Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Nugent Had Talent Ice Cube Did Not

Other timelines watched you desecrate everything to coddle the feeble-minded. They enacted retaliation for giving a warmonger crackhead terrorist posing as POTUS (Obama) the Nobel Peace Prize when he was dropping real bombs on innocents every 20 minutes of his deranged tyrannical reign.
Other timelines enacted retaliation for the desecration of music with Rap/Hip-Hop (hate speech).
Other timelines enacted retaliation for the fame desecration perpetuated by reality show stars, sports figures and famous racist Blacks.
Other timelines enacted retaliation for the deprivation of Motuphi, on all levels.
Other timelines enacted retaliation for the desecration of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame for putting those with NO discernible talent in it, like Ice Cube.
So, yeah, smart assed phantoms who said that Ted Nugent didn’t get into the hall of fame due to “TALENT”, your were right. By the new monkey mind parameters of inducting those with NO talent into the Hall of Fame, it IS about talent: Ted Nugent has TOO MUCH talent to get inducted and be lumped in with the no-talent likes of ridiculous illiterate clown-shoes niggas like Ice Cube.
You pegged it, Buddy!
But imagine the consequences for it when Motuphi and Lucifer start time looping the no-talent inductees and those who nominated them as SLAVES to repay their debt and then spiritually executes them to never get born to perpetuate their gross white devil instilled niggerism.

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