Sunday, July 28, 2024

Open Letter To Stratford


Dear Diane;

Got your notice today. Do you remember when we talked on the phone in 2020 before I moved in here, how I almost rejected this apartment because of the negative energy? Well I should've listened to my instinct. That Jared guy is a broken lying piece of human shaped feces. Every time he comes in my apartment, he lies about stuff. There was no food on the patio. That's a neighbor's needy cat that keeps showing up out there. Regarding the odor. My apartment smelled like cleaners and chemicals because I had just cleaned the place for the illegal inspection.
As American citizens, we have the legal right to the expectancy of privacy on American soil and cannot be coerced into signing an illegal lease that infringes on that inalienable right. Those illegal inspections are what put Cody O'Rourke in my apartment to take advantage of Amber's retardation to gang molest her with his friends for 3 years. Jared is just jealous that he didn't get his chance at Amber, like Cody, so he's got a hard on for me. You should see the way he looks at her. It's sick and creepy and makes me uneasy.
Now I've been defending myself against Nazis ever since I've been here. The stress has caused me 3 strokes in the last 4 years and now I have congestive heart failure. I'm dying. My family can't stand to see how I'm treated here and encourages me when I talk to them to just abandon my cat feeding ministry (I feed cats down at the Walgreens gazebo) and move to my house in Boyne. The only reason I'm still in this concentration camp is because I can't find a replacement for me that I can pay to replace me when I move. I'm gonna do a podcast show from Boyne about this place and it's Nazi staff and how they must've been abused as kids if I hafta close down a ministry of God to move to save what's left of my health because Jared won't stop harassing me and lying about me.
My cats are registered with you guys as service animals, so is my dog. I told the braindead Nazi that when he invaded my home on June 25th. Yet, still he attacks me.
Well most of what was in the notice from the Stasi group is all LIES!!! I don't appreciate it. Jared is no better than Cody. Out to cut me up. Someone needs to fire that freak for this crap. This place effects my mental health, as well. I have a huge desire to just die now. I'm tired of the gestapo attacks and lies from people who shouldn't even have a job here.  
Do what you must in response to the lies. My house was clean and smelled good. Jared just has a nasty smell under his nose, he needs to wash his face. Then, maybe, he won't tell lies on people. He reminds me of a ghetto crack head, no truth comes out of his mouth.
Now I need therapy. Who's gonna pay for that?
I had a heart attack in response to this letter today. I could've died. All because Jared didn't get his shot at molesting Amber. That's what this all boils down to. I'm sick of it.
I'm American on American soil. I have rights.
Just wanted to clear up the erroneous reports you got from Jared about me AGAIN.
Thank you for your time. Have a good one.


Vini (Vincent) Ciofani

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