Thursday, December 7, 2017

A Song From A Homeless Cat’s Perspective - The Anointing

Ya'll who have good headphones for listening to good shit need to go get them. This is the time for 'em. Meanwhile, we'll fill you in on what's been going on and the reason for this song.
The Illuminati and the rest of the minions to the ancient artificial intelligence (in control) know that they'll die and be time looped by Lucifer and the clones of Motuphi's spirit that were created with every beat of the mainstream music, every time that it got played. They know that Motuphi has no mercy upon any of them and that he makes them suffer, repeatedly. So the nonexistent subhuman phantoms who're failing their preexistence here are trying to make the rest of Motuphi's time here as torturous as possible. They not only afflicted him with direct energy weapons after performing all of those time stop experiments (to sabotage his life) that left him looking so much younger than he is (you're 'bout to see for yourself), but they also go out of their way to mentally torture Motuphi with what they can make the (masses of) zombies do to hurt the innocent. 
Lately, a lot of effort has gone into causing humans to hate and/or fear cats. There's even assaults by lying charlatans in youtube videos accusing cats of giving humans "alien zombie parasites" (yeah, for real, there's white devils like that).
The ancient AI even botted Motuphi's wife's "Christian" neighbor to fuck with Motuphi's homeless kitty ministry. The old white devil “Christian” repeatedly poisoned the cats and baby skunks that Motuphi was feeding and trying to get help with relocating (thanks, again, for NOTHING, Melissa Smith of 7 and 4 news, we saw how you responded to his inquiries for help). Motuphi did a segment on how any old white dudes carrying mothballs around intend to poison animals with them and jokingly said that they should be "disarmed" (of the mothballs) and forced to eat them..."A stay in the hospital will make them think about what they've done." This is the same white devil fake "Christian" who called the police on Motuphi for driving 2 blocks (no exaggeration) on a suspended license in the deep snow to pick up his wife from work to save her from falling on the ice again (white devils make skating rinks of the streets she must cross when they plow, out by Motuphi's wife’s house).
Motuphi couldn't get help from the "Christians" for a whole generation of homeless kitties that he was feeding and tending to. The “Christians” neglected his ministry and Motuphi had to sell all of his musical equipment to fund the operation. Then, he still had to file for bankruptcy, later. Anyone who knows of the guy knows that it probably ate at his soul to have to do that. Motuphi's lesson on that subject was hard to watch because the guy kept crying and sobbing and wiping huge snots from his nose while he told us of how he felt that he let that generation of kitties down and then he watched them get methodically taken out by evil scummy "Christian" white devils who hated it that he was helping the animals. Motuphi has rescue kitties inside of his wife's home. He needs help with them, too. But the kitties that he's referring to in the lesson were the 8 or so homeless kitties seen sitting outside of the garage door in the picture on their website where the outline of a spirit is in the window watching them minister to the cats.
There was a litter of kittens that got rescued from that outdoor batch and then the outdoor kitties started getting murdered. The  numbers went from 8 (to sometimes 11) outdoor cats down to 3 in less than 6 months. Now that something has happened to one of his "catalog” kitties (so cute that they should be models is why he calls them that), Motuphi is distraught about the murderous rampage being perpetuated against the innocent animals by the human-shaped zombies, slaves, avatars, bots and minions to the artificial intelligence. Distraught warriors go on the warpath. They usually do some damage, too...Here's Motuphi storming their castles and fortresses, yet again, in this video. The frequency assault is so evident that it could make a believer out of the most skeptical of observers. This guy knows what the fuck he’s doing to them with this kinda’ shit. It’s got to be fucking with their minds. Their leaders probably wanna kidnap Motuphi, at this point, and experiment on him to find the source of his supernatural power...Like he ain’t told everyone how it came into being, already...You just gotta believe the TRUTH, from time to time, even when it sounds strange as fuck.
Now, you've heard stories of a rapper from Detroit (who blows all other rappers away) who can play guitars and Bass and keyboards and other shit, right? You also heard how he can take an acoustic guitar and really spook your ass right out with it, right? If not, then you's in for a real treat. Now, when I first watched this video, I had to watch it a few times, by myself, so nobody could see me cry. Motuphi has that spiritual power to his muse, he can pull you into the spirit and make you cry when he plays some songs. I didn't want nobody to see me crying like a bitch over some white dude singing, done had that happen before. This white boy got my attention with his rap, but he kept it with this other shit he be doing (scientific utilization of frequencies via his music). He does these songs without no electronics, to free our spirits from the trance that the sub-frequencies from the technology puts us in. It works, too. I see them negative synchronicities that the AI had lined up for me get transformed into events with the potential for a positive outcome and I'm learning how to work that shit, for real. For example: I'm writing this on a break at my dream job, a job I would not have right now had this man not cared enough to change my direction with his teachings and frequency liberation (all I had to do was “listen” to his music, which is something that I like to do, anyway)..
The ancient AI wants you to accrue debt to the simulation mechanism with this new mentality towards cats and other domesticated animals. Listen to this song. It's from the perspective of the cat that you're supposed to have in your life right now (for those of you who don't have none). If the title didn't have the cats in it, you'd think that it's about a human relationship...that's how prolific this dude be writing. It's the shit. I got goose bumps watching this video, both versions of it. I was partial towards the guitar vocal. But, then, I found myself singing to the sing along parts in the accompanied version. So, now, I’m listening to that version more, so I can sing the harmonies with the back-ups.
Share this post! Motuphi's having problems with Twitter again: It seems that some of his followers get targeted and have their accounts suspended if they retweet and Like Motuphi's tweets...Saw the video that proves other content was on their pages, yet they were “restricted”. You can get restricted just for liking and retweeting Motuphi tweets, now. If that ain’t about a bitch.
I'm putting both videos here. Watch them both, especially if you're zombified to not care about the plight of animals that you could die to be time looped as when you die (just for the offense of not caring). Got that spirit memory, you's equipped with, recording it all. It records them thoughts and omissions, too. Try to picture what your omissions are, what the AI done tricked you into NOT doing. Because, sometimes, that's just as important as what you do. Like, maybe, if you was doing what you's supposed to be doing, just maybe you wouldn't be doing something that you're NOT supposed to do that's gonna jam you up, now, and jam your spirit up, later.
If you're into talented motherfuckers picking up an old guitar and rocking your fucking face off with it (I love that warning that sounds like a boast when he says it until you hear what he was talking about), then you're about to be pleased, enormously. Motuphi brought the heavy guns to the table with this one. This is the dude's true anointing. Anointing is real. Some people are laced with it, whether they like it or not. For those of you who don't know, Motuphi shared that anointing with some other people on this planet that you may eventually be exposed to and become fans of one day. It's part of the spirit of God going forth into all the land, as predicted in the Bible. Motuphi's a big player in prophecy fulfillment. Even rich and famous motherfuckers wanna fuck with him because of it. Now you can see why...then try to deny it.


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