Monday, April 25, 2016

Beyonce: Queen Of Negativity: Tool Of The White Devil

Beyonce is nothing more than a tool for the white devil to make her zombie-slave-clone fans triggerable to become active sleeper cells on demand…She’s a race-plague-er, she makes a plague of her fans.
Okay. Understand that Beyonce is not a desirable companion. She’s high maintenance and self-absorbed to a fault. How could any man be with her for more than a year without murdering her ass? Oh, yeah, fuck around on her self-worshiping ass.
Yeah, “Queen” Bey-Bey…What a joke. She’s the queen of negativity and one should RUN from any woman who has enough in common with her whack mentality to be a fan of her (ahem) “music” (quotes because it’s what it’s called by others, not by us). That simple-simon (obedient to the white-devil) cunt can only tap into the negative because it’s all she is inside…Nothing positive ever comes from that ugly assed bitch. Her psyche is so ugly, it’s like it was hit by a fuckin’ truck.
That’s okay. Beyonce is just another music desecrating nonexistent phantom, like her husband and her fans. When Beyonce dies, she (like her parents and the perps triggered by her influence and THEIR parents) will be time looped as all victims of her influence and omissions…She’ll be time looped (her spirit will be placed inside the body of a victim while being victimized) as every victim of her whack-assed ghetto-fabulous influence…which includes the animals that were abused in ghettos and neglected by her self-absorbed fans who were never influenced by Beyonce to CARE for the creations of God more than the bullshit that man creates (another example of someone famous failing to be equal to Motuphi or Ciofani or Palace or Rex Razor, pimping those whack self-serving white devil values like all famous bought nigger phantoms in this simulation do)…and THEN (this is sweet), Beyonce will be time looped as SLAVES to repay this mechanism every penny of her ill-gotten gain (not being equal to those she cock-blocks makes her money ill-gotten if she got it in entertainment). She’ll pick a lot of cotton and get raped by crackers and then build iGadgets (phones and pads) and make a whole lotta Rock-a-Wear….and THENNNNNNNN (here’s the best part) Beyonce’s spirit will be eternally executed (known as the “2nd death” by some) so that she never graduates to the real world (known as “Heaven” or “Paradise” by some) and the restore point of this simulation mechanism will not include her (nor her parents for the offense of spawning her and raising her to be a stinky turd who just HAD to get famous so she joined the demographic of the cursed and cut in line in front of others who were far more talented and had POSITIVITY to offer instead of Beyonce’s negative mind-puke).
Yeah, Beyonce does not exist, THANK you Jesus! God, can you imagine a bitch like that REALLY existing or all the monster cunts who relate to her enough to like her “music”? Shit, it would be HELL! Beyonce will die and pay for what she will then be phantomized to not be allowed to perpetuate (that means “do” to Beyonce and all of you retarded Beyonce fans out there who wouldn’t be smart enough to understand proper English). Remember that Beyonce is beneath (as in NOT equal to) all of us who are smart enough to remain on the proper side of the barriers at the Museum…Ghetto bitch never got taught how to act in public…
Yeah, Beyonce was a plague, before…But now that she’s (ahem) “Black”, she acts like a really fucked-up niggererer, doesn’t she? She wants everybody to be negative and self-absorbed like she is. She wants Blacks to be weak and to put down their tools of their trades to raise their empty fists in a public show of Black racial WEAKness like them Black-faced Caucasianists who blindly followed King Jr did, declaring that ALL Blacks are weak and refuse to be educated and employed and productive with their actions…Meanwhile, real Black MEN stayed at work and remained equal to the white man…until some self-entitled nigger phantoms killed them in their own houses…Yeah, King Jr gotsta be time looped as every Black MAN he had lynched by gangsta (welfare spawned for dollars) non-working niggers. This generation ain’t gonna be told no truth, so they think bought niggers was “leaders”…They led your Black asses right to early deaths and prisons, didn’t they? Stupid, white devil mouth-piece promoters and adorers…Sports figures, rappers and famous high maintenance nigger whores like Beyonce are all OWNED by white devils (they wanna live like white devils do, own what white devils own, fuck what white devils fuck, etc, and influence their fans to that whack mentality because they’s white devils inside)…
Yep. Beyonce insults Black women…Because we Black we gotsta be NEGATIVE and all about ourSELVES, like YOU, Girl? But what if we had superior parents than you did who raised us better? We supposed to drop down and be like YOU just because your parents dropped the ball and made your retarded ass famous, like airing peed in bed sheets, instead of having the sense to keep you locked away and hidden from the world? LOOK at how badly you and your kind damaged the psyche of your zombified fucked-up fans…You destroyed the world, bitch. That’s what happens when a fucked-up mind-molested freak like you gets empowered to have influence, nasty cunt…Yeah, you “run the world” alright…right into the fuckin’ ground.
If someone judges me to be nasty like Beyonce just because I look like her, I should be able to sue Beyonce for damages…But that stupid fuckin’ cunt would be too vapid to understand that…
Attention, World,
Not ALL Black women are high maintenance self-serving retards like Beyonce and her retard fans. Some of us are very dignified and beautiful inside. We don’t need to be objectified by someone who thinks we’re automatically all about ourselves just because that’s the example that famous Black women are setting because it’s what their white devil massas expect of them (make plagues of your fans, Girls, nasty little plagues disguised as humans, just like you). I’m NOT like Beyonce, okay! I have waaaaaaayyyy more about myself than she does…She needs to be famous even though she’s not really talented and has nothing positive to contribute to the world…She’s a stench…The worst case scenario of what a woman can be…like Madonna…or Oprah…or so many other famous female “music” “artists” (or the Kardashians)…bottomless pit action…can’t see it, too retarded to.

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