Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cosby Protesters Beat & Rob Homeless Vet

Did anyone else see the post online about how those innocent looking little white devil protesters and hecklers outside of Bill Cosby’s show later beat and robbed a homeless war veteran for drug money?
What was especially interesting was the vet’s response after the mugging:
"I think I’d rather wait to report it a few years until they’ve got themselves a life going and then, when they think they walked away from it and got away with it, I’ll come out and identify them and try to destroy their lives with it…Hopefully, people will pay some mean little white devil dope-ho bitches to stand outside of their workplaces protesting and chanting and heckling in response to what they did to ME."
See how that post disappeared from the internet? Part of the Psy-Ops is to hide the truth about the element of people doing the witch hunting. We believe it happened. Only dope-slaves would resort to such behavior, standing outside of some old comedian’s venue protesting and chanting lies and accusations made by other dope-hoes for dope money (those dope-hoes are committing repeated slander against Dr Cosby! why ain’t they arrested?!).
Has anyone charged any of the OTHER men who passed through those same ahem “rape” ahem “victims” legs those same nights as Cosby allegedly did? Alrighty then…He did nothing wrong…Whitey can’t be scrutinized, then neither can the educated brother for the same offense on the same “victims” at the same time during the same incidents on the same nights in question….Remember the orgies those bitches were the center of in exchange for dope and parts and gigs…So Cosby attended a few of those orgies and now gets singled out as a “rapist”…Wake the fuck UP!

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