Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Interesting Updates To The Nonexistent Conspiracy

Okay. So more people picked up on what was meant by the “nonexistent” than we realized. For those who didn’t, it was referring to the fact that, once someone who was a contaminant here dies and their spirit is time looped as their victims, their “ripple effects” victims, and victims of their influence, then they (their spirits) are eternally executed to be as if they never existed, at all (via the time-space continuum), ergo: they do not exist, even now, which is why there’s less than a billion inhabitants on the New (real version of) Earth in the future, which is the past and even now…an equation no human scientist has cracked yet.
So, the post we’re updating is a bit jumbled and shoves so much information into so little words that it’s almost incomprehensible to the average human mind. We’d thought to simplify it and then thought better of that idea. Best to leave it as is and allow the Spirit to bring clarity to those who will become graduates of the spirit scan.
Some interesting updates would include:
It was about this time last year, early January 2014, that Motuphi (the musician not the inter-dimensional prophet spirit that communicates with him) was at his wife’s house during a visit from her family. It was noticed that he was wearing blue nail polish on his toe nails.
Not too long after that, another “bad” commercial ad came out depicting a white devil bullying a rhino who was wearing almost the same shade of toe nail polish. That was an auto parts commercial.
Another invention was stolen from Motuphi and advertised on TV.
A horrible comedy skit that’s got us singing “Mokeekee does the kill Keenan shuffle, dunt-dunt-dunt, dunt dunt dunt-dunt-dunt…the kill Keenan shuffle, dunt-dunt-dunt dunt dunt dunt-dunt-dunt” because it was supposed to be some ass-backwards jab at Motuphi’s lack of privacy, or a hint that whatever he sees they see, or he has spies in his inner circle, or some dumb nonexistent mentality shit.
SNL got “niggerized” for spite and became horribly unfunny and unwatchable as a result, reminding us that Mad TV was always the superior show that made fun of the demographic that deserved it.
The shitworm spirit controlled white devils in power (who own Obama like a slave-boy or ObamaCare would be gone by now) flexed their muscles about how they completely control the minds of all stupid Blacks in America with repeated false flags, like the Sterling incident that got it all started, that had them showing their asses as the most incredibly retarded people on the planet, who later resorted to protesting the police protection they’re provided over a few subhuman ghetto fucks who refused to comply with the law enforcement officers and therefore died as a result of their own choices and actions.
The (nonexistent) racist little nigger “Reverend” Al Sharpton (who God hates) was able to publicly run amok inciting riots and causing police officer deaths, all on the American taxpayer dime; all the while owing more taxes than any white man (or even Wesley Snipes) would get away with owing. It was another “flex” of those controlled by the shitworms to make slave-boy Obama openly interact with Sharpton and to pay him to race-bait the stupid of the Americans rather than doing the right thing and incarcerating him for tax evasion…This was further perpetuation of the double standard that makes the statement that American Blacks simply cannot be expected to abide by the same parameters as their white superiors (who must be supreme beings compared to the Blacks who’re above the law and cannot be punished), ergo: they are NOT “equal”, after all (the “flexes” keep exposing this fact and Obama cannot just say “no” when his white massas order him to further desecrate himself and his races).
The American news media stopped pretending to be journalists who report the news and resorted to openly being sensationalists and propagandists who cannot be trusted (and neither can their “information”).
Bill Cosby became a victim of the shitworm controlled when crack hoes were lured out from under dope-men to publicly falsely accuse him. This was due to Cosby being the only famous example of equality to the white man, as he still remains, due to it being such an obvious government funded Psy-Ops. The “news” media did as they were told and perpetuated the witch hunt on Cosby and they never grew consciences nor became journalists who went after the REAL story, like who was behind it; or they probably would’ve been able to follow the trail all the way up to Obama and Sharpton and some phantom “government” “agents” who made pay-offs and threats to acquire the cooperation of the nasty crack hoes.
This series of Psy-Ops and flexes of (fake temporal) “power” (over soon-to-be nonexistent zombie-slave-clone “sleeper cells” created by the government run mainstream media) caused a retaliation of bigger flexes by the Spirit of Elias (repped by the Motuphis) that sent a spirit of exposure upon the shitworm controlled to expose all of their dirty secrets, which have been spilling out into the open so badly that not even the propagandists and sensationalists disguised as “reporters” and “journalists” in America could ignore them…Even Bill Clinton’s pedophilic ties to other nonexistent pedophiles and his visits to baby-rape farms was exposed, bringing to light a whole bunch of nonexistent pedophiles who’ll be time looped as their victims (and so will their mamas for the offense of spawning them and raising them to be pedophiles, so they’ll get to be fucked by their own sons in the bodies of the kids and women they raped and then never exist to spawn them).
The government raped Motuphi of his future as a male by refusing to reinstate his driver’s license after not having one for 32 years, which caused some “rifts” with the Sun that fucked with the weather (remember that Motuphi’s emotions were connected to the Sun to combat the shitworm controlled, so his emotions control the weather that’s effected by the Sun). This rape of Motuphi’s male persona also caused a series of curses to be enacted that made all government and shitworm-controlled agendas cursed and dangerous to pursue…Even what were once simple space journeys got sabotaged from the spiritual realm over it and became dangerous, is just one example of how it went full-circle a few times, already (and it’s just getting started, too). The debt for terrorist attacks known as the Bush-era illegal tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile and ObamaCare started getting collected, early.; from the looks of it. Remember that they’re at a “per” rate of $900,000 per PENNY and, if they die in debt to God and the cosmos, then they’ll also endure time loops as slaves until their debts are paid, as well as the time loops they’re already committed to (before they’re eternally executed to never commit their offenses that got them punished and eternally executed).
More female pedophiles were indoctrinated into the American mainstream to sexualize little children with their molested mentalities; causing compounded combination curse retaliation.
Miley Cyrus further desecrated her own image and molested the minds of her fans even further, serving only to alienate her intelligent fans who refuse to become zombie-slave-clones and “sleeper cells” and to further solidify her own undesirability and nonexistence.
Lady Gaga leagued with known pedophile, kiddie porn ring operator (and hate crime against little white girls offender), R Kelly, for a song to program little girls to jump on Black dick, any Black dick, the more pedophilic and rapist, the better. The bitch lost all sense of objectivity, performing soft-core porn with Kelly on national TV for all of the world’s little kids to see. So her fans got sent the opposite message that she should have used her power of influence for (like: you don’t reward bad dogs for bad behavior, for example). This exposed her true nonexistence.
More Psy-Ops against marijuana were perpetuated, causing compounded combination curse retaliation.
Nicki Minaj went on SNL recently and stunk the stage up so badly (with her complete lack of any discernible talent or rap skills) that it simply HAD to be some sort of “flex” by the shitworm controlled…That nonexistent retard is as clueless as Beyonce about her lack of any reason to be behind a microphone…It has less to do with their lack of talent and more to do with their complete self-absorption, vacuousness, and lack of shame; making their songs mind-molesting “poison” to those who listen to them.
Pedophilic lesbian talk show hosts brought Minaj on their daytime shows to show her grinding her big fake ass on people, further sexualizing the children of their fans.
Nonexistent pedophilic “reality” show “stars” gave new meaning to the term “show your ass”, as they posted disgusting photos of their asses for the children of the world to see. Them being famous already makes it a worse offense because it’s a given that kids will be exposed to it at some point.
Trump bought his retarded ugly ass back onto TV, but still not to do anything superior to the nonexistent, proving that he still does not exist due to his future time loopage as all who unnecessarily suffered that he distracted from (same goes for his “celebrity apprentices”, except for Keshia Knight Pulliam, of course, who was fired for being superior to Trump and his newly-bought celebrity zombie-slave-clones). Looks like that monster premonition of existence outsmarted himself. It’s too funny, how he never developed any shame or intelligence or comprehension of true reality. He’s so cocky in his nonexistence, too, like a ghetto thug who we’d expect not to know any better due to inferior raising, education, and opportunities.

Oprah funded a propaganda film full of fantasies and deception to further mind-molest and desecrate the Black race, much like “Roots” was and did. Nothing factual made it into the movie. Everything was a flat-out lie, from beginning to end. Yet it will do what it was designed to do and rile up the retarded of the Black race who do not understand that that’s what movies like this are intended to do. They didn’t realize that “Roots” was full of dramatized deception, like how the slaves talked with bad dialect (like “massa” instead of “master”, for example). The slaves were taught to speak proper English and were not allowed to talk “redneck”, like the poor white devil dregs did (the rednecks), until they were freed and started hanging out with those rednecks…Ahhh, suddenly Cosby’s rebuke about the Blacks adopting the “redneck” culture makes a lot of sense. Oprah served her white devil massas well with her magazine article based cartoonish take on the Psy-Ops that was called the “civil rights movement” which was nothing more than a gangsta-and-welfare-case-enabler movement designed to desecrate and disenfranchise the hard-working Blacks who were already equal to their white peers…Cosby went to elite white schools BEFORE the (ahem) “civil rights movement” stole away such opportunities from Blacks (fact, not American mainstream media created fiction). When Martin Luther King Jr threatened to stop “leading” his “movement” (of Black desecration for the white devils) and “change” his “direction”, he was immediately killed, just like JFK.
There was a lot of interesting stuff going on behind the scenes that will soon be exposed and brought to the light, like the treason and terrorism committed by the treasonous traitors and terrorists disguised as “American government”, which will negatively effect the end time Elect and therefore will be thwarted and exposed, along with the participants.
The nonexistent freaks behind the NWO agenda continue to build the one world government that Satan and Motuphi will take away from them when they take over the world to final phase the shutdown of this spirit scan. They defied their own existences and walked out their prophesied roles that got them time looped and eternally executed when they die here.
The original post is below:
More evidence of the never-ending non-existent conspiracy against Motuphi and the conjoined end time agendas he represents on behalf of God (Allah/Jehovah), Christ (His Son), and Lucifer (who’s to portray Christ during the Tribulation) has to be in how the American mainstream media persists in perpetuating the fraud that they’re repping talented music artists while acting as if Motuphi and his superior muse don’t even exist (which is an ironic seed for them to sow, being as they’re non-existent and due to be eternally executed when they die because of it). They even have ads disguised as news stories that proclaim Eminem must have “supernatural” connections to God because of his “skills”…Puh-leeez: That white devil chemical toilet can’t make up his mind what master he serves: One minute it’s Lucifer, who “possessed” him and made him be addicted to cocaine (to paraphrase a song lyric someone sent us). The next minute, he’s associating himself to “God”…What a flip-floppy fruit loop. It’s like: Choose a master already and stick with it (dayamn!).
The American media keeps rubbing the masses’ faces in fake hyperbole about untalented squatters who’ve worn-out their welcome in the entertainment industry long, long ago…
Understand how few REAL rappers there were on Earth:
There were the originators from the GrandMaster Flash crew
(remember that “the Message” set the standard that Rap was a genre for the oppressed, downtrodden and frustrated, much like Blues; not for the arrogant gangsta oppressors who refused to get educations and real jobs and disenfranchised all they encountered for personal ill-gotten gain or sport)
Then there was Vanilla Ice,
who out-rapped everyone in his era and was a far better showman than the gangsta rappers who followed him and desecrated the genre with gangsta-ism, materialism, arrogance, boastfulness, nigger-ism, and lesser-ism, and later got his profits stolen by a thug who got his-own-self and his entire bloodline cursed, time looped as his victims and eternally executed to make him never exist so that Vanilla Ice, the superior to them rapper, can enjoy the fruits of his labor on Motuphi’s turf (Earth/his spirit scan) without being mugged or thugged-out (so the thug got hung out of windows when he got placed in Vanilla’s body in the time loops of judgement,100,000 times, and so did his nasty, monster-spawning mama).
Notice how none of Vanilla Ice’s fans became dangerous “sleeper cells”, like today’s rappers’ fans are. That’s evidence of his supremacy over all of the negative, arrogant, little materialistic subhuman rappers whose fans will vandalize your life or mug, torture, rape and kill you for money and/or “sport”…
"You’ll know them by their fruit" and Vanilla Ice’s fans were good fruit (evidence of his supremacy over all "sleeper cell" creators disguised as rappers, stinking up the genre and airwaves with their little uneducated, ghetto-fabulous thoughts) and the white devils who owned America couldn’t have that (rappers having cool, productive fans), so along came a greedy, gluttonous, self-entitled, subhuman, sub-species zombie-slave-clone with a Black face to steal Vanilla’s money and take the wind out of his sails, doing the will of the Caucasianistic white devil, like an obedient little zombie-slave-clone (go get that money that ain’t yours’ like your inferior, sub-species, dope-man dick-chugging, ghetto-fabulous, thug-spawning nigger mama taught you to do and then expect not to be regarded as the nigger that you truly are, afterward).
Vanilla Ice is the rapper who got Rap “accepted” as a credible mainstream genre. Then they rewarded him for it by allowing a nasty, self-entitled, subhuman, sub-species nonexistent nigger to steal his profits (which even cursed the government for not intervening).
Vanilla Ice left a superior legacy to even that of Tupac, due to how superior his fans acted under his influence (they were working class taxpayers, not lazy, welfare receiving gang-bangers spawned by poverty stricken, ghetto-fabulous “bitches” and “hoes” who refused to get educations and jobs). The eternally executed (and therefore non-existent) thug bitch gangsta who took Vanilla Ice’s money solidified Vanilla’s supremacy over him and all who’re like him and that mugging was a horrible legacy to leave on the record. Had he not been such a horrifyingly stupid, subhuman nigger, he would’ve given Vanilla Ice back his money plus interest and reparations to avoid the consequences he and his bloodline now must face (here and beyond Earth). Plus it caused more curses to flow freely upon all American Blacks (ergo: Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care to reciprocate their muggings and rapes as more Black on Black and white crime disguised as “law”).
Then there was Young MC,
a supreme rapper whose fans would stop and help you on the side of the road, not victimize you in your moment of vulnerability or rape, torture or kill you.
Then there was Tupac,
but only his slave made music (for the gangsta owned American mainstream) made it big…his good stuff from before the “rape” (false flag event) that got him sold to Death Row Records as a turncoat against his own people didn’t make it as big because it wasn’t as negative, ghetto, or self-centered; and the world is full of ghetto-fabulous, negative, self-absorbed little bugs (as another white rapper would later prove to be undeniable fact).
Then there was Motuphi,
known by a barrage of pseudonyms due to numerous assaults, attacks, attempts on his life and “hits” out on him; so right when he was blowing up he was driven back into the underground just to stay alive…betcha’ the subhuman thug niggers who threatened to shoot him off the stage if he did that Tupac song at that club all those years ago are long dead and committed to time loops of judgement by now, due to be eternally executed and therefore never even existed at all.
Motuphi did a bunch of PSAs against drug abuse back then that got him put on a secret “list” to keep down…One of those songs was an unfinished cut called “Got Lost” that warned of the dangers of crack cocaine. The American mainstream was then flooded with untalented posers disguised as rappers and music artists after that as an attack on Motuphi (which explains all of their gangsta rappers and their current mainstream top “artists”). It was like they were saying they’d do anything to spite Motuphi for defying them by speaking out against dope addiction and trading airplay to female artists in exchange for sex (which is a Federal offense they avoid prosecution for due to the inferior race coddling effect that keeps subhuman niggers out of prisons in America and free to hunt “crackers” for “sport”). They’d even give fame and fortune to the grossly untalented (like the current American mainstream music celebs), like the reality show stars, the Snookies, the Hiltons, the Kardashians…scum disguised as humans like that who refuse to get educations and work with their hands as the Higher Powers dictated that all humans must do to prove their own worth, productivity, and to survive (“if they won’t work, don’t feed them” said God). This is what was the major contributor to the downfall of mankind and why the world (especially America) is so dangerous now (the nonexistent conspiracy against Motuphi, Lucifer, God, Christ, and their conjoined end time agendas).
Then there was Rex Razor,
who never got to see the “land-of-the-free” America that existed before Obama’s (owned by white subhuman niggers) ass fucked it all up to get him some temporary fun-house ride tokens and transformed the nation into a gestapo state for some eternally executed (and therefore non-existent) white devils. Obama accomplished this via years of mass hypnotism to reverse discrimination and coddling of the subhuman, sub-species race (that the gangstas disguised as rappers, music moguls and businessmen transformed American Blacks into), because the nation never would’ve stood back and allowed a white man to enslave, rape and pillage them like Obama did.
So, while the American mainstream media continues to perpetuate the ultimate frauds, they’re depriving their listeners of the superior muse of Motuphi in all of his glory, in all of his various forms. Further proving of the conspiracy is that nothing played on American mainstream media radio appeals to anyone with anything about themselves, while they (the conspirators) continue to act like Motuphi’s supreme music isn’t even there. We don’t listen to their mainstream, not when there’s stuff Motuphi participated in to listen to, like the Bela Culo Pseudo Punk EP (all of it’s just too goddamned good to waste a minute on an American mainstream music act), or his Rap/Hip-Hop stuff all over the web under various pseudonyms, or how about those ELMC cuts, huh? Don’t they just carry you to another world when you listen to ‘em? Yeah, that’s the stuff music is made-of, right there, Baby. Once you’ve tasted that good wine, the American mainstream gaff makes ya’ wanna spew…This is how we know that the “nonexistent” conspiracy is real…being perpetuated by the nonexistent, because they were eternally executed for just this thing they’re doing right now and therefore do not even exist right now to perpetuate it…You’ll see, soon enough. Or maybe you won’t, because they’ll be wiped clean of all memories when they’re eternally executed, even yours’.
Now, with all this meanness being directed at Motuphi (for doing nothing more than fulfilling his calling and being a better rapper, singer and musician than them), is it any wonder he’s becoming the mean alien/angelic being who’s now cursing everything and everyone on Earth that dares defy his logic and agendas? He does have a point about the ghosts, though: How the spirits of dead celebs and rich, greedy, gluttonous passive terrorists on the Forbes’ passive terrorist/Fortune 500 list expect to be able to “channel” thru ’ Motuphi after they die, after they ignored him all the time they were alive on Earth, and how he has to tell them to fuck off for not sowing a good seed with him before they died. Had they been a little smarter while they were alive and interacted with or empowered Motuphi with their power and resources, then perhaps Motuphi would’ve shared his power with them after they died and allowed their wives to sleep with him so they could surrogate Motuphi in his sleep to fuck their wives one last time (Motuphi gets “possessed” and “sleep fucks” when someone is sleeping with him, a legend that’s not just myth). But how unrealistic is it to expect Motuphi to approach complete strangers on their behalf? They’re kinda’ childish in that respect: If you had nothing to do with Motuphi while you were alive, then how would he convey a message to any of your loved ones if you manage to communicate with him after you die? He’d look like a lunatic for trying to suggest it or for trying to make contact (we understand what spoiled humans cannot).
The latest anyone’s heard about Motuphi was from someone who claimed to see him at his wife’s house during a visit. Motuphi supposedly appeared to be pregnant, which refueled rumors of him being a hermaphrodite and that he was crossing dimensions to fuck Lucifer in the holding cell he’s been incarcerated in for the past 2,000 years (in God’s realm).
The preceding legend to feed this was: Motuphi allegedly rebelled against what he eventually came to accept as his “calling”, which was being a Dark Priestess, a concubine/incestuous wife to Lucifer and cross-dimensional entities who’re leagued with him; and ambassador of God’s, Christ’s and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas. It’s rumored that, once Motuphi conceded to giving himself over to the sexual sacrificial communions and rituals, something he resorted to after having his life and music taken away from him and being locked away in a dungeon up north somewhere, he came into supernatural spiritual power that he was unaware of and that devils (and angels) used that power to avenge Lucifer of what those in the American mainstream did to music, which is HIS craft. Lucifer wasn’t appreciative of how the American mainstream desecrated music for profit and so he caused Motuphi’s rants to become prophetic utterance. So every time Motuphi went into a ventilation scream against them (to restrain himself from hitting the coasts with weaponry to avenge Lucifer and music), devils and angels were there to work in collusion, collecting those words from his rants and using them as the arrows they attached fiery curses to…So even when Motuphi “rescinded” the curses, he had no authority to stop them because the seed was sown (BY the cursed) for them to be cursed and not blessed because of what they did to music and Motuphi (and, consequently, the entire world). They never sowed opposing seeds regarding Motuphi, and Lucifer used it to punish them to the fullest extent of the law.
So, the rumor of Motuphi’s “pregnancy” refueled that legend and started 2 others:
One was that Motuphi finally channeled Lucifer into our realm via the sexual communion, him being a “portal” that’s “opened” with sexual intercourse, and that Lucifer is secretly abiding on Earth now (which wouldn’t happen, because Lucifer’s coming back to impersonate Jesus Christ).
The second was that some Anunnaki (from Planet X Nibiru) visited Motuphi and he entertained all of them sexually and got pregnant from it.
The truth is probably something closer to he had an unhealthy weight gain that made him appear pregnant. Everyone knows he has health issues and has outlived doctor predictions of doom by more than a decade. But it could be possible that Motuphi is really a hermaphrodite and that he did finally fuck Satan and spawned his offspring, just to clarify that we’re not debunking anything here. The Anunnaki angle we find a little bit harder to believe. But that, too, is a possibility if that Planet x legend is true.
We do know that women were attracted to Motuphi for the “supernatural” sex. We don’t know if he’s dual-gendered and probably wouldn’t if he can really shape-shift and travel from one dimension to another for sex with Lucifer and his fallen angels.
The “nonexistent” conspiracy is real, tho’. All you have to do to prove it to yourself is try to listen to that brain-assault they call music in America and then listen to Motuphi’s music that the Americans wanna pretend doesn’t even exist. You’ll find that you can’t even sit thru’ any of that American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating programming noise, but you’ll enjoy just about every song Motuphi uploaded to share with us…Then, you too will see the conspiracy as plain as day and you’ll understand why it may take the destruction of the planet to yank that rug out from under them…They’ve mass hypnotized too many to accept their “sleeper cell” food as music and to reject everything musical that’s actually good and enjoyable. The “infection” is spreading the longer it’s allowed to perpetuate…To save some souls now may require killing their flesh (anyone remember THAT prophecy? picture it on a massive scale).

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