Monday, June 5, 2017

Don’t Let The NIGGER Curse Get You!

If you sat back and didn’t have a problem with Bill Maher polluting our minds with his sick father/daughter Trump fantasies but you were then offended by him saying “nigger”, you’ve hit yourself with a huge batch of curses that attach to anyone who has a problem with someone white saying nigger in an era when coons and uncle toms are spewing “nigga” and “cracka” out of their mouths with every sentence. Remember the new paradigm for Blacks now: If you’re Black, you must now be SUPERIOR to anyone white on the planet or be fuckin’ cursed due to those opportunistic niggers being controlled by whitey to be lazy, thugs, gangstas, riotous and racist. You’re not allowed to be Black and touch white flesh anymore unless you’re willing to DIE for that person. Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, it still is in effect and it will swoop your ass up if you violate the parameters. You’re not allowed to say “cracka” or “nigga” or any other racial epithet if you’re Black, also (almost forgot that one that whitey tricked niggers into cursing themselves with).
For all the years of niggers not being equal to the working class while being carried on their backs while afflicting them for coddling them, the reciprocity from other timelines is an era of extreme accountability for all Blacks for allowing niggers to rep their race as what they are: With omission to cleanse our race we’re as good as saying that we’re ALL good for nothing, empty unproductive fist raising, dope-dealing, murderous, violent thugs and lazy racist white ho turner-outers who torture/abuse/neglect animals and fuck little kids and want big mansions like what whitey got. If we didn’t wanna be known as inferior niggers then we’d be killing them inferior subhuman whitey wannabe niggers for making us look bad.
We make the statement with omission: Black thug rappers, gangstas, dope dealers, sports figures, the NAACP, the Black Panthers and racist “reverends” should be dead already, yo. Anyone Black who is racist against them good, decent, loving white GODS who commuted the death sentences of their headhunter ancestors or who regards Alex Haley’s fiction novel (Roots) as fact based should be regarded as too stupid to be allowed to have Black skin (they’re begrudging all Black existences, even ours, and they don’t have a right to do that, fuck them!). That mental weakness should not be tolerated in our race. Regarding whitey owned traitor assed slave niggers like Malcolm X, MLK Jr or Rosa Parks as “leaders” should be getting you schooled in FEMA work camps by now. The welfare demographic (lazy self-entitled niggers who destroyed the cities for whitey) should never have been allowed to multiply to make good Black people look like nigger scum and NEVER, ever, ever, ever, EVER been allowed to speak for good hardworking educated Black people (who knew the TRUTH about slavery and therefore were grateful instead of racist). Now people ain’t supposed to call niggers what they is? For realz? Well other timelines said “Fuck YOU, those who don’t want whitey to have freedom of speech to say what you can say! Be CURSED then, bitches!” and it is so. Being Black is getting dangerous and whitey can’t save us from ourselves no matter how much his hoes love our big cocks and want to keep us alive to serve us. We let the famous traitors to our race trick us into attaching curses to ourselves as if they worked Voo-Doo on us for whitey…Gonna make the world a better place now and rid it of a “nigga” spewing rapper or sports figure? Then STFU, faggot bitch!
In FEMA camps, in addition to making your nigger asses WORK e’ry mahfuckin’ DAY 365/7, you’d get schooled on REAL history: Say it with us, Class: “There never were any ‘slave’ ships! There were PRISONER ships and those prisoners on those ships sometimes had their death sentences commuted to life hard labor and THEN they were sometimes ‘sold’ or even given away to work for others! Anyone telling me that my ancestors were ‘slaves’ and not murderous headhunters who found mercy is a Caucasianist trying to program me to a lesserism that can only be known as ‘niggerism’ so they can control me as a slave without chains and whips!” Repeat that to yourself, over and over and over and over again, until you’re programmed to wanna go after BLACKS for saying “nigga” and “cracka” and for being retarded enough to begrudge their own existences by hating whitey for showing some headhunters some mercy (which made it possible for them to get born…duh).
Famous Blacks who say “cracka” and “nigga” shouldn’t be safe around you, not if you’re REALLY “Black”. Their heads should be on pikes already. They, for real, should not be rich for betraying their own race, yo. Whitey gave them wealth and they program their fans to hate whitey, turning their fans into racist niggers, to eliminate the competition. Then, whitey will be afraid of their racist nigger asses and will not let them in…See how that works? Gained a whole new respect for the famous Blacks who refrain from being owned slave niggers via racism and use of racial epithets, if you’s ‘woke. Anyone Black who’s famous has no reason to hate whitey…Wake-up to that simple fact and see how fake they is. They should be publicly grateful to whitey for their fame and fortune. But they teach something else from the comfy confines of whitey’s women’s beds, don’t they? So, let’s get this straight, oh famous racist coon uncle tom nigger you; we all should HATE the white devils who gave you sooooooo fuckin’ MUCH, right? Why, Nigga? You ‘fraid they might give the same shit to US? Why you wanna control niggers to be niggers to hate the ass you suckin’ so thoroughly? Huh?
If you’re Black and racist and you fuck white women, someone should cut your fuckin’ dick off and make your mama and fav rap/sports zhero eat it while you suck an old white man’s dirty asshole while you bleed the fuck out. Then, when you die, they should wipe used tampons on your ass and let dogs sodomize your corpse while filming it for the dark web, do it to your mama and rap/sports zhero, too. We’re TIRED of your dumb nigger asses, for REAL!! Everyone who is as stupid as you with Black skin needs to be wiped the fuck OUT! You ain’t allowed to be so fuckin’ STUPID and have Black skin no more! What about that do you illiterate famous niggerererers NOT understand? Do someone gotsta cut your fuckin’ HEADS off like the zombies you create need to be done to THEM?
STFU! NIGGERS! NOW! Bill Maher should’ve been fired for making us privy to his sick Trump Ivanka fantasies! We don’t need to know he thinks that shit! NOW you bitch?! Because that pathetic feeble-minded Trump-hating treasonous terrorist supporting white devil said “nigger” while jokingly referring to himSELF? Where’s the REAL Blacks to cut the head off of a reporter reporting on shit like this on live TV as an example/statement that we will not tolerate fostering that weak-minded mentality anymore?
‘You Black and got a problem with someone saying “nigger”? There are MILLIONS of Black NIGGERS who say that word who you can start eliminating TODAY! Put your money where your fuckin’ MOUTH is or STFU! You pathetic weak-minded little NIGGERERERS! Until the Black rappers and sports figures who say “nigga” are dead, this curse batch paradigm will eat Black flesh away like a Cancer…Fuck anything Black that can’t get right with THAT shit right there! Rise UP!…Or die…ain’t no middle no mo’…

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