Sunday, May 12, 2024

Shameful Apathy: Students Never Protest Animal Cruelty Perpetuated By Their Schools

 I'd be #Embarrassed to admit I went to some #Colleges where I'd be taught to #Protest for #Foreigners while ignoring the #Torture of #Animals in the #labs on the same campus like the #Smithsonian the most notorious #KittyTorture lab on Earth. #NegativeFrequencyResonance is caused by #AnimalAbuse which causes #BrainCancer so their schools are murdering the students with the #NegativeEnergy they're causing within #CloseProximity #CollegeStudents are the #Dumbest #weakestlinks Just ask a #Cat in one of their labs. 

I'd be embarrassed if my kid protested for Palestenians while ignoring the animal torture being perpetuated by their school labs. I'd want my kid to be more free thinking than to be led to protest what the Jews want protested. The Smithsonian just took possession of a new batch of kitties to torture. On the bright side, the negative frequency resonance generated by the brainwaves of those tortured animals will swiftly strike those kids with health problems like brain cancer, leukemia and heart attacks, so the world will be rid of their useless asses soon enough.

I'd be embarrassed to be a teacher of those zombified brain-dead students who are valueless to the animals awaiting them to rescue them...Karmic reciprocity justice. Dead Zombies. Motuphi writes about them and their rancid bloodlines in the next timeline, after they've died to be time-looped as those animals they refused to rescue and as slaves to repay the mechanism and then spiritually executed (phantomized) to never get born to perpetuate their apathy.  It's an offense to God, Lucifer, the universe and the angels to spawn a kid who will not be valuable against the Satan worshipping fake Jews (the 1st plague race to plague the world). Satan is a failed ancient science experiment. He does not have a body so he leads all compliant humans (subhumans/welfare phantoms who accrued a debt here) to torment the animals because they have bodies. Satan is supposed to be a trans-spiritual/technological entity. But he's defective, so he was utilized to be the antagonist against Yah and Lucifer, tricking subhumans into failing to graduate from this temporary timeline that gets undone along with all who caused the undoing. 

So, by the next timeline, the subhumans have been punished and phantomized to never get born, so they're regarded as "fictional" characters in Motpuhi's books describing them and their rancid parents and ancestors. People who graduate to the next timeline can't accept that such extreme human-shaped waste ever existed here, ergo the books about what happened here are regarded as "fiction". Plus, all of the graduates collected the escrow that the failures put down to get the chance to be scanned as viable candidates for real-world existence. They weren't valuable here in the premonition timeline as mere premonitions of what they could've eventually really existed to become. So the next timeline is like Heaven by comparison. They even clone their meat, so they don't murder for meat there, made possible because evil clown scientists who can't be trusted (like Bill Gates) never get born there. No-one who'd torture an animal ever gets born, either. But they do get time-looped as those suffering animals when they die (be careful lab tech welfare phantoms, you're torturing yourselves in the future, as per the "do unto others" clause of the contract you signed before your birth here). 

So we have schools full of zombies whose tuition funds animal torture, much like an advertiser on youtube. They have no sense of shame about it, so they don't try to rescue the animals whose torture they funded. They had no value to transfer to the next timeline nor the real world. Good riddance, zombies. Fuck you and your mamas and your cursed fave celebretards, none of whom exist in the next timeline or the real world.


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