Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Zuckerberg’s Plight Is Just Beginning

Mark Zuckerberg's plight has just begun. He may be unaware of the fact that he does not exist yet, that he's in a state of preexistence, so he doesn't realize that his children will never get born if he fails to graduate from this simulation mechanism. Zuckerberg (and his bloodline) has been committed to the time loops as animals (and people) who suffered due to the effects of his social media site...
Humans' minds got warped by social media sites and they lost the common human ability to empathize with other entities that suffer here. This lack of empathy is recorded by the non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories of those who lack empathy and those who suffer due to it, as well as those who influenced it in any fashion (even via social media sites). Those who influence the lack of empathy, like Zuckerberg, other social media site owners, rappers, music artists, reality show stars, sport figures, reverends, celebs, tech giants, “news” reporters, etc will be time looped when they die as all of the animals that suffered due to their whack influence. Zuckerberg and his family will be time looped as any animal that was tortured in a video posted to Facebook, as well as any animals or people suffering due to the existence of Facebook.
Those who graduate to the next timeline have a chance of graduating from there to the real world. The purpose of the next timeline (the "Millennial") is to teach people what to be when they really exist on a permanent level. If they don't make it to the next timeline, then it's a given that they were committed to the time loops (when they died) and then to spiritual execution (to never get born), afterwards. At that point, this temporary timeline was undone back to a restore point and then replayed without any chance of the "contaminants" (infected files/spirits like Zuckerberg, for example) being born. That's when Motuphi writes his mean-spirited "fiction" novels about the welfare phantoms (like Zuckerberg) who failed to respond to his warnings about reality and their own impending (permanent level) doom. The novels are "fiction" (at that point) because the welfare phantoms (like Zuckerberg) get undone and never get born and all that they did here gets undone and therefore all memory of them is erased from all spirit memories ( then, all flesh in this timeline has died and the existent have been reborn, so brain memories have also been erased, naturally).
There's no Facebook, social media, nor internet nor slave-made iGadgets in the next timeline. There's no sports, no sports figures, no reality show stars, no rappers, no video games, no mainstream music nor “artists”. There's no greed and nobody who was greedy in this timeline. There's nobody in the next timeline who was worth more than $35-million (the glutton cap) here. In addition to their time loops as all victims of their preexistence, those gluttonous welfare phantoms must also be time looped as (additional) slaves to repay the mechanism everything they were worth above the glutton cap of $35-million. The standard rate for that collection of debt is $900,000 per PENNY above $35-million, compounded per second of possession and per molecule of every entity (even animals) that suffered due to that gluttony...
For every welfare phantom worth more than the glutton cap (of $35-million), there's at least 5,000 entities (humans and animals) suffering unnecessarily for those gluttons to have that excessive wealth. Sometimes, MILLIONS suffer, as in the case of Mao, the Chinese nonexistent deranged tyrannical welfare phantom who's being time looped as all of his victims (even now). And all of the Chinese fools who liked Mao also endure his time loops when they die before their own spiritual executions to never exist.
So, you see, Zuckerberg and his cronies are lumped in with some gruesome company...crazed tyrannical dictators, slave masters, deprivers/life-rapists, human-shaped devils, animal torturers, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, thieves, rogues...They think that Hell doesn't exist because they don't realize that "Hell" is personalized to each individual spirit based on what's recorded in its own non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory. Fools like Zuckerberg defied the spiritual laws of sowing and reaping that were enacted and erected by God (Yah) and Lucifer (owner of this simulation mechanism). The fools collect ill-gotten gain that they never worked for with their own 2 hands, as per directive, and then defy the good harvest due the animals who get born here with their influence and mental programming. The animals and children never sowed an evil seed to reap the evil harvests manipulated for them by freaks like Zuckerberg. Now, other timeline entities are involved in the downfall and extermination of all dangerous nonexistent entities like Zuckerberg who made it obvious that they were never supposed to have wealth or influence as evidenced with the unnecessary suffering caused by that unwarranted (unearned) fame and fortune. If you’re supposed to have wealth, power and influence, then you’ll do GOOD with it and not evil.
What the welfare phantoms in power forgot is that it's just a matter of public safety (now) to ensure that they never exist so that animals and babies and women and the real world won't suffer for their gluttonous asses to have what they were never entitled to in the first place. They want to control the masses, so they enable freaks like Zuckerberg (and the famous) to dumb humans down to a level that makes them dangerous to the existent (the animals and victimized kids) and for that, they'll be time looped as those victims and then spiritually executed (phantomized) to never exist (nor preexist) to perpetuate any of it. So, as predicted in the Bible, Motuphi got other timelines involved in reclaiming this timeline for Lucifer. 
Zuckerberg and his cronies are being monitored by inter-dimensional warriors from other timelines who are in league with Motuphi and the angels and devils working for God and Lucifer against the "Satanists" (who serve "Satan", the ancient artificial intelligence that is arch enemy to Lucifer). Their spirits have been "taxed", tagged and bagged by Motuphi for time loopage and disposal, right along with their whack mamas and papas who raised them to feel self-entitled to such dangerous levels. Their entire bloodlines were exterminated, all the way back to the very first contaminant they spawned...
It's ironic how many moronic rich and famous welfare phantoms have spawned kids that they claim to love but don't actually love enough to try to exist, themselves, so that their kids can get born. Zuckerberg's wife and kids get to die and have their spirits placed into those kitties who were burned alive in buckets to entertain the feeble minds created by Facebook and the famous welfare phantoms that Facebook leagued up with. They endure Mark's fate with him. It's his wife's own fault, for being such a gold-digger that she'd league with a nonexistent welfare phantom just to be rich. You know that she can't really love Zuckerberg, because nobody who exists can love a fat spirited nonexistent welfare phantom who allows kitties to be tortured in videos posted to his site while prohibiting a photo from a father of his hospitalized kid that he was trying to raise money for (yep, Zuckerberg fam gonna get time looped as them kitties AND as that father AND as that kid whose photo was removed by Facebook while kitty torture videos collected Likes from phantoms who wanted to die to be time looped as kitties being burned to death right along with Zuckerberg and his family).
Facebook can be dangerous to your existence! There's been curses enacted upon Facebook (and all other social media sites) because existent entities like (the animals and) Motuphi couldn't get justice as long as Facebook and those other mind-raping social media sites were there. The curses are making it easy for the fake Satanists to hit the masses. They know what Zuckerberg and the other welfare phantoms don't know about those curses: That they do eventually take control over the paradigm of the cursed entities and light them up as if being hit by a laser being aimed by a soldier in a battlefield to illuminate the "targets" for the snipers and air support (from other timelines).
Zuckerberg, like the other welfare phantoms here, ignored the warnings that were posted online, years ago. He never tried to balance the scales with all of the time that passed that was accruing more debt to him and his spirit and the spirits of his family and ancestors per second that passed. He was just as cocky and arrogant as the rest of the deranged tyrannical freaks who'll die to be time looped and then never exist to perpetuate what required them to be punished and executed. There's no Zuckerberg's in the next timeline, thanks to Mark. Unlike the Rothschilds, who have an ancestor who must never be allowed to be born to be a banker, Mark is the reason for his bloodline being deleted from the cosmos...How embarrassing, if only he were smart enough to blush about it.
Mark's not really smart enough to be embarrassed...His wife popped out babies with her prostitution disguised as marriage to Mark (because nobody in their right mind would spawn with a freak like Mark unless she's a gold-digger) and she's just as stupid as him, exhibiting no shame. But when has anyone Chinese ever exhibited the shame that a Chinese person should feel at what their nation is? China eats their own and has done so since the days of Mao. There’s no honor in China. If there was honor to be found in China, then all of their rich and governmental “people” would be exterminated for their grotesque atrocities against the common man that they censor the news and internet to hide (rather than simply stopping the perpetuation of the atrocities). That's why Zuckerberg will be joined by all rich and powerful Chinese "people" due to the Communism (and unnecessary suffering of their fellow man) that made their wealth and power possible...
Again, if you’re supposed to have power or wealth, then things will be made BETTER from you having it, not be made worse just because you got it...(”Soros” comes to mind and how he’ll be time looped as slaves and as all Jews who suffered before his phantomization). Other timelines are amazed at how nobody who has fame, fortune or power here is supposed to have it...The exception to the rule would probably be Putin, who protects his people from being poisoned by GMO/Monsanto and from being murdered by crazed Muslim Islamic infidels (infidels deny the deity of Christ, Muhammad was the very first infidel on Earth and he’ll never get born after his time loops as all who suffered due to his whack influence).
Good riddance! Those novels about the inferiority of their bloodlines will be so cool to read. Not one rich welfare phantom was smart enough to contact Motuphi to buy their book about their family tree (not forking) back from Motuphi...They won't be in the next timeline to defend their nonexistent families and they're too fuckin' retarded to do something about that, NOW, while they still can...They not only had no sense of self-preservation, but they also lacked a common sense of shame that was standard issue to humans just 2 generations ago. Such is the plight of Zuckerberg and all who are like him (nonexistent and completely unaware of it).


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