Monday, August 21, 2017

How Trump-Hate ReTweets Will Tie Them In To A Retard’s Murder

Published on Aug 21, 2017

Okay. How many can’t see the joke that the funders pulled on their Trump-hating slaves when they hired them to ambush protesters trying to protest the sanctity of a statue of someone ( #RobertELee ) who was ANTI-Slavery? Now picture a scenario where a retard with the mind of a child  is given a “make-over” and sent marching through a #Terrorist #Antifa #BLM#BlackLivesMatter #Soros bought #NoGoZone and then ambushed, beaten and stabbed to death while others in the hate group watch and film it. That’d make all who retweeted the hate speech against Trump and American history passively (or not so passively) complicit in murder of the retard. Now: Picture the danger of being white near one of those areas when the lights go out and everything resorts to 14th century feudalism and all other races are acting out on their #MSM #Propaganda #Media instilled hatred for white people. #Terrorism is alive and well in #America the #USA and the #Zombies made of the #Millennials is their #Extremist #Militant#Army #Facist #Gang #TerroristOrganization running amok. Just more reasons why we NEED #Trump now more than ever! It’s getting bad with the #Zombie infestation. 

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