Thursday, May 16, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg Shows His Wife's Gank Ass On Facebook With Animal Torture Videos



PETITION TARGET: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Animal cruelty videos are being allowed to spread like wildfire on Facebook, promoting horrific violence against monkeys, dogs, cats, and other species.

From baby monkey torture videos —  in which helpless macaques are beaten, mutilated, and terrorized — to fake “rescues” where innocent puppies are attacked by snakes or intentionally put in other painful and terrifying situations, animals are being deliberately harmed for views.

It’s time to stop the cruelty.

Allowing animals to suffer purely for entertainment, or to gain social media followers and subscribers, is unacceptable, and platforms have an obligation to ensure that the content they permit to be displayed is safe. Animal torture has no place on social media where it may encourage others to inflict violence on innocent creatures, or even reach the eyes of children.

We are calling on this social media giant to take action against the horrifying trend of animal abuse videos being posted and shared by the public.

Please sign this petition to urge Facebook parent company Meta to take swift and meaningful action to identify and remove all content that promotes or glorifies animal suffering, shut down the groups and pages that post this horrific content, and enact policies and technologies to stop such content from being posted in the first place. 

Notice how Facebook can censor out all truth videos but it doesn't censor animal torture videos? If his wife weren't a gank subhuman Chinese ho, she'd make him censor the animal cruelty videos. But she's Chinese, and we all know the Chinese are subhumans who torture animals because they can't pleasure their women.

Now Zuckerberg and his skank gank wife are cursed and so is facebook and everyone who advertises there. Plus they die to be time looped as the abused animals and as slaves to repay the mechanism and Lucifer. Then, after they pay in the time loops, 40 quadrillion millenia per offense, they'll be spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born to perpetuate their subumanism. That's why you don't find them in the next timeline or the real world. Those who graduate to the next timeline inherit the escrow laid down by non-graduates like Zuckerberg and the animal torturers and everyone who watched the videos and everyone that they're fans of and everyone who benefits from their toxic rigged fake fame. As per the clause "the wealth of the wicked (non-graduates) is laid up for the just (graduates)." Because they violated the "do unto others" clause they signed before birth which also pertains to animals. Now bad shit will happen to all Chinese women, most especially gank skanks like Zuckerberg's wife. The advertisers on Facebook are guilty of funding animal cruelty so that's why they got cursed and never graduate to exist in the next timeline and the real world. This timeline and everything that the welfare phantoms perpetuated will be undone at the crash point. Then it's taken to a restore point and the infected files are shredded in a virus vault (so to speak) via time loopage and phantomization to never get born to stink the world up with what their mothers damaged them to resort to.

In Colorado, the single mother having dopeman servicing inbreds have become subhumans who kill wolves because they miss that big black dopeman cock in their little white buttholes, much like everyone who likes to see an animal tortured. The species needs cleansing of all of these welfare phantoms and subhumans who are NOT our equals. Do God a favor, make the world a better place: kill a Jew or Chinese or Colorado inbred subhuman today. It's a mission from God. They are righteous kills who're only fit to star in righteous kill snuff films being tortured and raped to death.

Herro. My name is Xit (pronounced "Shit"). I am Chinese from China. I have never made a woman moan in preasure. I do not know how to preasure a woman. Our women have to turn to black men for sexual preasure. So between their legs is a big butt and a smile. It's like throwing a hot dog down a tunnel, they're so loose and gank. So I make animals scream in pain instead of being a real man. I will never preasure a woman. My government is subumans like me, They don't censor out animal torture videos like they do truth videos, their mamas were gank. Now I will die to be time looped as the animals I tortured and as slaves, then spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate what I get time looped for, like my fellow countrymen, the other Chinese subhumans. All Chinese are subhumans  like me. We have no honor or sense of shame.  


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