Friday, May 16, 2014

On Granules, Fibers & Decibels

Something to consider about the compound/combination curses that’re forming our new parameters to abide by on Earth is the “per” rates, like the per “second” rate, some of which are at cartoonish levels.
Like: we know that the red carpet curses are per fiber in the carpet, per molecule (of various entities, like those being distracted from), per second passed, etc. The consequences of these curses attach to all who walked on red carpets and therefore participated in the American mainstream media agendas of genocide, pedophilia, famine, torture, race-baiting, dumbing-down, causing violence, zombifying the masses, distracting from the plight of the suffering animals and people, etc. This curse was enacted in response to and directed at attendees of awards shows, and their fans who enable them, where the red carpet is rolled out for the offending parties to walk on…If they were attending awards shows for philanthropic works rather than mind-molesting media exchanges then it’d be different. But, as Motuphi once wondered aloud in response to an awards show promo: “Awards for WHAT?!?! They haven’t DONE anything worthy of an award yet!” So these curses are appropriate and spot-on (we NEEDED these curses due to the weak-mindedness of the famous parasites who walk those carpets, maybe attract a suicide bomber to rid the cosmos of their big-headed stench, or something equally as devastating to make those walking on the red carpets finally be worthy of an entertainment award).
The dope curses are per “granule” of dope, plus per molecule of various entities, like the dealer, the addict, the cartels, the victims of the terrorism it funds, per second passed, etc. They attach to all who deal dope, sell dope, capitalize on the existence of dope, or use (“do”) dope, and even those who enable the dope-fiends to create the demand for it.
The loud music curses are to protect (or, in this case: avenge) any end time Elect subjected to unwanted American mainstream (or any other) media due to zombie-slave-clone created sleeper cells being too inconsiderate to play their music (or whatever) at a respectable level where it couldn’t be heard by others. These curses go forth at per decibel rates, as well as per molecule rates of various entities (like even animals who had to hear it), per second passed, etc. Now: loud thumping down the street can now get your dumb-ass God-smacked into nonexistence; so turn that whack-assed shit DOWN or be an example of the effectiveness of the curses when people are all like “Damn!!” in response to what happened to you.
For more about the rules you must abide by on Earth and the devastating effects of the curses that attach to you if you fail to do so, go to
Dangerous Parameters of Compound/Combo Curses
It’s a different world now. You either evolve and transform into a desirable entity or die off. No middle ground.

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