Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cursed APT 11 Riverview New Gargoyle


#Boomerang #Energy :

#Assumptions are the worst and can be damaging. Like the assumptions made about new neighbors in the building you just moved into. Or assuming that you smell weed smoke when it's actually a family of skunks living behind a privacy fence in the neighboring yard and under the utility shed adjacent to the lot where you park your car. `~`
There's a #cursed apartment in our building at #Riverview in #Grayling #riverviewSeniorApartments. When I moved in here, there was a mentally ill woman living in #11 who thought she was the building hall monitor. Then, the tenant after her was a mentally handicapped young dude who stirred up a lot of shit and was a shameless hobo who eventually got kicked out. Now a #gargoyle moved in there who seems up to no good, and seems to be making erroneous assumptions about people. I'd say that that unit is only capable of attracting low vibrational energy and people.


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