Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Assault On Poor Blacks’ Minds From 2 Stations

See how they stacked the deck against poor Black people?
On 2 regular TV stations, poor Blacks were bombarded from 2 different stations with the dumb-down…On one station there was Black-ish and on the other was Empire…
That’s so sad…isn’t it? Blacks who’re into those shows would be too retarded to “see” it, though; so there’s literally no hope for them…Their own kind betrays them for fame and fortune…So stereotypical.
Notice that they don’t influence their peoples to sow any good seed on their lives by helping the homeless animals or people? They’re not allowed to be positive people or do positive shit. They gotsta be high maintenance, weak-minded and overly vocal with their regurgitated stupidity if they’re Black now (just look at Beyonce). That’s by design. It’s not on whitey’s list of character traits to be prevalent in Blacks that they control (they can’t be beautiful inside, nor positive, nor strong-minded, nor beneficial to others)…
All Blacks who’re into American mainstream sports (figures) and celebs are controlled by whitey…They can’t see it…They love their race-traitor “heroes” and “role models” too much to see what’s obvious…They can’t see that a Black thug is actually a disgrace to the Black race…Low IQs like others with low IQs and that explains why those who’re famous in America are famous now. Low IQ audience doesn’t demand talent or that their celebs have anything about themselves…So then thugs can be famous as poser wannabe rappers not even fit to shine Ciofani’s shoes. Retards who can’t sing or play musical instruments (nor rap), like Ice Cube, can exhibit the most extreme example of Black weakness to date and desecrate the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame…Now, Ice Cube is “Stinky Turd”, we changed his name to something more appropriate and fitting of him, because that’s what he is: the stinky turd stinking up the room at the Rock Hall of Fame now…
“one of these things is NOT like the others…one of these things just isn’t the same…one of these things is NOT like the others…one of these things just doesn’t belong” 
Remember that preschool song that goes over the head of Ice Cube and anyone Black who’s feeble-minded enough to want someone Black of Ice Cube’s level of (NO) talent being in the Rock Hall of Fame with other Blacks who had talent and DO belong there…It makes Blacks look bad, like we’re retards who just gotta shit all over everything with our new Black weakness and failure to rise up to our white peers…It’s disgustingly embarrassing and makes us pray for nuclear attacks on NY and LA and any other city where they tolerate thugs and gangstas and dope dealers…If those Blacks could be wiped out, them and the self-entitled welfare demographic who refuse to be productive like us, we’d be equal to whitey again, like we was before the gangsta and welfare case enabler movement they erroneously dubbed the “civil rights” movement that gave Martin Luther King Jr’s gangsta and thug (Black) minions the license to kill-off the educated hard-working Blacks in their ‘hoods for refusing to drop down to their level…They killed-off as many Blacks who were equal to whitey as they could, more than whitey did in all of his years oppressing us, combined…How can you be Black and hard-working and know these facts about American nigger thugs and self-entitled welfare recipients and not HATE them? They fuckin’ TARGETED our demographic for not quitting their jobs and going on welfare and joining them in the million gangsta and welfare recipient (LESS than a man) march…
History has been twisted to make the worthless niggers more valuable to retarded Blacks than those of them who’re educated and hardworking…Ain’t that SICK? They’ve made a human-shaped PLAGUE out of so many Blacks in America that it’s become dangerous to go there for anyone, Black or white, if you’re not carrying a big gun (the Black thugs ALL have guns and their white devil Black-faced president is too weak-minded to arm the taxpaying demographic against them). If America had good government, all taxpayers with clean records would be given guns from the government to protect themselves from the thugs with, since the government let it go this far (with the whack influence that their weak-minded Blacks in the FCC failed to thwart). 
Their rappers are in perpetual FCC noncompliance and they allow a show like Empire to be broadcast over Cosby? Empire and Black-ish and the Carmichaels should be boycotted for the damage they can do to the minds of any Blacks who watch them…Instead, they took off Cosby…Wow…Must gotta be retarded for that to fly in your head…Or so racist against your own color that you can’t stand the thought of anything resembling positivity and education entering a Black mind.
No Black who matters watches Empire or Black-ish…only the insignificant retards they pander to. 
The zombie apocalypse…

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