Thursday, April 6, 2017

Google/Youtube Pay & Pay & Find Out Motuphi Don’t Play

Yep. The Google bastards were giggling about sabotaging Motuphi’s online ventures…They even kept attacking after he hit them with curse batches. Now, they’re finding out that he’ll reciprocate those assaults, on cartoonish levels.

Remember that they de-monetized his videos if they were being watched. Then they’d re-monetize them when the videos were no longer being viewed. They targeted Motuphi, repeatedly. They set computer algorithms to hide anything with his voice in it, which negatively effected his mp3 sales. They tried to starve him out and hide the truth of reality (that only Motuphi can share) from the other humans. Now, Google and Youtube are finding out, the hard way, that Motuphi don’t play.

The record stands that all who get cursed by Motuphi get hit where their hearts are. If it’s money that they love, then their money gets hit. He warned that he’s coming for the money of the mainstream music desecrators and sports figures next…They starved him out while making retards famous who dumbed the masses down to not appreciate real talent and now they owe Motuphi EVERYTHING…He kept upping the price and they kept ignoring him. Now, he’s taking it ALL from them; killing them, if necessary, with the mass celebrity die-off he enacted to get them squatters in the mainstream who desecrated fame so badly that he can’t even be famous anymore without being lumped in with nonexistent phantoms who could never be his equal.

China found out. Flint found out, Michigan found out. Celebs are dying by the droves and then they are finding out when Motuphi’s spirit warrior clones snatch their bitch ass spirits up to time loop them and spiritually execute them to never exist to cock-block Motuphi with their illiteracy and retardation disguised as musical “talent”. If it takes nuclear holocausts and alien invasions and radiation and giant planets hitting the Earth to get Motuphi his money and music craft back from those thugs, then that’s what is gonna happen, yo…But those who are not as talented nor as prone to stop suffering as Motuphi is are being wiped the fuck out and so are the record label execs who allowed this to carry on for so long…Notice how their kids ain’t safe no more…Gonna get worse for ‘em, too: As safe as Motuphi’s career and fortune is in their hands, that’s how safe they and their babies and mamas and fortunes are now…Still no celeb smart enough to take Motuphi his tribute…Proving that they deserve what’s comin’ for ‘em.

We’re hoping for nuclear bombs to wipe out all gangsta rap cities, especially NY, LA, Chicago, Denver & ATL…If they kicked out gangs or mind-puke disguised as music that gets played on the radio while Motuphi’s sophisticated ART is not in heavy rotation, we want nuclear bombs to wipe them cities out now (fuck them). Motuphi’s spirit is being cloned anew with every beat of their anti-music…He’s becoming all matter and anti-matter here. He will make all who rap and listen to rap disappear into the nothingness that they are. They will vaporize and blow away as ash in the wind, very soon. Nobody who listens to those who are too afraid to compete with Motuphi on a level playing field will be regarded as guiltless, you’ll see. They’re laced with the Negative Frequency Resonance put on ‘em by their rap zheroes. They ain’t getting out of this roach motel now.

Anyone else wanna crawl out from their dope-men to make a snarly face at Motuphi in this temporary timeline? He can undo YOUR punk ass right along with the rest of ‘em, ho…Best learn some ‘spect.


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