Thursday, March 5, 2020

All Fame Is Rigged Expose`!!

Want proof positive that all fame is rigged? Here's your proof that obscurity is rigged to ensure those who were made famous without merit stay that way.
Your test subject will be Motuphi aka Lesa Luvlace aka Ciofani aka the Budezians aka Lotta Jesus aka Church People aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani and the driving force behind the sabotaged high vibrational HipHop/Rap music act, the Muli. This is not even a complete list of all of Vini’s pseudonyms that've been sabotaged by white devils. But it does expose the ongoing battle and the methods Motuphi employed in his attempts to sell mp3s and streams online. 
Now that you have that arsenal of knowledge about the greatest music artist ever to grace our era, add to it what you'll find if you research the service ratings of the aggregators (online distributors) that Motuphi used.
A simple online search will easily expose that, when Motuphi started using RouteNote to release his music, the service went sour not too long afterwards. The rich white devils have been spying on Motuphi to sabotage him and keep him locked down in obscurity and poverty (they even put him under illegal Martial Law for his entire adult life). One of them must've bought RouteNote right after Vini started using them. Vini (Motuphi) never made any money with RouteNote in the 4 years that his massive multi-artist catalog has been uploaded through them. His latest video about it puts his 4 year earnings at a little over $12. The threshold is $100, so he can't even collect that ridiculous pittance.
Now, here's where it gets very obvious that they're rigging fame, especially to Lesa Luvlace/Motuphi fans who already know that she/he should be famous long before the distraction artists that they elevated to deter potential fans from Motuphi's releases. We also know that everyone famous participates in this game of sabotage against the underground music artists, with Motuphi being the top game piece because his music is so prolific and presents a real threat to them. Why do you think they tolerate novelty music acts and genres like kPop to be lumped in with them rather than insist on quality control which would put Motuphi at the top of the list as most viable candidate for fame and fortune? They scared of him, all those famous celebretards get physically ill at the thought of Motuphi experiencing success.
Ok. The big reveal is (simultaneously programming people to like kPop and) Motuphi started using Distrokid as an aggregator in December of 2019. The service was good. Everyone sang Distrokid’s praises. The good reviews outnumbered the bad reviews by a margin in excess of 10,000 to 1. They had a 4 star rating. But the rich white devils felt threatened by Motuphi again and decided to destroy the service that Vini was using. Peep it for yourself: The new reviews about Distrokid reek of evidence of sale of the company (just like RouteNote?) to a white devil (probably fake Jew) party who just wants the service to crumble to keep Motuphi unfamous.
Now you understand why there's gangsta rap, sports, reality shows, kPop, and other novelty shit like that that never should've been pimped upon the already fragile psyche of this final generation of the once dominant now dominated species known as humans.
The evidence is there: You have the astounding mega talent of Lesa Luvlace with the added twist of him/her being a genuine transgender entity. You have celebretards who know of Vini/Lesa and his/her music and his/her plight of being sabotaged by Christians, white devils, celebrities, rich fake Jews and their owned famous Black slaves/mouthpieces/boys. They do nothing to defy it, as if to say with their actions/omissions that they condone the sabotage and agree that it's necessary in order for them to remain rich and famous with lesser talent. You have them coming out with a new even lesser talented distraction every time Vini released a song over the past 6 years (that's where the sudden notoriety of Li'l Nas X and kPop came from) after the blackballing of Vini's wholesome Hip-Hop/Rap back in the early '90s to put gangsta rap on the radio instead (for those who didn't know that that shit happened or are too young to remember)...
Add all of that obvious out in the open sabotage onto literally buying and trashing online distributor companies just to keep him down and you hafta wonder why they (the rich and famous) all regard Motuphi/Lesa Luvlace as such a formidable foe that he/she requires additional sabotage in addition to the already tedious nature of pursuing a lucrative music career. It's already a daunting task to accomplish any level of success in a rigged music industry. Add to that all of the sabotage directed at one entity and you know that there's something wrong with the picture.
Remember when you thought that famous celebretards actually deserved to be that way based on merit? Well they participated in exposing to you that their fame is rigged when they stood by for all of those decades and allowed Motuphi to be sabotaged with rigged obscurity. If they have to rig the obscurity of Lesa Luvlace (Vini Ciofani) to ensure that she (he) doesn't get famous with her (his) astounding talent and muse that blows all of their current stars' renderings away, then it only stands to reason that the fame of those who are famous must be rigged, as well. Because, well, if you're rigging the system so that those who deserve to be famous based on their talent and hard work (like Lesa Luvlace) can't possibly achieve it, then the product of that system rigging is that the fame, itself, is rigged and nobody who's currently famous is that way based on merit...Because if there was anyone rich and famous who felt like they deserve to be that way based on their talent and work ethic, they'd be defying the rigging of the obscurity of Lesa Luvlace.
Motuphi recently commented that this shit finally caused him to snap and he's going to commit suicide soon. We hope that he doesn't let those nasty rich and famous welfare phantoms get that win. He taught so many who were gonna kill themselves to stay alive for spite so they could watch for the karmic reciprocity upon their saboteurs and bullies...Now he needs to heed his own teachings and stay alive for spite to witness the comeuppance of his nonexistent welfare phantom white devil enemies.


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