Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kanye, Last Man Standing & Controlled Opposition

Okay. It's time to introduce some reality into the fantasy narrative again. This time, people are ga-ga goo-goo over Kanye West, as if he's anything but controlled opposition. He made a tweet about Candace Owens and his peers are doing the big ceremonious backlash against it because it doesn't line up with their directives. It's all a SHOW! Kanye is not combating them nor does he really want to make a change in the industry or the world affected by it! That's big lies!
Let's not forget the thing that Kanye is most famous for to all people who are not his idiotic fans, which is showing-off his mama's inferior raising skills at a retard awards show where he interrupted Taylor Swift for Beyonce (the queen of the untalented)...Yeah. Niggerism. That's what Kanye is famous for. Now, he's suddenly not rolling with them white devils and their bought famous slave niggers who're cartoonishly racist against the white devils who gave them pussy, ass, wealth, fame and power of influence? Now, he's suddenly "evolving"? Oh, pull-leaze! Kanye was there at them pedophile rapist get togethers (aka "awards shows") and he was all too happy and proud to be sitting among the famous pedos and rapists, beaming big smiles.
If Kanye was serious about making changes in the soon to be undone music realm, he would've initiated Motuphi's release from illegal Martial Law in Michigan or caused a few people to take a peek at the awesome music created by Motuphi (aka Vincent Ciofani, Detroit's most talented rapper and musician since the Funk Brothers, one of whom was drinking buddy to Motuphi's father in Detroit back in the day). But Kanye is not serious about defying his white devil masters/owners and therefore won't be making any changes to the paradigm that would probably rescue some soon to be hit (from other timelines) rich and famous welfare phantoms (aka celebrities). We can prove this, right now:
Remember the TV show "Last Man Standing"? Well, the parasitic, reptilian white devils who control entertainment took it off the air, even though it had higher ratings than all of its competitors (COMBINED!), simply because they can't compete with the TRUTH when it's properly presented...That's how they operate: If they can't compete with you, they simply put you in obscurity and distract the masses with the obedient famous slaves who pimp their narratives and vile fuckin' agendas to cause more unnecessary suffering for the ancient artificial intelligence that controls them (the same AI that Christ lost the battle to in Mark chapter 6).
All dope dealers and thugs who operate on the streets are empowered by their white devil masters to do so. Any who're not empowered by white devils end up dead or in prison (it’s just a fact that any fool can plainly see). That's proof that the gangs and famous welfare phantoms (like Dre, Snoop, Diddy, Jay-Z, etc) are all bought and paid-for obedient little slaves and minions to their Caucasianist masters and their retarded (ancient AI) agendas. They were not only empowered to be thugs who victimized good hardworking taxpaying Black people in the 'hoods, but they were also empowered (made famous) by the white devils to spit their lame mind-puke (hate speech against the productive and existent up in here) on the airwaves. The white devils turned a blind eye when thugs kidnapped radio station music programmers to get their inferior "music" put in rotation. White devils turned a blind eye to it and allowed ongoing career sabotage of those with opposing messages, like Motuphi (who was there, ready, and far more talented than any of them).
Motuphi was doing songs warning kids to NOT do dope, just smoke Marijuana instead, and was being ridiculed by the music industry insiders who were won over to sucking the inferior, feeble-minded thug cocks. Motuphi was threatened with violence over his content when the ridicule failed. It became unsafe for him to do live gigs in the Detroit and Pontiac areas.
Just as the white devils would take down "Last Man Standing" in our era, they already did that shit to Motuphi, years ago, because he was just too prolific of a hero and a talent for them lesser rappers to compete with. Motuphi quit music and became a street thug and a very effective pimp ("manager" was always his correction suggestion). He operated from Sterling Heights, a suburb of Detroit, where Motuphi was born and raised (on the upper east side). He was then killed on an operating table after a freak accident in his own driveway (he got hit by his own car by one of his hoes is the legend). God and Lucifer had a pow-wow with Motuphi's spirit and then sent it back to his body and he made a full recovery and even got a good paying job after that...
Motuphi was directed (by Yah and Lucifer) to go back to music and to never quit, because every second of his obscurity would become their (the white devils and their famous welfare phantoms with lesser talent and whack "messages") debt accrued to be collected on in the time loops after they die (before their spiritual executions to never exist to be untalented squatters in the mainstream desecrating Lucifer's craft of music for their white devil masters who serve "Satan" aka the ancient artificial intelligence and arch enemy to God, Christ and Lucifer and all who exist beyond this simulation mechanism). One day, they'll die to be time looped and undone and Lucifer will need Motuphi's music to fill the void where their “music” once was before their ultimate phantomizations (all of the undone music that will never exist because the welfare phantoms never existed, they failed their preexistence here and died to get time looped and undone).
Lucifer intends to undo ALL of the current popular mainstream music acts (their members and their enablers/contract holders/fans) for the offense of their omissions regarding Motuphi and influencing their fans to help the animals. They are famous due to the lowered standard of the thug commandeered music industry. Had Motuphi not been sabotaged in the early 1990s, then the standard of music never would've dropped to a level where gangsta rappers and the famous pop stars of today could be famous. But do any of the famous rappers and poptards have any sense of gratitude for that shit? Fuck no! They join the white devils (who empowered them) in keeping Motuphi distracted from and obscured because they, too, are afraid of being shadowed by Motuphi...The worst thing you can do to rich and famous welfare phantoms is distract from their whackness disguised as "talent" with some REAL genuine talent.
Kanye being famous was made possible by Motuphi's sacrifice, his lost career in the early 1990s. And Motuphi was too generous. He came into supernatural power to destroy them welfare phantoms and they're still standing. Too bad those Detroit assholes were so obedient to Motuphi when he said to leave Eminem alone when they was gonna pop his ass off the stage for pilfering Motuphi's life story (and career, by proxy, via untalented thugs empowered by their white devil masters/owners to be famous cartoonish caricatures of humans).
That's how they do. That's how they operate. Kanye is one of them. They can't compete with "Last Man Standing" and its opposing influence, so it's gone. They never could compete with Motuphi's talent, superior songs, better rap skills and advanced entity mentality, so they sabotaged the entire music industry to keep HIM down (they started with Al Sharpton and Madonna, long before Motuphi was making music publicly, to have the field compromised in their favor already). The next step down was to have some thugs kidnap programmers to commit Federal crimes on so many levels, simultaneously. Then, the downward spiral can happen until you have what we have today, untalented arrogant retards cock-blocking Motuphi with their retardation simply because the white devils want Motuphi defeated and distracted from (because he’s too fuckin’ dangerous and too much of a threat to them, unlike Kanye, who’s obedient). Motuphi’s the only authentic ambassador to God, Christ and Lucifer in this entire era in this whole mechanism; so they want him squashed out and so do the "Christians" who're controlled by "Satan" (the ancient AI and enemy to Lucifer).
If Kanye were really evolving, he'd lean you away from his white devil enablers and towards the superior music and messages of Motuphi, who came from the ghettos of Detroit and didn't have no white devils to help him out of it like (Kanye and) the famous welfare phantoms (did) who somehow erroneously get revered as "heroes" and "role models" by ghetto kids. Ghetto parents won't point out a real hero from the ghetto who got out without committing crimes to do it (he became a criminal in protest to his illegal Martial Law, years later, because he couldn’t get a driving job without a license). They're so ghetto, they elevate human-shaped pieces of shit like Jay-Z to their kids and then wonder why their kids get killed or imprisoned...
Why do you work for a living instead of deal dope or be a thug? Because the dealers and thugs die to get time looped as their victims and then as slaves and then they get spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this timeline after it gets undone and taken back to a "restore" point. That's why. If you hate slavery so bad, then don't commit yourself to becoming one when you die, Nigga...Too bad that Kanye's still too tiny to tell you that, huh?...
Remember when Motuphi wrote that song to Candace Owens on his ukulele when he was deathly ill a few months ago? Yeah. That's a nice song. He should redo it, with more instruments, so people can enjoy it. Motuphi liked how Candace thinks so much, he wrote her a song proclaiming as much. But ya'll heard about a nonexistent welfare phantom's (Kanye's) tweet, instead...See how them white devils operate? See how Kanye is controlled opposition? He ain't never really gonna be a threat to them...He'd need Motuphi for that...
Kinda awkward to be a nonexistent welfare phantom approaching an existent who had to suffer for you to have fame and fortune that you were never qualified for nor entitled to, which is probably why you'll never see a rich and famous welfare phantom give Motuphi his due props.


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