Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Assault On Poor Blacks’ Minds From 2 Stations

See how they stacked the deck against poor Black people?
On 2 regular TV stations, poor Blacks were bombarded from 2 different stations with the dumb-down…On one station there was Black-ish and on the other was Empire…
That’s so sad…isn’t it? Blacks who’re into those shows would be too retarded to “see” it, though; so there’s literally no hope for them…Their own kind betrays them for fame and fortune…So stereotypical.
Notice that they don’t influence their peoples to sow any good seed on their lives by helping the homeless animals or people? They’re not allowed to be positive people or do positive shit. They gotsta be high maintenance, weak-minded and overly vocal with their regurgitated stupidity if they’re Black now (just look at Beyonce). That’s by design. It’s not on whitey’s list of character traits to be prevalent in Blacks that they control (they can’t be beautiful inside, nor positive, nor strong-minded, nor beneficial to others)…
All Blacks who’re into American mainstream sports (figures) and celebs are controlled by whitey…They can’t see it…They love their race-traitor “heroes” and “role models” too much to see what’s obvious…They can’t see that a Black thug is actually a disgrace to the Black race…Low IQs like others with low IQs and that explains why those who’re famous in America are famous now. Low IQ audience doesn’t demand talent or that their celebs have anything about themselves…So then thugs can be famous as poser wannabe rappers not even fit to shine Ciofani’s shoes. Retards who can’t sing or play musical instruments (nor rap), like Ice Cube, can exhibit the most extreme example of Black weakness to date and desecrate the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame…Now, Ice Cube is “Stinky Turd”, we changed his name to something more appropriate and fitting of him, because that’s what he is: the stinky turd stinking up the room at the Rock Hall of Fame now…
“one of these things is NOT like the others…one of these things just isn’t the same…one of these things is NOT like the others…one of these things just doesn’t belong” 
Remember that preschool song that goes over the head of Ice Cube and anyone Black who’s feeble-minded enough to want someone Black of Ice Cube’s level of (NO) talent being in the Rock Hall of Fame with other Blacks who had talent and DO belong there…It makes Blacks look bad, like we’re retards who just gotta shit all over everything with our new Black weakness and failure to rise up to our white peers…It’s disgustingly embarrassing and makes us pray for nuclear attacks on NY and LA and any other city where they tolerate thugs and gangstas and dope dealers…If those Blacks could be wiped out, them and the self-entitled welfare demographic who refuse to be productive like us, we’d be equal to whitey again, like we was before the gangsta and welfare case enabler movement they erroneously dubbed the “civil rights” movement that gave Martin Luther King Jr’s gangsta and thug (Black) minions the license to kill-off the educated hard-working Blacks in their ‘hoods for refusing to drop down to their level…They killed-off as many Blacks who were equal to whitey as they could, more than whitey did in all of his years oppressing us, combined…How can you be Black and hard-working and know these facts about American nigger thugs and self-entitled welfare recipients and not HATE them? They fuckin’ TARGETED our demographic for not quitting their jobs and going on welfare and joining them in the million gangsta and welfare recipient (LESS than a man) march…
History has been twisted to make the worthless niggers more valuable to retarded Blacks than those of them who’re educated and hardworking…Ain’t that SICK? They’ve made a human-shaped PLAGUE out of so many Blacks in America that it’s become dangerous to go there for anyone, Black or white, if you’re not carrying a big gun (the Black thugs ALL have guns and their white devil Black-faced president is too weak-minded to arm the taxpaying demographic against them). If America had good government, all taxpayers with clean records would be given guns from the government to protect themselves from the thugs with, since the government let it go this far (with the whack influence that their weak-minded Blacks in the FCC failed to thwart). 
Their rappers are in perpetual FCC noncompliance and they allow a show like Empire to be broadcast over Cosby? Empire and Black-ish and the Carmichaels should be boycotted for the damage they can do to the minds of any Blacks who watch them…Instead, they took off Cosby…Wow…Must gotta be retarded for that to fly in your head…Or so racist against your own color that you can’t stand the thought of anything resembling positivity and education entering a Black mind.
No Black who matters watches Empire or Black-ish…only the insignificant retards they pander to. 
The zombie apocalypse…

Monday, April 25, 2016

Beyonce: Queen Of Negativity: Tool Of The White Devil

Beyonce is nothing more than a tool for the white devil to make her zombie-slave-clone fans triggerable to become active sleeper cells on demand…She’s a race-plague-er, she makes a plague of her fans.
Okay. Understand that Beyonce is not a desirable companion. She’s high maintenance and self-absorbed to a fault. How could any man be with her for more than a year without murdering her ass? Oh, yeah, fuck around on her self-worshiping ass.
Yeah, “Queen” Bey-Bey…What a joke. She’s the queen of negativity and one should RUN from any woman who has enough in common with her whack mentality to be a fan of her (ahem) “music” (quotes because it’s what it’s called by others, not by us). That simple-simon (obedient to the white-devil) cunt can only tap into the negative because it’s all she is inside…Nothing positive ever comes from that ugly assed bitch. Her psyche is so ugly, it’s like it was hit by a fuckin’ truck.
That’s okay. Beyonce is just another music desecrating nonexistent phantom, like her husband and her fans. When Beyonce dies, she (like her parents and the perps triggered by her influence and THEIR parents) will be time looped as all victims of her influence and omissions…She’ll be time looped (her spirit will be placed inside the body of a victim while being victimized) as every victim of her whack-assed ghetto-fabulous influence…which includes the animals that were abused in ghettos and neglected by her self-absorbed fans who were never influenced by Beyonce to CARE for the creations of God more than the bullshit that man creates (another example of someone famous failing to be equal to Motuphi or Ciofani or Palace or Rex Razor, pimping those whack self-serving white devil values like all famous bought nigger phantoms in this simulation do)…and THEN (this is sweet), Beyonce will be time looped as SLAVES to repay this mechanism every penny of her ill-gotten gain (not being equal to those she cock-blocks makes her money ill-gotten if she got it in entertainment). She’ll pick a lot of cotton and get raped by crackers and then build iGadgets (phones and pads) and make a whole lotta Rock-a-Wear….and THENNNNNNNN (here’s the best part) Beyonce’s spirit will be eternally executed (known as the “2nd death” by some) so that she never graduates to the real world (known as “Heaven” or “Paradise” by some) and the restore point of this simulation mechanism will not include her (nor her parents for the offense of spawning her and raising her to be a stinky turd who just HAD to get famous so she joined the demographic of the cursed and cut in line in front of others who were far more talented and had POSITIVITY to offer instead of Beyonce’s negative mind-puke).
Yeah, Beyonce does not exist, THANK you Jesus! God, can you imagine a bitch like that REALLY existing or all the monster cunts who relate to her enough to like her “music”? Shit, it would be HELL! Beyonce will die and pay for what she will then be phantomized to not be allowed to perpetuate (that means “do” to Beyonce and all of you retarded Beyonce fans out there who wouldn’t be smart enough to understand proper English). Remember that Beyonce is beneath (as in NOT equal to) all of us who are smart enough to remain on the proper side of the barriers at the Museum…Ghetto bitch never got taught how to act in public…
Yeah, Beyonce was a plague, before…But now that she’s (ahem) “Black”, she acts like a really fucked-up niggererer, doesn’t she? She wants everybody to be negative and self-absorbed like she is. She wants Blacks to be weak and to put down their tools of their trades to raise their empty fists in a public show of Black racial WEAKness like them Black-faced Caucasianists who blindly followed King Jr did, declaring that ALL Blacks are weak and refuse to be educated and employed and productive with their actions…Meanwhile, real Black MEN stayed at work and remained equal to the white man…until some self-entitled nigger phantoms killed them in their own houses…Yeah, King Jr gotsta be time looped as every Black MAN he had lynched by gangsta (welfare spawned for dollars) non-working niggers. This generation ain’t gonna be told no truth, so they think bought niggers was “leaders”…They led your Black asses right to early deaths and prisons, didn’t they? Stupid, white devil mouth-piece promoters and adorers…Sports figures, rappers and famous high maintenance nigger whores like Beyonce are all OWNED by white devils (they wanna live like white devils do, own what white devils own, fuck what white devils fuck, etc, and influence their fans to that whack mentality because they’s white devils inside)…
Yep. Beyonce insults Black women…Because we Black we gotsta be NEGATIVE and all about ourSELVES, like YOU, Girl? But what if we had superior parents than you did who raised us better? We supposed to drop down and be like YOU just because your parents dropped the ball and made your retarded ass famous, like airing peed in bed sheets, instead of having the sense to keep you locked away and hidden from the world? LOOK at how badly you and your kind damaged the psyche of your zombified fucked-up fans…You destroyed the world, bitch. That’s what happens when a fucked-up mind-molested freak like you gets empowered to have influence, nasty cunt…Yeah, you “run the world” alright…right into the fuckin’ ground.
If someone judges me to be nasty like Beyonce just because I look like her, I should be able to sue Beyonce for damages…But that stupid fuckin’ cunt would be too vapid to understand that…
Attention, World,
Not ALL Black women are high maintenance self-serving retards like Beyonce and her retard fans. Some of us are very dignified and beautiful inside. We don’t need to be objectified by someone who thinks we’re automatically all about ourselves just because that’s the example that famous Black women are setting because it’s what their white devil massas expect of them (make plagues of your fans, Girls, nasty little plagues disguised as humans, just like you). I’m NOT like Beyonce, okay! I have waaaaaaayyyy more about myself than she does…She needs to be famous even though she’s not really talented and has nothing positive to contribute to the world…She’s a stench…The worst case scenario of what a woman can be…like Madonna…or Oprah…or so many other famous female “music” “artists” (or the Kardashians)…bottomless pit action…can’t see it, too retarded to.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Celebrity Die-Offs Increasing

The affluenza kid and the rappers like Ice Cube’s dumb ass have a lot in common: They don’t know right from wrong due to inferior upbringing. Ice Cube’s too stupid to be embarrassed that he got in the rock hall of fame due to the racial inferiority of niggers crying about not being given retard awards just for being Black and having done a project (because he can’t play any instruments and can’t sing and therefore does NOT qualify as a candidate for the rock and roll hall of fame, as it used to be, pre-niggerfication). Those retard award desiring niggers were hired and/or controlled by whitey to distract the people from Ben Carson until he was no longer in the running. Niggers showed how niggery they can really be: Too niggery to resist the obvious triggers so they can stay focused and have a Black MAN become president for the very first time (Obama’s not Black and he’s not a real man, he’s a bitch slave that does white devils’ bidding and therefore does not qualify as a Black “MAN” example of what a president would be).
The humans allowed the curses in response to the obscuring of God’s real musicians, like Motuphi and Ciofani (for example), to attach to all who’re famous and their health and bloodlines and fans and their products, agendas and those who empowered them…Some know them as “the music curses” that got attached to famous subhumans (which is all famous people now) for the offense of mastering and mixing nigger mind-puke and child-sexualizing music to sound better than Motuphi’s and Ciofani’s music…God, Christ, Lucifer AND the aliens got angry about them regarding the products of the untalented as more worthy of proper production than the art of Motuphi and Ciofani.
When you humans make the songs of nonexistent nigger phantoms like NWA or Jay-Z or Kanye or Beyonce or Rihanna or any other famous music desecrator (of any race) sound better than the good spiritual music that God, Christ and Lucifer sent thru’ Motuphi and Ciofani, then you cross the lines that give the negative energy the authority to attach to you…There’s a force of spirits that cannot be defeated that are determined to make you humans pay for those offenses by taking the sadness Ciofani feels over this atrocity and magnetizing it and releasing it on those whose music was mastered to sound better than his and upon their fans for buying into it…
Unfortunate that Prince couldn’t know what was going on so he could try to save his life by doing what those in the mainstream have become too inferior to do. But Prince is just the beginning: Every musician who has music on the radio whose music was mixed and mastered to sound better than Motuphi’s and Ciofani’s music is now stricken with those curse batches. Because it’s an offense to regard trash more highly than art like that. If a rapper’s mind-puke has great sound, then Ciofani’s ART better sound comparable, or everyone complicit in it gets hit from the spiritual realm for treating what God and Lucifer sent as pearls before swine…You rend God’s music while in His turf, He tags you for extermination, it’s just that simple (cause and effect).
As sad as Ciofani is about his music not being appreciated enough by this batch of low caliber humans to get it properly mixed and mastered is the minimum level of sadness that all humans must now endure until such time as these wrongs have been righted…If you think more of what’s lesser than Ciofani’s neglected (and sabotaged) art, then you need to die and so do your fans, oh famous untalented squatters in the mainstream and their zombified fans. Soon, they’ll be “keeping up with” how they died.
“If Ciofani’s music can’t be properly mastered and appreciated by the humans, then there will be no music on Earth and no humans who were fans of others while he was being sabotaged.”
The subhumans force-marketed dope on you idiots when they illegally defied the Constitution (and showed they were terrorists) by making Marijuana illegal. Now, they force-market the dumb-down via untalented players while they make real good music “illegal” like they did Marijuana a century ago. Those who don’t resist are regarded as complicit.
So, you humans will let all of your famous celebs die before you’ll stop trampling the pearls Motuphi and Ciofani been casting before you? Then, so be it…When there’s no other musicians and music desecrating (ahem) “artists” left to compete with Ciofani, THEN you’re gonna properly mix and master his music, which is all he ever wanted…Until God and Lucifer can answer that one simple prayer for Ciofani, anyone famous who got mixed and mastered better than him is on the hit-list of the gods of this world…Be careful what you wish for, little humans, because you just might get it and it might come at a cost that you were not prepared to pay for it…You wanted lesser talent famous? Okay, so be it…Now authority has been loosed to enact consequences for that shit. Celebrity die-offs all around are in order…It’s what they deserve for depriving the world of what they could never be equal to (did any of them influence you to rescue animals or homeless people or war against the mainstream pedophilia agenda? That’s why they’re not equal to Ciofani, who DOES influence humans to that proper mentality).
So the music desecrators got hits put out (from the spirit realm) on everyone famous until Ciofani’s entire life-long collection has been mastered to sound better than what they’ve been producing to break his heart…Being as Ciofani lost all of his masters, they best get to steppin’ if they wanna live because NOW they gotta backtrack and recut all of his music, which can’t be done in 15 minutes like a phantom’s rap songs are done…See how it can get fucked-up when you let the wrong motherfuckers run things for too long? Now, “Death” is in the aire`, stalking all who’re famous, especially those who cut in line in front of Ciofani and Motuphi to get their music mastered better than his…
What’s sad is that Prince didn’t qualify as one of those offenders (he was jamming while Ciofani was still a kid and he had real music). But it just goes to show how indiscriminate the death spirits are who now stalk the celebs: Prince’s music got to be mixed and mastered and appreciated for decades while Ciofani was being sabotaged with homelessness, poverty and life-molestation perpetuated by white devils. Blacks offered to restore him back to street-level power, but none offered him what he wanted: which was his music to sound comparable to what’s on the radio…
When Ciofani followed Motuphi’s lead and gave-up on music, it enraged all molecules in the cosmos (this simulation mechanism we’re all currently in) against those who’re famous, as per the parameters of the curse batches that were placed there as a preemptive strike just in case they carried it out this far…Now, being famous has become deadly…You can die of ANYthing if you’re famous now…Gonna stay that way until Ciofani or Motuphi get their prayers answered…If they’d rather die, then so be it…Planet X is on a collision course and it sped up when Ciofani put down his guitar…This generation got robbed of the most powerful music ever to come from a Detroit musician and now it’s facing the consequences for it.
If Ciofani must be as though he is dead while still being alive, then those who’re given the benefits deprived him must die, for real…God’s laws…Nobody can save them, not without doing what’s right by Ciofani, first…
We love seeing this celebrity die-off, finally. They were warned, for years, that it was coming. They laughed, like the drowning victims of the flood laughed at Noah when he was building that live-preserving ark. Now, they’re marked for death and their arrogance finally gets rewarded with imminent mortality…cocky retards with no raising…
Prince’s money and fame could not save him. But doing the right thing by Ciofani (that all famous celebs refuse to do) just mighta’. What would it have taken for Prince to mix and master Ciofani’s music for him, or to call in a favor to have someone else to do it? Nothing. He would’ve lost NOTHING! But, like the rest of your celebs, Prince thought too highly of himself and couldn’t be bothered with Ciofani or Motuphi…Now, being famous and knowing about Motuphi and Ciofani and not addressing their plights has become a death sentence. They won’t influence you to rescue the animals or stop the child-rape, but they won’t empower Motuphi nor Ciofani to do so in their steads, either (like white devils control their every move). There’s consequences for that shit and they’re overdue to pay those consequences…
So, death stalks the famous until Ciofani’s music is properly mastered. Notice that there was no requirement of fame or a record deal for Ciofani? That’s what we mean. They wanna get away with depriving the guy of sounding good for NO reason! He didn’t even want their level of fame (he saw it as “desecrated” already). They’re just mean-spirited devils who like seeing people suffer is all that is. But, here’s the other side: Death is coming for the rest of us as part of that consequence for being fans of mean-spirited assholes who’d cock-block someone for being more talented than them while distracting from the suffering entities that their victim would rescue (it’s double whammy offenses bringing about double whammy consequences).
The herd is being culled of the perps…Famous go first this time…Let’s watch the perps die off and then what they wanted to thwart will still happen, anyway: Ciofani’s music WILL be appreciated and properly mixed and mastered, by any means necessary (nigga)! If they die, we know they were too tiny to do right by Motuphi nor Ciofani and therefore they deserved to die.

Monday, April 11, 2016

“Your Pussy Barely Tight” ‘Cuz My Dick’s So Tiny

Melissa McCarthy did it to herself: She had a good movie goin’ and then the kids heard something we could not make them UNhear:
“Your pussy barely tight” was the lyric of the song in the soundtrack…God! How could anyone DO that?!? Ruined a perfectly good movie with kindergarten-level teasing about orifices? Wow. What a cum-drunk white bitch who probably never saw a Black cock she wouldn’t chug on. Never gonna have any kids or grandkids, is ya’, Melissa? Dumb cunt! Can’t trust YOU to maintain quality or any standard…Totally ruined Spy with a song that kills Rap/Hip-Hop (female artists should be all OVER that shit with songs about that nigger’s tiny cock!).
Well, to the dumbed-down retarded nigger who wrote and sang that shit, her pussy would be loose to a tiny-dicked over-grown child like you who desecrates a genre of music with such decrepit, childish mind-puke…Your MAMA’s pussy’s barely tight to you, too, Bitch!
“Your pussy barely tight”…um, yeah. Someone tell us that that’s “equal” to what CIOFANI does and we’ll smash your face in with a brick from the ghettos where he grew up (yeah, bricks from his old ‘hood is valuable to us ‘cuz chances are HE painted those bricks before those who could not be his equal spray-painted them with graffiti).
Any woman giving pussy to a child (little boy) who sings about pussy looseness needs her vagina sewn shut, yo, for real…Same goes for any white devil cunt who’s cum-drunk enough on ghetto jizz to destroy what could’ve been a cult classic movie with songs that are offensive to any woman with an IQ over 60 points. That movie took us back to before the equal rights for women movement…Real men don’t kiss and tell, yo…They surely don’t talk about how loose or tight a woman’s pussy is…You can’t allow your kids to be exposed to that demographic or you run the risk that your kids will become just as shameless with no scruples or sophistication or modesty.
Can’t watch a Melissa McCarthy movie with the kids or the parents or the grandparents or with anyone with a high IQ…She mighta’ slurped on some nigger cock during production and got too cum-drunk to maintain a healthy standard. Then, you have that awkwardness for stinking up the room with that shit as people scurry to stop it and not feel awkward while they fumble for another movie to plug-in…Talk about ruining more than a movie. The dumb cunt ruined a whole family gathering…Nobody, not even the stupid people in the room, wanted to hear that shit…nobody…
If I caught one of my kids listening to that shit, I’d beat that kid until it had to make a choice: turn mama in for cruelty and go to foster care where others who were programmed by those mainstream thugs/bugs can molest you, or take your lumps for dropping beneath what those in THIS bloodline drop down to and get your ass beat for allowing that mind-molesting mind-puke into your head and then daring to come around me…If you got somethin’ in common with tiny-dicked boy who talks about loose pussies, then I gotsta BEAT that shit right outta you, Boy! Melissa McCarthy may roll like that, but she’s white and white hoes are expected to drop down and suck every Black dick they see or be regarded as racist. We BLACK, and we don’t pander to lesser niggers who desecrate fame and sports and Rap and Hip-Hop with their 3rd grade level BULLshit! MY kids is gonna be STRONG Black that’ll KILL a nigger before dropping down to become like one, FUCK YOU, Melissa McCarthy and every Black cock you do ass to mouth on, nasty bitch!
THAT’s what REAL BLACK PEOPLE think of that shit! FUCK any nigger beneath us who be likin’ that shit, too! AND the white devil cock they be slurpin’ by actin’ like niggers who can’t be equal to us!
When they get an education and a job and suffer like THAT, THEN (and only then) can they have the ears of MY off-spring! No internet without me over the shoulder. No iGadgets of any kind. No iPhone. No video games that got nigger music. No reality shows. No videos with niggers desecrating rap. No TV if there’s racist niggers who hate white people, like Chris Rock, on (hatred of whitey is the true theft of Black POWER). No sports (we too smart to be entertained by that).
I don’t want MY kids thinking that Black WEAKness is Black Power, so they can’t be exposed to what the mainstream presents as Black “people” now…Notice how Cosby and Mr Robinson are gone because they were intelligent shows and they don’t participate in creating a plague out of niggers?…I can’t have my kids thinking that bad is good like that, emulating what I would kill, myself, if I ever cross paths with it. I’d kill any niggers who ain’t my equal who dare cross my path and I’d gladly go to prison for it. They best stay out of my ‘hood and away from my kids with their niggerism and lesserism, or I’ll show my kids what you do with a fuckin’ nigger who refuses to rise up to be our equal. My kids will be superior to the stupid niggers who’re fans of rap and sports and reality shows and video games. My kids know I’d cut their throats for contemplating something stupid like the “knock-out game” or theft or slingin’ dope. I’d KILL my kids before I’d let them act like that and they knows it, too. We ain’t niggers, like they is in the mainstream and sports and them nigger assed reverends who do NOT represent real Black PEOPLE like us. We’re just Black, while they are niggers; there’s a difference.
MY kids know the TRUTH about how slavery started:  That there was headhunters (lazy niggers) in Africa who were raping and pillaging and murdering the good hard-working Black people. The hard-working good Black people got tired of being victimized and contracted white people to exterminate the headhunters who were plaguing their land. Well, the white people turned into soft-hearted devils who failed to do what they were paid to do and, instead, sold those headhunters as slaves to work-off their death sentences with life sentences. Those who do not want to work and participate in society now are descendants of those headhunters.
We are not headhunters, we’re educated, we work, we’re not angry because we know the truth: that those enslaved niggers deserved to die, so they got off light by being enslaved to work..Their kind is “Oh, GOD! Someone had to WORK! God forBID someone in my ancestry had to WORK! Oh, LORDY! WORK? How could they makes my peoples WORK?!! Ohhhh, GOD! I’m so offended that they had to WORK!” See? That there is a spawn of a headhunter: Even today, they still do not want to work. MY kids know that and know what they’re seeing when they see a Black rapper or a sports figure or a reverend or a comedian. They know about the headhunter descendants and how they’re beneath us, not even ashamed about being lazy gangstas or untalented while stinking up the mainstream with niggerism, lesserism, materialism and all around mind-puke.
WE are not descendants of headhunters: We get educations, we maintain our schools and buildings and ‘hoods and homes, we treat our women with respect (male mouths who say “hoes” and “bitches” around here gets they teeth loosened), we WORK with our own hands and pay our taxes and tithes. We don’t sling dope or pimp hoes or gang bang or try to get more than we can get with our own resources. We are NOT programmed by the white devils to be materialistic like they and their zombified niggers are. We are free to be happy. We will NOT give that to the white devils by listening to their bought and sold famous niggers! FUCK those famous niggers who can’t treat their sisters, aunties and mamas properly, using “hoes” as a description for women. Your MAMA’s a ho, boy! That’s why you calls women that. MY son will never drop to that level…or I’ll hafta lay him in the dirt…It’s time for more mama’s to take accountability for their kids and feel that way: if you’s gonna allow them to program you to be a nigger like them then I is gonna hafta KILL you like I’d do one of them if they was close enough for me to do it…Mamas who won’t join this movement need to be killed with they little niggers, FUCK those bitches!
Non-workin’ niggers got no say-so…They’s just phantoms who don’t exist, awaiting their phantomization after they die…Good riddance, yo! LOOK what they’d do if they was allowed to exist.
“Your pussy barely tight”…tiny dick!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Remember: There’s No Niggers With Attitude In The Real World

There’s no N.W.A. in the real world. That’d mean that there’s now not going to be a Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, neither….Nothing those niggers desecrate will be in the real world, nor will it be included in the restore point of this simulation mechanism, just like their mamas…So those nasty untalented genre and music desecrating niggers who could never be our equals (and neither could their skank-assed gold-digging, dope-man dick-chugging flesh peddling for welfare dollars ghetto fabulous mamas) don’t even exist, even now, to stink up the world with their stench disguised as human life.
They can act like they exist while they’re here, failing to graduate from this mechanism designed to protect the real world from their kind. That’s what they have in common with the white devils who programmed them and bought them to participate in “plaguing” (creating a human-shaped plague out of) this final generation, mainly their Black fans (zombie-slave-clones easily triggered to become active sleeper cells causing unnecessary suffering of other creations of God). But, when they die, they’ll be time looped as all victims of their whack-assed influence and then they (their spirits) will be eternally executed so that they never graduate to the real world and they do not get included in the restore point of this simulation mechanism, ergo: they’ll be phantomized and do not exist, even now. Their mamas face the same fate for the offense of spawning them for welfare dollars (failing to be our equals) and raising them to not rise up to be our equals (so easily done by getting an education and a job and working instead of being lazy worthless gang-bangers).
They gotsta be time looped as slaves for every penny they ever had because it was all ill-gotten gain: They did not get their starts properly, via hard work. They got their starts by avoiding work, like nasty little porch monkeys like to do, slinging dope and being violent stupid phantom fucks. They thought they could come into God’s turf (HIS mechanism) and defy the rules for existing here. They’re incredibly feeble-minded, like the niggers who cried about the awards shows when they shoulda’ been rallying support for the only Black MAN to ever run for president (Obama does not qualify as a man since he became a terrorist treasonous traitor white devil dick-chugging BITCH who’d steal from the common man with a terrorist attack bearing his name to give that shit to his white devil massas)…
N.W.A. traded Black flesh for fame. They desecrated fame and Rap/Hip-Hop and never should’ve been allowed to stink everything up for this long. When they’re being time looped as slaves and pit dogs and sex slaves and “bitches” and “hoes” and “crackers” and watching their mamas endure that shit at their hands, too, THEN they gonna lose their cocky little ghetto bitch attitudes that got instilled into them by their feeble-minded cum-drunk mamas. Until then, they’ll remain beneath us, not accepting the reality they committed themselves and their inferior (ahem) “parents” to when they die.
Ice Cube is so stupid, how could any woman be desperate enough to find him attractive? Stupid is ugly. He can’t act, can’t rap, can’t do a god-damned thing yet he’s famous and ain’t embarrassed about not deserving to be there…It’s a travesty and an insult to those who DO have talent, especially those being cocked-blocked by the likes of them nonexistent gangsta rapper nigger phantoms. Ice Cube is not a Black MAN, yo, and could never be considered an appropriate “role model”. He’s a simple-simon tool-for-the-white-devils NIGGER, just like his mama taught him to be; suckin’ that white man’s dick while teaching her kid to hate the white man for providing her that welfare that paid their bills all them years (because she was too inferior to our mamas to work instead of spawning for welfare checks)…Ice Cube is never gonna teach kids the truth: that they should hate their BLACK mamas and BLACK absentee dog-assed “fathers” for spawning them to the ghetto for crack money…Ice Cube will never rise up to be Cosby’s equal like that. He’s as stupid as an ice cube.
This generation is gonna pay for its emulation of the undesirable thugs…They deserve it, for being so impressionable…
“Would it be wrong to take everything from someone who got everything they got from taking from others? We think not. We gonna TAKE it. It’s OUR turn to have that shit they took. Those gangstas shouldn’t have took the shit in the first place and we wouldn’t be comin’ to take it from them and their bloodlines, now. Ain’t nothin’ they can do to stop us, neither, because they sowed the seed and we got GOD on our side, and HE wants their victims avenged and for US to have their shit now. They can only die for any resistance they dare be stupid enough to show. That ill-gotten shit those famous gangstas got is OURS and we aim to take it, by any means necessary, even if we gotta curse the water and food and weather until they relent and evacuate the mainstream and leave us huge checks to seed fund our venues. It’s OUR shit now. Like the Feds didn’t protect the music programmers when they was kidnappin’ ‘em to get their mind puke played on the radio, they ain’t gonna be able to protect ‘em from us now. Our numbers are too great. The phantom-hunters are here and we ain’t leavin’ empty-handed. They can give us our shit, or we can TAKE the shit AND their scalps…We Indians like that. We’ll lick their blood off their heads after we take their shit and scalps for daring to be stupid enough to resist or defy us. God gave us spiritual POWER over those thugs for what they been doing in HIS turf, desecrating Lucifer’s craft of music for gain, like they ever had the right to even LOOK at a microphone…It’s time for this ongoing wrong to be righted…GOD gonna help us exterminate any thugs who ain’t runnin’ for deep underground shelters. FUCK ‘em, we done playin’ wit’ ‘em!”
Watch the thunder come for those niggers, now. Got the phantom hunters fuckin’ with their bloodlines from every direction…Like it was unsafe for others’ kids due to their influence, now that shit’s comin’ full-circle…Still think you’re all that? If so, just shows how STUPID you is, nigga, nigger phantom…boy. Boy for the white man, won’t get educated and work and set THAT example because you’s just too WEAK to do it…Punks, punk bitches, fuck-boys waiting to happen when they die…
You is stupid. “Your” “music” was not YOUR music, it was stolen (you can’t play no musical instruments, nigga, please). Your “rap” is flo-less and soul-less, 3rd-grade level, dissin’, pass-the-blame-to-the-white-man-because-I’m-too-lazy-to-work assed shit, crying about how your kind makes the ghetto so bad and yet you spread that shit like a plague to make the WORLD that way for your grandkids like a stupid nigger do…God, what you can’t see in yourself could fill books…Stupid niggers shit all over everything and then still ain’t got shame enough to hide their faces, standin’ there, smilin’ like fools next to the world they broke.
Palace got swallowed-up by niggers in Detroit (due to whack influence) when she went there from NY, where her talent wasn’t appreciated (due to whack influence). Her car was stolen and her daughter was taken as a sex-slave/dope-ho by herds of niggers influenced by gangsta rappers. Just another BLACK statistic nobody is gonna care about as long as they can’t see white devils disguised as niggers (like every Black gangsta and gangsta rapper is) for what they is. Gangsta is the wrong kind of “Black”, yo. It defies our proud heritages of peoples who cares about ourselves and our ‘hoods and our schools and our womens and our shit…
All intelligent Black people HATE niggers who refuse to be our equals (by getting educations and jobs) and we especially hate the famous niggers and sports figures who influence them to be that way, yo. They’re a collective human-shaped plague disguised as people, those who influence them and those who’re influenced.
Ask your famous niggers why they gotsta live like white devils and why do they have white devil materialistic values if they ain’t controlled by white devils.

Friday, April 8, 2016

CIOFANI Single-handedly Resuscitates Rap/Hip-Hop!

The only thing we’d add to the following pirated posts is “CIOFANI proves that you can be FROM the ghetto without BEing ghetto.”
“CIOFANI is single-handedly resuscitating Rap/Hip-Hop. Any DJs not playing his music right now are traitors to the genre, like the famous rappers out there right now cowering behind their bling and drum machines and autotune instead of going on record as a supporter of the movement CIOFANI started to bring Rap/Hip-Hop back to life.
If we could skip from right before gangsta rap to what CIOFANI is producing right now, Rap/Hip-Hop could lose that tarnished image attached to it by those who never should’ve been in the shit in the first place.
All rappers should be required to master just one of the musical instruments that CIOFANI plays in HIS songs before being allowed to touch a microphone, for real; bring back credibility to the genre that’s been gone for approximately a quarter of a century.
Rap needs CIOFANI. It’s not the other way around. CIOFANI’s an accomplished Jazz musician who was obviously influenced by the Funk Brothers, one of whom was his Dad’s drinking buddy in Detroit. All of the Rap/Hip-Hop haters capitalizing on the genre right now don’t seem to care how badly they desecrate the craft, so long as they get theirs, see?
CIOFANI’s cuts are refreshing and accomplished, fluid with good music that makes you think of Detroit, and can’t nobody touch that boy’s flow, no matter what nobody says.
If CIOFANI blows up, the bar will get raised back up and that could create a problem for CIOFANI if they’re able to comprehend it. A lot of famous rappers who can’t touch him would be secretly leagued together to hinder CIOFANI to keep that bar low enough for them to hurdle. Those of us who love Rap/Hip-Hop and are waiting for it to come back to life have been waiting for CIOFANI, a rapper who does not compromise to make his music acceptable to the zombified who like what’s out there right now.

As CIOFANI is so readily exemplifying, Rap/Hip-Hop could still have a lot to offer, just not from the famous rappers who’ve been in it and are in it, currently.”
“There’s just no comparison, anymore. The famous rappers are all clown-shoes compared to CIOFANI and that’s why the big movement to distract from what he’s got coming out…They know that they can’t compete with him…They’ll use everything at their disposal to keep that fact hidden.”
“CIOFANI is comin’ out with the best stuff to come from a Detroit artist in DECADES!” You’ll wanna go to iTunes and pre-order “Blazin” cuz it’s the SHIT!

Blazin by CIOFANI lyrics


Thursday, April 7, 2016

More Weak-Minded Racist Mind-Puke

They need to watch some more sports, reality shows, and the REAL (for the real stupid from the real stupid) and listen to some more rap, right? Anyone who was offended by that GAP ad ->  <- is too far beneath us too be considered “human”, much less: our “equals”. How monkey-minded can you get? Well, you COULD be slave-minded nigger phantom enough to say that the GAP ad is “racist” or “casual racism” because you’re a stupid dumbed-down racist niggerer who finds racism in everything because you’re racist and therefore looking for it…niggers…Betcha call THAT racist, too…Like Cosby told useless valueless flesh-peddling for welfare checks niggers to stop being used by the white man as a PLAGUE and then got called “RACIST” for it by those nasty fuckin’ nigger phantoms…
When they die, those racist niggers who called that GAP ad “racist” will be time looped as REAL victims of REAL racism, like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, MILLIONS of little white girls sold to Black dope men as sex slaves (by their dope-hoe white devil “mothers”) who were then repeatedly gang-raped for “racial reparations” and forced to suck dogs’ dicks for rocks to entertain their feeble little racist minds, and Al Potter, who was beaten to death in a HOSPITAL for “sport” by an “UNARMED” Black (ahem) man (nonexistent nigger phantom is more like it). Yeah, they need to pay for their racism before they’re phantomized to never exist to not be our equals, stinkin’-up the mechanism with their racist mind-puke…
Little kids can’t be little kids around racist niggers…The niggers are just too weak-minded and easy to offend…Time for mass executions, Lord, of all racist niggers who seem to find something racist in everything they see…
Those niggers are now cursed and so are their influences and their skank-assed nigger-spawning mamas…
“Racist”…Yeah, to a racist nigger, it might be…Take your perverted racist nigger thoughts elsewhere, racist little niggers.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Death Propaganda: Motuphi Closed The Portal

We know that mad scientists are busy killing people and reviving them, repeatedly, in attempts to figure out what happens when people die. But they won’t get any info because Motuphi closed the portal, long ago. So the only thing that any of those experiment subjects can tell them is that it’s “blackness”, and others have visions of “Heaven” that are attributed to the final brain activity just before dying. Nobody can get out of this mechanism now. If you die, you don’t get out…It was prophesied.

The Consequences For “Power Over Nature” Mentality & Influence

We were given authority over nature to nurture it, not abuse it. But subhumans who’re controlled by sub-spirits think that they’re exerting power over nature when they abuse it…No, knuckle-heads, what you’re doing is getting yourself and your nasty-assed mama time looped as your victim(s) and then phantomized so that you never commit the offense(s).
So, imagine the consequences for influencing weak-minded future phantoms to commit offenses against animals for “power over nature”, like those nonexistent clown phantoms did in that lame sequel recently. Yep. Everyone who was influenced to commit offenses against nature gets time looped as their victims and then phantomized, and so do those who influenced them to their whack unacceptable behavior.
You have no right to look at an animal unless you intend to treat it properly. If your skank-assed gold-digging dope-man dick-chugging mama was too busy slurpin’ on the dope-man’s dick to teach you how to properly treat an animal, then stay the fuck away from animals before you get yourself time looped as those animals and then phantomized (get punished for what you won’t be allowed to do)…Your mama was a ho and your daddy was a dick-chuggin’ closet transsexual and you were molested by their dope-man if you wanna cause an animal pain. You won’t be allowed to exist to be beneath those of us who know how to treat nature.

MSM Propagandists Call Sports Zeroes “Heroes”: Can’t Believe ‘Em About Trump!

See how the mainstream media (ahem) “news” programs refer to sports zeroes as “heroes”? That tells you that you cannot believe a word they say about Trump, nor anything else, for that matter. The opposite of what they say must be the truth, if complete self-absorbed zeroes who have rich white devil values are being referred to as “heroes”.
70 million homeless animals out there…If they were REAL heroes, they’d be influencing their zombified fans to rescue a few of those animals, since they’re too white devilish to do so, themselves…Might interfere with that self-worship they got goin’ on, thinkin’ they’re somethin’ “special” because they can play some ball like children do…Grow-up, get an education and a REAL job and stop taking advantage of the stupidity of your zombie-slave-clone fans…Buy a smaller house, a less expensive car, less gold (you wannabe queens), less material shit, and pay some tithes and help some animals, you loser fucks!
To people who’re too intelligent to be entertained by zombifying shit like sports, sports figures are among the lowest of the bottom feeders; right down there with rappers, reality show stars, and racist famous Blacks and comedians….Thank God they and their fans are cursed and their spirits are taxed to protect the real world (and this mechanism after the restore point) from them…
Nonexistent demographics: Sports figures, their fans, those who benefited from the events, and their mamas…Not in the real world. Not here after the restore point…Not here…

Monday, April 4, 2016

Trump, The Feeble-Minded & Caucus Curses In Effect

“If a law-breaker breaks the law, should they be punished?” To which Trump answered “Yes”…But the feeble-minded heard something else, directed at women, because of the way the propagandist worded the question.
Hillary Clinton winning will enact curse batches that will finish crumbling the white devils and their agendas. Remember that she is a terrorist who bragged about her part in the terrorist attack known commonly as “ObamaCare”. Only a terrorist would stand behind that terrorist attack designed to take the remaining lint from Americans’ pockets after the terrorist attack known as the Bush-era tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile (for which the Americans are still due refunds from the wealthy passive terrorists who took advantage of that ongoing terrorist attack). Hillary Clinton takes advantage of the feeble-minded who fail to identify her as what she is: a monstrous terrorist and treasonous traitor and a CRIMINAL (she’s going to prison for treason, soon, idiots).
Caucus curses are out there to strike down any Caucus that votes against the people, at cartoonish “per” rates (like 500 quadrillion curses per molecule of everyone’s body they voted against, etc.).
Remember that the water and food crisis are evidence that Motuphi came into power for the use of Lucifer’s craft (music) to dumb people down so badly that American Blacks allowed themselves to be distracted from Ben Carson (real issue) by Black-faced Caucasianists posing as racist niggers crying over Awards Shows not being rigged to give them retard trophies just for being Black and having done a project…
Anyone who does not believe in the power of those curses to strike them gets stricken (unless they never eat or drink or get out of bed). They laughed, until they got their water and food stricken. Governments laughed, until they got God-smacked the fuck OUT and had their agendas thwarted. Snyder laughed, NOW look at him….Motuphi has supernatural power to strike all who hinder his agendas and those who enable them…This includes the untalented mainstream squatters and their fans, the reason he was given the power, in the first place…It also includes any radio stations, DJs, programmers and their families who fail to play his music if he has it sent to them, especially if they’re guilty of playing someone who’s not as talented as he is. Motuphi has closed down radio stations and caused format changes with his supernatural power for the offense of failing to play one of his cuts after playing someone inferior to him, like Eminem or Kanye or Dre or Snoop or Drake or Jay-Z or Ghostface Killa or DMX or Nelly or R Kelly or just about 98% of what’s been being played on the radio over the past 20 years. If you’re a DJ who gets blessed with a wav file of a Motuphi cut and you snub your nose at it, you’ll be regarded by the spirit realm as swine trampling a precious pearl and get your ass God-smacked the fuck out for it. Plus that action also heaps more curse batches on those you DO play (and their mamas and their fans and their mamas). Motuphi has a super cool radio hit waiting to happen song being sent around to radio stations (now) under his real name. We know that, if they’re too dumbed-down and slave-minded to give it a spin, they’ll be gone soon. Motuphi’s music scares DJs and music programmers who’re accustomed to the weak lame shit they always play. He comes backed by real MUSIC and that fucks with the minds of the subhumans and turns them against him for outdoing their Black wannabes who refuse to even try to produce good songs. Lucifer loves getting authority over those DJs who facilitate and enable the desecration of his craft while keeping real talent out of rotation. It’s always so cool to watch those stations become unable to play the competition to the music Motuphi provided them the opp to play. A special jab is when the format gets changed to something like Country or Big Band music, or some other genre that the dumbed-down could never get into. The DJs forget whose craft pays their bills and that Motuphi is His boy and representative. They gotsta PAY for that disrespect and those other “artists” who DID get air play gotsta pay just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time (which is in the way of a music GOD compared to them, dumb phantoms).
Soon, there won’t be safe food ANYwhere, because there’s fans of those who could never be Motuphi’s equal in all cities. They refuse to stop enabling the retarded famous fucks who got everything in this realm cursed until Motuphi is properly revered and regarded. They don’t have talent, but they call themselves cock-blocking REAL talent…For that, many will suffer. God, Christ and Lucifer are not playing with this wayward bunch anymore. If they wanna be lesser than they’re supposed to be and be entertained by music craft desecraters (like rappers and the hoes posing as female “artists” in the mainstream) and fame desecrators (like reality show stars and sports figures), then they’re going to pay for that enabling, here in this realm and then being time looped as ripple effects victims of their zeroes disguised as “heroes” when they die, before being phantomized to never exist to enable lesserism and craft desecration. The weather will get more extreme. Simple things that were not deadly before will be deadly now. When Motuphi can’t raise money to feed the homeless animals his wife took in but loser fucks can get donations for toys, you knew it was going to be WAR after that…If the famous fucks made people that fuckin’ stupid and callous, then them famous fucks and their fans gotsta PAY and be some cursed-assed motherfuckers while they’re here in the simulation and then be time looped as everything and everyone that suffered due to their influence when they die…They get to BE them starving animals that they distracted from with their mind-puke disguised as “art”, and so do their nasty skank-assed mamas for the offense of spawning them and raising them to be lesser than all who had talent.
Remember that there’s no music craft desecrating shows (like American Idol nor The Voice) nor anyone who participated in them or capitalized on them or benefited from them or was fans of them gonna be included in the restore point of this mechanism (needless to say that they never graduate to the real world, neither). There’s a reason that God warned His musicians to be among the best skilled…It’s to avoid accruing debt to the mechanism, requiring time loopage and phantomizing (executing of the spirit, after death here, to never graduate to the real world nor be included in the restore point of this mechanism making them ultimately nonexistent; they’re not here, now). Music is a spiritual craft. To steal the spirit out of it for profit is against all spiritual law…Now, look at their spiritless fans, as evil and self-serving as they are.
Here’s the thing about your famous rappers who could never be Motuphi’s equal: They are feeble-minded to a fault; able to be controlled to make them desire what high maintenance white devils desire and have. So, your “rappers” and sports figures and reality show stars are NOT instilling any qualities into their fans except for anti-qualities (instilled into them by their rich white devil owners/massas) like greed, gluttony, materialism, self-absorption, self-entitlement, self-worship, willful disregard for the unfortunate and suffering, undue arrogance, obnoxious as fuck, high maintenance and weak-minded beyond comparison, all of the things we hate about rich fucks are now the characters of the famous punk bitches posing as “role models” now (high maintenance white devil clones, living like the white devils do, in big expensive houses, with all kinds of expensive material bullshit, like white devils gotta have because they’re so high maintenance and eat their own so they have no normal affection for other living entities, human nor animal, and therefore nothing to trust or hold dear except for the temporal and insignificant).
So, what do famous Blacks have in common with rich fucked-up white devils? Everything…No differences can be found, except for the Blacks are always more racist than their white peers. Cosby tried and got lynched. There were no Blacks who were not controlled by whitey to rescue him. Niggers hated Cosby for his words of wisdom, anyway. Poor man should’ve kept his mouth shut. Ben Carson should’ve seen that his race is still being controlled by whitey, like they been since the “civil rights” (gangsta and welfare recipient enabler) movement, and realized that they’re not really gonna vote for a real Black MAN because Black lives do NOT matter to niggers (so why should they matter to anyone else, huh?). They voted for a Black-faced terrorist treasonous traitor BITCH disguised as a Black man, because whitey manipulated them to do so…
But ask yourself “where was Oprah?” when the chance came to redeem herself for the terrorism she enabled with her Obama support…She was nowhere to be found for a REAL Black man (Ben Carson), nasty white devil posing as a high maintenance nigger whore with too much money and not enough about herself to know better than to think that she’s all that when she’s obviously NOT (not for her people, she’s racist when it’s convenient, like when it’s time to fund a propagandizing movie full of lies and opposites to truth like Selma). Oprah will die and be time looped as all of Obama’s ripple effects victims right along with the rest of his supporters and all of the white devils who benefited from him being their slave-nigger-muppet who stole from Blacks to give to rich white fucks (because he’s a white devil). Then, Oprah will be time looped as slaves to repay her ill-gotten gain (every penny over the glutton cap of $420-million) at a standard rate of $900,000 per PENNY compounded per possession of said ill-gotten gain. Then, Oprah (her spirit) will be executed to never graduate to the real world and not be included in the restore point of this mechanism and therefore not existing, even now, to be a high maintenance, valueless, racist, propagandizing, race-plaguing white devil disguised as a weak-minded uppity ghetto-fabulous nigger. Ergo: Oprah does not exist.
Americans are feeble-minded. Women should be burning Hillary at the stake and yet she walks around free among them, ordering them around. It’s a major mind-fuck for anyone intelligent enough to SEE it. Just like watching niggers pretend to care about Blacks while being controlled by white devils (like Soros who owns BlackLivesMatter) who take advantage of their inherent racism to control their moves, minds, emotions, actions, how they think and WHAT they think. Your rappers are ghost-speakers for white devils, instilling white devil values into you, the main one being: undeserved racism… the next one down is chauvinism and bigotry. The materialism of gangstas and rappers and sports figures are all WHITE DEVIL values!! All rap lyrics from famous Blacks in America translate to this in a nutshell: “Look at me imitate whitey and be like whitey and be high maintenance and racist and valueless to others like whitey! Hell, just CALL me “whitey”, Nigga! I’m gonna act just like his white ass programmed me to act, yo! Won’t see ME payin’ tithes and mowin’ my lawn and trimmin’ my hedges and cleaning up the graffiti and stopping the animal cruelty and stopping the celebration of rape cultures. I’m too busy, gettin’ MINEZ!” Looks and sounds like a buncha white devil dick-chuggers disguised as “raw niggas”, too weak to just get educations and jobs and work normal jobs, so they gotta be clown-shoes that desecrate music and fame and make Blacks look like niggers…Black power is in turning a deaf ear to those weak little nigger phantoms disguised as rappers and music “artists” and sports figures…bitches don’t exist, anyway…neither do their mamas…fuck ‘em!
Ben Carson is gone…Did Jada cash her check from the white devils? Sure would’ve been nice (and powerful, yo) if she would’ve simply waited until AFTER Ben Carson was elected to attract all eyes to her inherent racial weakness and inferiority…Can’t take time back now, can we, Jada and Lee? We gotta wait for GOD to do that to get rid of the infected contaminants like you…THEN, we can have a good world.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Taylor Swift & Apple Demean Women & Call Us “HOES”?

We just found this post in Yahoo! groups, where it may never get seen, especially from any Google search engines. But we still felt compelled to set the record straight on behalf of someone included who may not want to be put in on anything negative against another artist, just in case.
While we agree with most of the post, that there ARE Black men besides thugs, rappers and sports figures, like doctors, lawyers, presidential candidates that were ignored by their own race, etc.; we don’t believe that fans should be allowed to speak for artists just because the artist is not famous and may not be able to counter what they associated him/her to. In this copied and pasted post we pirated, there’s an artist mentioned who probably would rather not be mentioned in a post like this…Anyone who’s his real fan would know that. So maybe this person is a grand saboteur, trying to stir-up hatred against him before he can blow-up. Consider that when you read this and want to hate him for what SHE wrote and put him in on.
pasted post reads:
See? That’s what happens when you wanna be repped by inferior talent: You go on record as calling your own aunts and mamas “hoes”, like the wannabe rappers who do that becuz their mamas was hoes and they think that’s what all women are now. We know that Taylor Swift will drop as low as she needs to go to roll with those she should be fighting against. But what more can you expect from a dumbed-down, zombified, spoiled little rich girl, right? Black dick swingin’ and she’s like Jane on a big Black vine, even if it’s inferior to all other dick out there, Swift is part of the group who want that example set (lest we forget Lady Gag a dry humping pedophile, R Kelly, on SNL for her little fans to see and emulate).
CIOFANI called prostitutes “hoes” in Blazin…But he makes it clear with the context of the surrounding words. He does NOT refer to ALL women as “hoes”!
Real rappers, from the days before gangsta (gag sta) rap desecrated the craft, referred to women as “honeys” and other endearing phrases to describe women. CIOFANI is taking it back to that, even if all the famous little spoiled white devil bitches league against him to keep women being objectified by less-than-men who call women demeaning names…The few REAL women out there still gonna support a REAL man and a REAL rapper who don’t gotta call ‘em names to sell records to mean little devil children who had “bitches” and “hoes” as mamas, aunts and other female role models.
Attention, Rappers who call us those names, CIOFANI gonna show you how to treat a woman: For one: Don’t refer to women in general as something you think you’re not calling your own mama. If you refer to women as “bitches”, then that includes your mama, pathetic small minded retards…Same goes for the “hoes” references: If women is “hoes”, then your mama is a ho…Taylor Swift will call her mama a “ho” for Apple and to help desperate freaks who’re too retarded to understand that they are NOT rappers, they’re just craft desecraters, shitting all over what was once sacred (and still is to superior men than they are).
Some kid’s singing with you, calling all women, including your mama and aunties, “hoes”…How you feel about that, knowing you did it for a dollar and some desecrated fame? Called your mama names and had little kids calling 'em names, becuz you’re feeble-minded enough to want that low level of anti-fame? That’s what you don’t understand about the craft and why you’ll never be REAL RAPPERS, not by the definition of what they was before your kind stunk the shit all up.CIOFANI understands respecting the craft. He’s Blacker than all of them, combined. But his dad used to hang-out with a Funk Brother who was distressed at what thugs did to their beautiful art…“It’s like they stole a Picasso painting and spray painted "nigga” and “bitches” and “hoes” all over it, with a big ol’ stinky pile of shit smeared all over it, and they’re calling it “their” “art” like they did something good. It’s vandalous and downright disrespectful…Who raises their kid to do that kinda’ shit?“
Witnessing all of that, one could understand how CIOFANI would have more respect for the craft than the squatters currently stinking up the mainstream with their same-old same-old "bitches” and “hoes” (like they mamas) bullshit…It’s time to demand all rappers who wanna write like they been writin’ to be told to go get educations and jobs and stop stinking the world up with their zombification. You’re destroying rap…for the white devils…White devil bitches is gonna help you with that and throw themselves and their fame on your dicks…Guess respect for yourself can’t compete with that. It’s so sad…Not one Black rap song out there for Apple and Swift to refer to that didn’t call us “hoes”, huh? Not even ONE song? Apple has brain-dead advertising people.
Boycotts are in order: On Apple and all rappers and stupid little cum-drunk white girls who wanna perpetuate further disrespect of women with unacceptable language to identify us. Swift has no more respect for herself than that. But some of us do respect ourselves and won’t listen to fool wannabe rappers who call their own mamas “hoes” just to be popular among bug demographics and we won’t be buying Apple products, no more, neither.
FUCK Apple! FUCK Taylor Swift, too! And the big Black dick she rode IN on! Nasty stupid white bitch! Black man say jump (after the white man told him to and he did it) and the white girl pulls her mouth off his dick to ask “How high, Master?” Now what whitebboy dumb enough to marry a dumb bitch with no respect for herself like that? You wanna secret sub to the Black cock? She publicly called her mama “ho” for them? You can only imagine what they got her doing in private, where nobody can see.
Seeing Black rappers be inferior (as in NOT equal) to white rappers who respect themselves and the craft more than they do makes me wanna go get my swirl on…I’ll be the Black woman swinging on CIOFANI’s dick, to show how superior he is to us sistas than all of them disappointments who can’t rap like him so they drop the ball and call us names, instead.
The more they distract from CIOFANI with what could never be equal to him, the more we gonna lift him up and worship him like the god he is compared to the other rappers who just can’t touch his lyrical and musical prowess…They write third grade, dissing and calling names, like children.
Stupidity is ugly…Rappers who can’t rap without disrespecting and dissing are stupid, too stupid to be rappers (rap was not an “insult” genre before gag sta rap destroyed it). Ugly fuckers, calling ME names. No, the only woman you know fo sho was a “ho” is your mama, anti-rapper posing as a rapper.
Intelligence is sexy as Hell…When you hear the intelligence in the lyrics and music of a CIOFANI song, you can’t help but to get a little bit horny just thinkin’ about him. CIOFANI is everything a rapper is supposed to be: smart, sexy, quick, lyrically brilliant, unique, fresh, different, upbeat, uplifting, and for the people – EVEN US WOMEN!
Those wannabe rappers that got famous forgot those simple basics about the craft and even drop so low as to write songs about how loose womens’ pussies are (and cum-drunk turned-out white girls, like Melissa McCarthy, destroy their good movies by putting them in their soundtracks).
There’s just no comparison, anymore. The famous rappers are all clown-shoes compared to CIOFANI and that’s why the big movement to distract from what he’s got coming out…They know that they can’t compete with him…They’ll use everything at their disposal to keep that fact hidden.
“CIOFANI is comin’ out with the best stuff to come from a Detroit artist in DECADES!” You’ll wanna go to iTunes and pre-order “Blazin” cuz it’s the SHIT!

Blazin by CIOFANI lyrics


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