Saturday, December 16, 2017

Your Life’s Purpose - Where You Go When You Die

You're alive in a preexistence here, so you have a purpose, or maybe many of them. The ancient artificial intelligence that Christ and Lucifer battled, as recorded in Mark chapter 6, wants you to be distracted from your purpose so that you'll fail your preexistence and have to pay for it when you die. For example: If you're purpose is to fight against the unnecessary suffering being caused by the ancient AI and its rich and famous subhuman minions in power, then you may be predestined to rescue an animal that was going to suffer at their hands, usually via the AI minions' influence. If you fail to rescue that animal, then you accrue a debt for the omission, which was you granting permission to allow the animal that you were supposed to rescue to be tormented via your failure to intervene. This is all recorded in your (and the animal's) non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories and they connect when you die. So, when you die, you get time looped as that animal not being rescued by you (your spirit is placed into the animal during a replay of its life that was made worse due to your omission to help it). Then, you get time looped as slaves to repay the simulation mechanism. Then, your spirit is executed (since you failed to graduate to the next timeline/"level") and you never get born to perpetuate your omission when this timeline is undone and replayed without the offenders in it.
That’s just one example. If you hurt someone or something, then you’ll be time looped as it when you die. Then the standard slave time loops to repay the resources that went into your preexistence here since you were a phantom who won’t be existing beyond this temporary timeline. Then, the phantomization (spiritual execution/the 2nd death) to never exist. The ancient AI is designed to trick you out of existing and it has empowered many (rich and famous) subhuman minions to speak for it. If you’re rich and famous and you distract from the plight of the homeless animals, you’re going to be time looped as those animals that you distracted from...So, be careful about them “protests”, that they don’t distract from the animals. If you’re a bully, you’ll be time looped as those you bullied while they’re being bullied by you. In some cases, the parents who raised the bully to be that way are also time looped as the bully’s victims. You get the gist.
If you graduate to the next timeline, then you'll get to experience the world as it was meant to be; as Lucifer and Yah, both, wanted it to be. Yah's real world is actually going to be that way, permanently, since this spirit scan that we're currently in is so effective at sifting out the contaminants. Don't believe the lies from any charlatans who tell you otherwise. They're botted by the AI to trick you into joining them in the time loops and then as nonexistent entities who never get born (”depart from Me, for I never knew you”).
That's the truth. The majority has always been wrong, and the popular messages of fluff and undeserved forgiveness with no strings attached afterwards are LIES, as well. You have a purpose to fulfill. You don't have time for the distractions that will undo (quite literally) so many AI avatars and zombies surrounding you. If you want to exist beyond here, you must separate yourself from the programming that keeps you zombified, ineffective, and therefore trapped in this mechanism...Otherwise, you never get out.

Read this book. It sums up the Bible in 37 quick pages that you can read on a coffee break and every word of it is the TRUTH!


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