Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Unintended Effects Of A Weaponized Virus Attack

Some welfare phantoms will put anything in their non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records their thoughts and omissions. Like the entities responsible for weaponizing and spreading the Conoranvirus (Covid-19), for example. Now, they'll die to have their spirits time looped as all entities negatively effected by their latest attack on the masses, including the animals. Then, their spirits will be executed and they'll never get born to perpetuate their atrocities. So, the Coronavirus and the spread of it never happened once the crash point happens and this timeline gets reversed to a restore point and all things that happened here get undone. 
Reasons for the weaponized virus assault are simple: They recently rigged the mid-terms to get Democrats into positions of power. Think AOC, who responded to a Craigslist ad to fill her position; Gretchem Whitmer, the Muslim women, and almost all other Democrat candidates who were elected via that rigged mid-term election were never entitled to their positions of power (the rigging was successful)...Americans did not select them, reptilian welfare phantoms elevated them via rigging.
The primary elections have been rigged, as well, as a test for the upcoming POTUS election. A few very obvious angles include getting people to stay home and vote electronically, which can be hacked and changed before being officially entered. Another ploy is to get people to refrain from voting, altogether, so that the Democrats can use their old mainstay and apply the votes of all Americans who didn't vote to their own tally (they've been voting on behalf of nonvoting Americans for decades). So, those who don't vote will have their choice made for them and it will definitely be a vote for a Democrat or what their party wants, as always.
It's a wonder why the Democrats even want to officially control the office of POTUS when they've proven with Trump that they can still control everything from behind the scenes and pass the blame to the current president and effectively escape scrutiny for their non-American treasonous traitor maneuvers. If they get back in power, they can no longer hide their atrocities behind blame of the Trump administration, what's become the new norm for them.
Unintended effects of the Coronavirus attack are simple enough to see. Karmic Reciprocity is being doled out upon the offenders who couldn't be reached any other way. There are offenses that some entities must pay for now, like hating Trump and Trump supporters, or not having proper empathy for abandoned (homeless) animals (in and out of shelters across the nation) or for Vincent-Nick Ciofani (aka Motuphi aka Lesa Luvlace of Durty Kandi) and how he/she has been under illegal Martial Law in Michigan all of his/her adult life over teenage driving under the influence offenses utilizing antiquated Democrat laws from the 1940s.
Now those who couldn't be imposed upon to use their tiny little minds to feel empathy for others will get a small taste of what those entities endure every day. Those who won't awaken from their mainstream induced slumber will most probably die to cull the herd of the undesirable demographic who're too non-human to feel empathy...They sowed the seed that they have no empathy and now God nor the angels nor other inter-dimensional timeline time travelers have empathy for them (they reaped what they sowed). They wouldn’t intervene for the animals, Vini or Trump; so now no intervention will come for them. See how that circle is so simple to see and take advantage of? Just do GOOD shit and you attract GOOD shit. Do BAD shit and you attract BAD shit, like Democrats always fucking with you and attacking you for sport. 
So, when you're locked down in your abode and can no longer go out to do what you love to do to make your living, just think, Vini (Ciofani) has been enduring that for 36 YEARS, every single day, 24/7/365; painfully enduring Democrat law imposed life-rape. Vini never acquired Justice and neither you nor your (controlled by the Democrats puppet) POTUS could be imposed upon to exercise your brain muscles to empathize with his/her plight. Now, if YOU endure a sample of what he endures every single day, you might gain a clue. While you’re down, go ahead and stream some Lesa Luvlace and see/hear what all of the famous mainstream is so afraid of you being exposed to (we DARE ya!). That sabotage must now be rectified, by any means necessary. Until it is, death will be the new norm; as the Democrats dictated for you and your mainstream music artist, comedians, actors and sports figures condoned, facilitated and fomented. But those who die are useless shits who'd never grow a high enough IQ to reject the mainstream mind puke and appreciate the musical prowess of Lesa Luvlace, anyway; so they're really no loss to the world.
Stupid is clearly deadly now. So, if you wanna live, you better stop getting dumbed-down by mainstream music artists, comedians, actors and sports figures and come out of the whore that is willful retardation. You ARE smart enough to comprehend, process and appreciate complicated musical compositions and GOOD songs, and you probably don't even realize it. So you obediently just keep poisoning yourself with the renderings of the mainstream from the tiny-minded (controlled puppet) music "artists" that they allow to be famous only because they obediently make you stupid as fuck with their media and personas. Now you're too stupid to have empathy for a man who's been trying to do a good job as POTUS and wound-up controlled, instead. You've been too stupid to have empathy for animals or Motuphi, also; so what GOOD are you?
How to survive: Make the conscious decision to reject the mainstream bullshit and to start feeding your mind and spirit with the sabotaged hidden music of repressed oppressed underground music artists who're REAL artists, like Lesa Luvlace, Motuphi, Rex Razor, who possess more talent than all of the mainstream music artists now famous, combined. 
The rigging will no longer be tolerated. Notice how the Democrats got credit for their own attack? This Covid-19 attack is just another atrocity being perpetuated by the crazed monstrous treasonous greedy gluttonous human-shaped pieces-of-shit known as Democrats. They infected the world to get at Trump and now have the atrocious audacity to want you to believe that Trump is somehow responsible (when he clearly tried to fortify the borders to protect you from just this kind of attack)...Now, any of you who'd still vote Democrat would also spread the Coronavirus just to get your way, like a monster white devil child raised by a rancid monster white devil bitch who chugged K-9 cum in front of you to psychologically damage you and transform you into a monster (which is what all Democrats have proven they are with this latest attack designed to make you blame and hate Trump).
Be smarter than the Democrats. Stop falling for the bullshit. Those wretched white devils will KILL you just to get the outcome they want. When you can live freely again, remember what the Democrats did, fed by their unwarranted hatred for Trump. Remember what they did to millions of homeless animals that they distracted you from with their baby whining all the time and rancid empty good-for-nothing famous celebretards. Remember what they perpetuate against Vincent Ciofani (Motuphi/Lesa Luvlace) just to keep you stupid as fuck and obedient to their veiled commands disguised as entertainment.
The entities who endangered you with open borders and the ongoing low vibration energy of exposing you to constant hatred for your POTUS (which negatively effects your health to make you more susceptible to the virus and other diseases) have now deployed a chemical warfare attack on the world via this spreading of the weaponized Coronavirus...Just think; if you voted Democrat or didn't vote at all, you helped them to do it. You're complicit in this attack just by elevating them to power (with your vote or failure to vote against them), where they got power drunk, gluttonous, lazy and crazy. Maybe that's an offense deserving of the same death you helped them to spread. Democrats are now death facilitators and nobody can argue that fact anymore.
These are the warnings they kept Motuphi in obscurity to keep from you. Yep, your famous celeb "hero" helped to do this, too. They all know of Motuphi/Lesa Luvlace and the rigged obscurity and their own rigged fame. They're complicit via their omission to shine a light on Lesa for fear that their own fame and income might become negatively effected once you get exposed to REAL talent worthy of your attention. They know that you might start expecting better from them and they know that they simply cannot produce what Motuphi/Lesa Luvlace produces (high vibration energy HITS that benefit your health, mind and foment your own success and prosperity just by listening to them). Maybe their offenses are deserving of death level reciprocity, too...They want you ill, controlled and poor, so they want Motuphi/Lesa Luvlace to remain in obscurity where his/her media can’t benefit you (’see the monstrosity of their demographics now?).
Stop killing the world with your stupidity and wake the fuck UP, already, stupid fuckin' human. You've been played and your fav music artist, comedian, actor and sports figure assisted in it, plain and simple fuckin' fact.


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