Friday, January 17, 2014

Stolen Candy

Anyone else getting a giggle out of Michigan’s homophobic/bully governor’s reference to all that stolen money as a “surplus”? He acts like we’ll forget where that money came from or how he raped and pillaged education funding for college students and imposed illegal double indemnity taxes on pensions of the elderly (when they already paid taxes on that money TWICE before retiring to Michigan).
Michigan does NOT have a “surplus”. What Michigan has is a cursed bag of stolen money (candy stolen from the helpless). The only thing their homophobic governor did get right is they must be very careful what they spend it on (but not for the same reasons: but) because whatever that stolen money gets spent on WILL be cursed into oblivion…Every dollar of that ill-gotten “surplus” is cursed now…It’s like money with bombs attached to it, because it’s explosive in its potential for destruction of agendas and closing down of offices…
Michigan’s governor must’ve been tired of being in office, anyway, or he wouldn’t have taken the low homophobic route of claiming that gays and lesbians just want to be regarded as legally married so they can get benefits because they’re all “dying of AIDS and need medical coverage”. That little nerd turned bully is all done now, so you better watch him real closely (remember the Detroit mayors, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama). Now that he knows he’s on the way out he may do some treasonous traitorish shit (as the aforementioned have so readily exemplified).
Michigan hasn’t had a good governor since Blanchard…All that followed were state pillagers/rapists who must now be time looped and eternally executed just to clean-up their messes (much like the Federal level government will be swept clean of ever existing very soon, too).
America hasn’t had anything resembling a president since Reagan…The only 2 preceding him were Lincoln and JFK. But Reagan doesn’t get due credit for destroying the deficit (which he did) and for the YEARS of good economy America enjoyed after he left office due to HIS administration (Reaganomics), which not even the raping/pillaging of the first warmonger (Bush) and the nonexistent (nation attacking bull-dyke lesbian for a wife having) adulterer (Clinton) and 2nd inbredded/chemical toilet warmonger (Bush) could totally destroy.
Because people are so incredibly stupid in America, they have no clue who bought them those years of prosperity it took 4 shitworm-controlled administrations to destroy. What finally destroyed the good prosperity that Reaganomics bought for America was the treasonous terrorist attack/tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile that destroyed the whole world’s economy….That and the false flag terrorist event committed by the government and their cronies/911…Not to worry: Everyone involved in those things has it in their UNdeleteable (NON-tamperable) spirit memories and they will be cast into the time loops of judgement AS those victims at a standard going rate of 100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH (good riddance, too). Picture them dying as victims of 911, over and over again and then enduring lives as impoverished Americans who were oppressed and forced to pay the tax rates of the wealthy 1-percentile (the passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500/passive terrorist list, who’ll also endure every hardship caused by those tax breaks at the same standard rate, so they get to be poor even more than the poor folks were).
When was it that Mel Gibson made his remarks against the Jews? Did he say those things before or after 911? If it was afterwards, then perhaps he was purging his conscience of something the insiders knew about that he could no longer bear to carry in silence (anyone ever think of that?). How many fools thought they got away with 911 and with passing the blame on to others? They (and their families) won’t be found beyond this Earth Age because they’ll be time looped as their victims (100,000 times per victim per offense EACH) and then be eternally executed so that they never existed to commit their atrocities on 911…
"ALL things done in secret will be brought to the light"…Clinton, Bush, Obama, nor anyone else on planet Earth (which is a spirit scan) can do anything to hide what’s been recorded in spirit memory, only Motuphi and the other (appointed by God) punishing angels/devils/entities can do that and only by time looping the offending spirits (as their victims) an inordinate number of times to punish them and then eternally executing them to make them as if they never existed, at all…So the treasonous traitors in government do NOT exist, even now, nor do their infected bloodlines (much like the gangstas and rappers and untalented squatters in the mainstream music industry and all of their "infected" bloodlines).
Imagine a world with none of the passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune 500/passive terrorist list, no insurance companies nor owners, no tech giants, no Gates/Jobs/Trumps/Hiltons/Buffets/other offending greedy gluttonous hoarders who were too weak to abide below the $420-million glutton cap that got them and their families marked for time loopage (as the poor they afflicted with their hoarding) and then eternal execution (to rid the cosmos of their “infections” that made them think they were “special” enough to starve little kids to death that they now must serve time AS in the loops before they can be eternally executed).
Where all this WRONG (that they have going on here now) ends is where the RIGHT (that happens without them existing) will finally begin…
They can’t stop time, God, Christ, Lucifer, their conjoined end-time agendas, nor Motuphi and his crew of avenging angels any more than they can stop the radiation from Fukushima from washing up on the California shore to avenge the world for those gangs, gangsta rap, and for cock-blocking real talent like Motuphi with the likes of the untalented mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones all signed to lucrative record deals even now (attracting more and more radiation for every second they deprive Motuphi of his rightful place above any poser rapper or musician they currently have in that curse magnetized state and it’ll only get worse as more seconds pass that Motuphi is not in status level above all that offends). If there’s no record deal for Motuphi in California then California needs not exist nor be inhabited any longer…The spirits of those who were victimized by the mainstreams’ “sleeper cell” fans (like Tayshana Murphy, Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, and millions more like them) are here now and they’re getting revenge upon the mainstream, their families, and even the land that supports them for cock-blocking Motuphi’s voice of reason that may’ve saved their lives…
In a world where Motuphi’s talent has been exposed to the world (first), untalented bugs like Kanye West, Jay-z, Li’l Wayne, Eminem, 50 cent, Dre, Snoop, Diddy, Rihanna, BeyoncĂ©, Nicky Minaj, Drake, Ghostface Killa, and the rest of them could never become famous (the bar would’ve remained too high, like at Tupac level, which got him killed by lesser little sub-species niggers so monsters with mics like Dre and Snoop and Diddy could be famous with the bar dropped)…
The only way they were able to perpetuate this was by cock-blocking REAL talent (like Motuphi) until they dumbed-down a whole generation and turned them into a bunch of dangerous “sleeper cells” that’re too retarded to appreciate good music or musical prowess (rejecting steak for cupcakes)….The fee/cost/punishment for that is they (and their collective bloodlines) must all endure the victimizations of their “sleeper cell” fans…Because it pissed Motuphi and Lucifer off so badly, they enacted standard loops as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Autumn Pasquale (who was gang-raped before her murder) and Al Potter for all offenders that’re found to have spirit memories that knew of Motuphi and wouldn’t empower him even though they had the power to do so…So, it’s highly unlikely that anyone from the American mainstream media (even behind the scenes people in power) will graduate from this spirit scan (they could’ve empowered Motuphi but wanted more to suffer like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Autumn Pasquale, and Al Potter; and so they must endure time loops as what they wanted for others, just as the rappers and “artists” they empowered to cock-block Motuphi from his rightful position ABOVE them and their petty little temporal funhouse ride thoughts and agendas must also endure…and their collective bloodlines, as well).
Right now, their gain is as stolen candy, taken from entities that God and Lucifer gave it to and fully intend to avenge with a conjoined end-time agenda…soon. They have an even more devastating back-up plan if that agenda continues to be hindered…None of us will live through that one, but at least they’ll be stopped from what they’re doing and unnecessary suffering will finally come to an end…The planet needs to be destroyed if this is how they want it, so the back-up plan is a good one. Those niggers in the mainstream will never give Motuphi back his stolen candy and they’re about to find-out, very soon, that he’s not the “baby” they mistook him for. Imagine Snoop and Dre having to eat their own mamas’ pussies and asses in the time loops of judgement for their stupid shit of squatting in the music industry where they had no business going due to the fact that it’s on more powerful entities’ “turf”…How would they react had it been done to them? Alright…Now imagine it a hundred thousand times more extreme and you see why it’s a sad thing to be related to any of the American mainstream squatters who’ll be time looped as entities Motuphi would’ve intervened for like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Autumn Pasquale, Tayshana Murphy, and Al Potter…Imagine them as Vick’s tortured dogs, too…The fate of all sports fans…
Maybe Earthlings shouldn’t have pissed Lucifer and Motuphi off by regarding as “talented” those who did NOT possess any talent and were surely not more talented than Motuphi (Lucifer’s and God’s conjoined end time agenda ambassador to Earth), because it set into motion horrendous events that now those ghetto-fabulous squatters can not fix…But they’re too goddamned ghetto to even try to offer tribute to see if they could sway the decision…They’re truly controlled by shitworms and don’t have a clue that the hammer is dropping down upon them, even now.
God and Lucifer may hafta get meaner on Motuphi's behalf and cause the nuclear plants in America to become a problem before Americans stop with their shit…But we have no doubt they can do it. Just like they stuffed all who worked for and empowered HAARP to do their evil (with controlling of the weather) into the bodies of all they afflicted with their storms, tsunamis and earthquakes; they’ll handle the American mainstream media squatters and the American government treasonous traitors and the gangstas and their subhuman sub-species spawn, too.
No one got away with a goddamned thing on this spirit scan. The frat boys were cast into time loops as the “sluts” they banged and then made walk the walk of shame (100,000 times per victim per offense EACH). The nonexistent fuckers who tortured that turkey to death at that frat party (and all who watched and didn’t intervene) get to be placed in that turkey to be tortured to death at the same going rate…They’re NOT graduating from this spirit scan. They’ll be eternally executed after serving their time in the loops of justice and then the evil shit they committed to spirit memories will finally be erased.
It’s a dangerous time to be involved in underhanded shit. Stolen candy can get your eternal spirit eaten like a piece of candy by bigger, meaner devils who’ve been angered by squatters already and will not show us any mercy once they commence to firing off at us from the spiritual realm.

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