimizers of Black people are Black, themselves. They're known as thugs, gangstas and rappers, for the most part. Not one of them is white.

Cut to now and the same thing is happening to a white rapper on the internet for daring to care enough about Black people to warn us about what's going on. While famous Blacks and rappers help the white man to victimize the entire Black race with debilitated health due to constantly wearing masks, economy attacks via stay at home orders (aka impending starvation), and spooky technologically laced vaccines that will change their DNA and enslave them to rich evil white devils, one little white rapper from Detroit is fighting against the racists who're perpetuating this genocide upon us. No, it's not Eminem. He caved and shilled for his masters already in hopes of getting more fame, heroine and adrenochrome in exchange for his obedience. We're talking about the REAL rap legend from Detroit, Motuphi (aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani III), the driving force behind the Rap Hip-Hop collaborations Lesa Luvlace, N0N0K Raiders, Lotta Jesus, the BUdeZianZ, the Muli, and Durty Kandi (you thought you heard old school Motown in their music and you were right). Those are only a few of the barrage of pseudonyms Motuphi has had to use due to the constant censoring, shadow banning and removal of his content from the internet.

The latest onslaught is over the video to the song All Mine (I Can't Breath) by Durty Kandi. The white man keeps taking the video down because it warns Black folk about the dangers of complying with illegal mandates to wear masks all the time. The white devils do NOT have the legal authority to command you to wear masks, yo. That's what's being hidden from you right now with their hiding of this, the only song from the only rapper defying the fake Jew narratives.

Like Tupac, Motuphi is standing against the Man that Eminem wants you all to serve with him.
In response to his video being taken down repeatedly, Motuphi created a download link of the video for everyone to share. Just click the X on the sign in box because you do NOT need any form of account to download or watch this video from this link.



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