Friday, October 21, 2016

Trump/Clinton Circus Distracts From ObamaCare Issue

We do not want to hear anything from anyone except for where they stand on delivering the nation from the slavery and terrorist attack that is ObamaCare. The rest simply does not matter.
Notice how the famous Black-faced Caucasianist controlled zombie-slave-clones got Ben Carson taken out of the running with their racist concerns about an awards show (of all things, poor little feeble minds those rich niggers got, huh? give it to whitey like that, fucktard niggers).
Yeah. It’s all a circus for the ObamaCare white devils that got their agendas and asses CURSED like a mahfucka! YEAH!
Tell us you will immediately remove ObamaCare and refund our money and incarcerate anyone who was in favor of ObamaCare or go HOME! You are only fit to be president if you will do those 3 simple things. Whoever is responsible for the terrorist attack, ObamaCare, needs to face the nation’s harshest penalties for treason. If they do not involve DEATH, then they are not harsh enough. How DARE some white devils and their little slave nigger puppet think that they’re going to take our money! That’s what got their asses and their agendas and their health and food and water supplies CURSED…Plus, they WILL pick that cotton and be sex slaves when they die to repay Lucifer and God all of that ill-gotten gain that they stole from the people that Lucifer blessed in HIS “turf” (NIGga!). The consequences for the penalties for ObamaCare ain’t goin’ NOwhere, nigga, not until your spirit pays in the time loops and gets executed to never exist to steal Lucifer’s money from those HE gave it to in HIS world, you simple simon rogue phantoms, you!
Understand that real AMERICANS do not care about anything else you have to say to us! ObamaCare is a shameful atrocity that NO American would back nor condone. So there are NO Americans in the government, or the ObamaCare facilitators would be in the ground already, where they belong!

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