Friday, June 2, 2017

BLM Whitey Or BLM Whitey’s SLAVES?

Ever notice the recurring theme since the 1950s? Whenever Whitey wants to get something nefarious done, they just find some stupid self-entitled racist niggers to buy as their slaves to get it accomplished? When Whitey wanted to out Ben Carson as POTUS, they just bought Jada and Spike and some other inferior racist niggers to distract from the presidential race with concerns about, of all things, a fuckin’ AWARDS show…Yeah. Niggers, Whitey’s slaves made possible due to racism and laziness/self-entitlement, took away America’s chances to get the first real Black MAN in any office of power…Obama was a crackhead treasonous traitor terrorist mass mugging faggot BIYATCH! Not a Black MAN. And all other Blacks in power or with influence (except for Bill Cosby) are hellbent on exhibiting the inferiority of Black men and their complete inability to be trusted with any authority or power in any fashion.

Now, we come to BLM. Anyone been keeping up with the Bureau of Land Management (the REAL BLM) since Whitey bought them niggers to form Black Lives Matter? Yeah. See? Whitey wanted to distract from the Bureau of Land Management, so they could endanger Americans for profit, even MORE. Americans were starting to wake-up and back the protesters against the pipeline. “Uh-oh!” said Whitey “Where’s some racist dumb-assed opportunistic NIGGERS on the MLK Malcolm X Rosa Parks caliber to distract from the Bureau of Land Management with an opposing acronym? We need to create something that uses ‘BLM’, like, like, like Black Lives MATter! Yeah! THAt’s it! Black Lives MATter! ALL the racist little pygmies will jump on THAT bandwagon! Imagine the riots and news stories we can create with THEM!”

But the opportunistic NIGGERS don’t care if they get used to endanger us…They got THEIRS and that’s all that their mamas and inferior Black male role models instilled into them…”FUCK the world! I got MINES!” Nasty little niggers without a cause or a nation…Everywhere they go they take the ghetto with them, like fucked-up trailer trash white devils who go to quiet neighborhoods and start social unrest with their big dogs that they’re too fuckin’ retarded to keep on leashes, as if the rules don’t apply to them or somethin’.

Anything ELSE Whitey needs some inferior opportunistic NIGGERS to be SLAVES to accomplish for the Caucasianist agenda? There’s plenty of stupid no-shame-havin’ inferior little parasitic NIGGERS out there to buy who’ll get it done…Nothing’s changed since Whitey created the NAACP and the Black Panthers to rep Black WEAKness as Black “Power” to multiply a nation of opportunistic welfare demographic motherfuckers out of what were once productive proud people…If they can make you think like them with your Black skin, then they can make a NIGGER out of you that can be bought for THEIR agendas…

BLM should be ashamed of themselves…BOTH of them cursed demographics…FUCK them evil parasitic loser phantoms! They don’t exist, anyway.


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