Friday, October 14, 2016

The Inferior Never Become Our Equals

Kaepernick sucks a lot of big white cock in the time loops while he’s pickin’ cotton and making iGadgets and being sex slaves, and so does his fucked-up mama for the offense of spawning another headhunter descendant niggerer. Same for Alicia Keys and the rest of those famous ridiculous clown-shoes phantoms who made the Black race look like such weak pathetic little feeble-minds.
Alicia Keys, you nor any other niggerer has the right to be racist or point at racist shit no more! HEAR us, nigger WHORE!! The world can become as unsafe for YOU as your nigger shit is making it for other people that your whore mama could NEVER be equal to (just look at her nigger whore daughter being a stupid racist nigger controlled by whitey to stir up some more racist shit!)! Wait until you niggers die and get time looped as those white people and as the people who built them buildings in them cities niggers like you keep burning down!
You don’t know the truth about how slavery started or you’d shut your nigger assed MOUTH! You PROVE that whitey was superior to your headhunter ancestors and should NEVER have let those tree jumping niggers live! They should have KILLED your ancestors like they promised those decent African Black folks that they would DO! Nope! Let headhunter rapist nigger scum live and they multiply until you have AMERICA!
After the loss of Ben Carson as a president due to your inferior nigger SHIT, you got some nerve crying racism, you simple coon assed NIGGER fuckin’ future rope stretchy ass BITCHES!!
You are NOT BLACK! You are NIGGERS and there’s a huge difference between the 2!
Whitey let your ancestors LIVE and now you kill whitey…What disgusting NIGGERS you are! You fuckin’ slave-minded, cravin’ the white cock NIGGERS! Wait until you get time looped as all victims of racism…Gonna BE Al Potter gettin’ beat down for sport for being white in a HOSPITAL in Michigan by UNARMED BLACK NIGGER (COULD NEVER BE A “MAN”) stupid name havin’ Jajuan Whitlow! Your MAMA, too, Niggers! What’s with the NIGGER violence and the stupid names, anyway?! Why are all stupid name havin’ Blacks in this timeline such pathetic little porch monkey minded NIGGERS?!?
White people need to file class action lawsuits against all famous Blacks and Obama’s nigger whore ass, too, for reckless endangerment and attempted MURDER, since they can’t walk down the streets that THEIR tax dollars pay for without arming themselves against NIGGERS whose feeble minds you famous NIGGERS control! White people should take you famous NIGGERS out in the woods and do to YOU what’s been being done to innocent white people that GOD created (nigga, remember that, GOD’s creations, nigga) and they should take your ill-gotten gain for being something you should NEVER be (famous with influence while being a NIGGER) and distribute it to the families of the victimized whites and to feed the animal victims of you disgusting fucking NIGGERERERERS! You WILL be time looped as those ANIMALS, too, NIGGERS! Dontcha’ wanna influence some of your nigger zombie-slave-clones to HELP a mahfuckin’ animal just ONCE IN A GODDAMN WHILE!???? Why NOT, niggers? You and your mamas gets to be time looped as them animals when you die, then, fuck you!
WHY is all famous Blacks so feeble-minded and fucked up?!! WHY was Cosby the only one dared to stand UP?! Why are niggers such COWARDS that they do whatever whitey say do and whitey say niggers like Kaepernick will be INFERIOR NIGGERS and so will Alicia and Spike and Jada and Will and every other Black because whitey owns your nigger asses NOW and, when you die (due to that ownership here), whitey will own your spirits to get you pickin’ cotton to repay this mechanism for your destructive influence, before your spirits are executed to NEVER get born to perpetuate your lesserism and NIGGERISM!
Can’t WAIT to stretch your nigger necks with some ROPE when you die! It’s COMin’ for ya’! SOON! Nigga! Your spirits WILL be placed in all victims of racist violence, both ways! You WILL repay God, Christ AND Lucifer (whose world you’re in right now) for your niggerism in THEIR “TURF”, NIGGER fuckin’ PHANTOMS, YOU!!
All angels AND devils feel that way about sub-spirit serving subhuman assed NIGGERS…Cry about how you are NIGGERS who cry about racist shit because YOU are racist and always LOOKING for it and it costed the world the first black MAN they ever would’ve seen as president, Ben Carson. Obama’s being silent about his “sons” being such pathetic NIGGERS who gotsta die and pick cotton and be pitbulls fighting to their deaths and raped little white girls is PROOF that he was NEVER a fuckin’ MAN, yo! He’s a BITCH in male’s gender who is controlled by Caucasian cock! A racist NIGGER whore bitch, too! The worst kind! He’s gonna stretch the most ropes and pick the most cotton when he dies, too; along with being all victims of Muslim Islamic INFIDELS (infidels are those who deny the deity of Christ while claiming to know or love Allah…see how they turn that shit around and calls OTHERS what THEY themSELVES really are? Just like Alicia and Kaepernick, who obeys and sucks the mans’ dick and craves it so much he committed himself and his mama and papa to it as slaves and victimized white hoes when they die).
Ain’t no NIGGERS in the real world, yo…They don’t even make it to the decompression timeline…That’s a FACT…Alicia gets undone, like the rest of the famous niggers, when this Premonition timeline gets undone and the replay does not include the contaminants (which includes the NIGGERS!).
Good riddance, ALICIA! Kaepernick, make sure you enjoy that white dick now, and enjoy watchin’ your mama suck it, too; since YOU was the fool who committed her to it and then got her phantomized to never exist to commit the offense of spawning YOU, niggAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-ah-ha-ahh-ha-ah-ha-HA-ha! YEAH! TAKE that white dick, nigger, TAKE it! Take it ALLLL! You craved it during your whole premonition existence! You CRAVED it or you never would’ve been racist against the deliverers of your ancestors, stupid fuckin’ headhunter descendants, you!
YOU are about as nonexistent as Ice Cube and those scummy rapper niggers! Ain’t no rap in the real world! Ha-HAAA! Ain’t no thugs in the REAL world!  Ha-HAAA! Ain’t no racist niggers in the REAL WORLD, NIGga! Can ya’ FEEL me, all peoples’ who really exist beyond here? We WILL enjoy the world without those niggers in it, soon! The crash point KILLS them. The time loops PUNISHES them and KILLS their spirits to never exist! The restore point replays this shit without them and their skank mamas ever getting born!  Ergo, no niggers really exist! They erased themselves!
You, as a famous or influential Black, only have the right to influence people to POSITIVE shit now, shit you don’t think of because you’re such simple simon NIGGERS. Shit like, FEED that dog you got on a chain in the backyard, NIGGA! Give it some water! WALK it! PLAY with it! Shit like: Sing the ROCKY theme in your head every time you see a taxpayer because that taxpayer fed you and your mama and your absentee papa and that taxpayer is the hero that no thug could ever be! PROTECT that white taxpayer when they comes to the ‘hood! Shit like: TRIM some hedges (well first you gotsta GROW some now, because ya’ll became nasty little NIGGERs since the gangsta enabler movement that only retard niggers call the “civil rights movement” who killed off all the good hardworking black PEOPLE so you could turn  the ‘hoods into ghettos to match your collective inner ugliness). Shit like: Cut your grass! Grow some flower beds like black PEOPLE used to do before the nigger enabler movement got them killed off! Yeah, Kaepernick who sucks the white man’s dick, it never occurred to you, being an inferior NIGGER, to influence some peeps to some shit like THAT? Or to feed a homeless kitty or protect the ass of some white girl about to get turned out (Satan gets to time loop ya as them white girls, too, for that omission to influence properly)? How COME niggers ain’t allowed to defy whitey and exude POSITIVE INFLUENCE? 
WHY, in this premonition timeline as mere premonitions of your POTENTIAL existences, would you OBEY WHITEY and become a nonexistent phantom who has to pick cotton?…Especially if you had such a problem with some murderers having their death sentences commuted to life sentences of hard labor hundreds of years ago? WHY are there so MANY nonexistent NIGGERS running amok here who do not realize what they’re in for when they die? Why doesn’t God just KILL them since they don’t exist beyond this premonition shit anyway?
WHY, in this timeline, did all Blacks who got wealth and fame become such pathetic little NIGGERS who failed to influence their fans to rise up and become like those fine hardworking Black PEOPLE that Martin Luther King Jr had killed off by THUGS for Whitey? WHY does “Black and famous” mean “WEAK and feeble-minded” in this timeline? Howcome so FEW famous Blacks exist beyond here? WHY did they get scared about Cosby’s lynching instead of fighting back? Had they fought back when the Cosby lynchings first began, the neighborhoods would be glorious again by now. They could have taught all the misinformed angry little NIGGERS the truth about how slavery started and that they need to be careful of their tainted blood because it will make them want to act out in violent ways, and fail to be grateful as GOD requires of all who exist beyond here. But NOOOOOOOOO! They do WHITEY’S bidding up in HERE! And whitey say he will COSBY you if you DARE be Black, famous, and equal to whitey.
YOU must stay beneath whitey and be racist against him for showing your ancestors mercy which allowed YOU to exist…You ain’t allowed to be Black and famous no more unless you’re gonna be a stereotypical racist assed NIGGER. Just LOOK…It’s true. All famous Blacks are racist fucktard niggers who fail to properly influence their fans.
They will never figure out why there’s so few Blacks beyond this timeline…The lack of gratitude and begrudging their own existences is a big part of it…God nor Lucifer like that shit up in THEIR “TURF”, NIGga! They failed to be grateful to the white devils for allowing their ancestors to not only live, but to spawn, which provided a way for them to exist with all of their advantages to life (hell, just be black and refuse to work and white people will carry you on their backs like crosses and then reward them for being our gods like that by beating them down and raping them and calling them names…be bad dogs who bite the hands that feeds them like NIGGERS are prone to do)…God and Lucifer will not allow the slavery that caused the multiplication of the descendants of headhunters since they proved that they would become a human-shaped plague in the world if they were allowed to really exist. Time will move backwards, slavery will be undone, and millions of niggers will never get born. FACTS from the Bible, which has yet to be wrong…We know, nigger preachers won’t teach you the TRUTH about ANYthing…They just want your money and for you to be clown-shoes niggers.
Howcome all famous black women are disgusting pussy that you DON’T want? Who wants to fuck a retard who believes the lies and is not grateful even if the lies are true? If whitey did “enslave” some people, then you should be grateful and be examples that they was PEOPLE who was enslaved and not some NIGGERS who deserved it (So they can’t later say, as they do now “just look at their descendants, how they act, they deserved everything that happened to ‘em, should’ve hung even MORE of ‘em from the looks of it now”).
You can’t shame a nigger into deciding that they want to exist. You can’t warn ‘em, neither…They’s stupid as fuck…They just get worse and more shameful and nasty by the second…Someone please speed up the crash point so we can get these nigger phantoms into time loops in the cotton fields and into ghetto dungeons, screaming in agony, where they belong!
Your influence will be reciprocated, niggers…You’ll see.
Wouldn’t want to be any famous Black exCEPT for Bill Cosby right about now…He’s got a chance to really exist beyond here, while the famous niggers who pretend to be “Black” don’t stand a chance of getting past the time loops and the victimization that their influence has committed them to.

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