Monday, May 12, 2014

Repossessing The Molecules Of Their Bodies: The RMR List

If they’re not being what they’re supposed to be in these prophetic end times during the close down of the spirit scan, then they may be on the “molecule repossession” list and will probably be a part of the third of humans who’re wiped-out before Lucifer arrives pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua.
It’s not a safe era to be impressionable…
It’s not a safe era to be an infidel who does not accept the fact that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah.
It’s not a safe era to refuse to work with one’s own 2 hands.
 It’s not a safe era to negatively effect any of God’s other creations on Earth unless they, themselves, are doing so to others and you’re intervening against it.
It’s not a safe era to refuse to intervene when presented with the opportunity to do so.
It’s not a safe era to be defiantly dumbed-down and ignorant.
The molecules in every human body belong to God/Allah/Jehovah and they came from the ground of the Earth which is also HIS (it’s HIS “turf”, FOOLS! as are YOU!).
All who’re becoming dangerous to God’s end time Elect and His animals probably do not even realize that God has issued repossession of the molecules that make-up their human bodies. This would explain the weather, the drought, the fires, the earthquakes, the radiation from Fukushima punishing one of the offending coasts that spawned a subhuman demographic and unleashed it upon God’s world to cause His other (better) creations to suffer under their retarded (defying God on HIS turf) influence.
Understand that the Black gangstas that started forming gangs in the 1960s were supposed to be dealt with just like the white gangstas of the 1920s and ’30s: They were to be executed if they could not be charged with their crimes and taken off of the streets permanently. Instead of doing that, which would’ve been treating the Black gangstas as equal to the whites rather than regarding them as stupid little porch monkeys who just can’t be expected to “get it”, they allowed the gangstas to afflict the working class Blacks who were stuck in the ghettos at their mercy…It was a Caucasianist movement perpetuated by opportunistic Blacks, which is all it ever empowered…
Every current American Black “role model” is spawn of this Caucasianist movement and the proof is in what their influence causes like:
the Rodney King riots,
the refusal to treat R Kelly, OJ, Kobe and Vick (among others) as equals to whites by justly punishing them for their crimes against God’s other creations,
the refusal to rebuke the torture, rape and murder of “crackers” for sport while race-baiting at every turn for non-offenses by comparison to what’s NOT being addressed (like the tortures, rapes and murders of people like Steve Utash, Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale, and the MILLIONS of little white girls who were sold by their dope-fiend mamas to Black dope-men to be used as sex-slaves),
the refusal to understand what all intelligent people understand about the Sterling witch hunt: which is, Sterling was never wrong in any way…He has the legal right to be racist and he has the legal right to expectancy of privacy…and he even has the legal RIGHT to say “nigger” as many times as he damned well pleases in the privacy of his own home, per the Constitution…
the people who witch hunted Sterling over his private statements were wrong and were used as pawns by the media as if to flex their muscles and say
"Look at how stupid they are: We can make them witch hunt over some old fool’s private statements while their cocks drip with the blood of their white rape victims, and we can make them all look like dumbed-down racist niggers who couldn’t wait to witch hunt another cracker while non-working, non-contributing niggers are being fueled by that influence to perpetuate violence upon whites and animals across the nation."
The American Blacks just fell for another white victory…The whites will gladly sacrifice Sterling to gain that public win and be able to truthfully point at the American Blacks as subhumans who just cannot process intelligent thoughts…You can stop their ability to think on their own with a small droplet of anything that looks like racism against Blacks…And suddenly they’re undignified niggers all over again, awaiting another chance to riot and “kill whitey”.
The whites are laughing at how inferior-minded the Blacks are who were effected by Sterling’s doctored tapes because they cannot see that they are WRONG for feeling that way…especially the 99.999% who refer to all whites as “crackers” (which is REAL racism, mind you). They’re getting a huge laugh at the expense of all of the real racist witch hunters.
But back to GOD’s perspective on it, which is the ONLY perspective that matters:
The racist American Blacks sowed evil seeds with this witch hunt that were the final straw on the camel’s back…
Since Sterling had to apologize for not doing anything wrong while the witch hunting Blacks distract from the fact that no Black EVER issued any apologies for the victimization of God’s whites and animals by American Blacks over the past 50 years, God has issued a “repossession” order upon all of the molecules that make-up the bodies of ALL American Blacks who’re racist, refuse to work, engage in interracial sex, spew “cracker” or “nigga” from their lips, spray paint or scribble on other peoples’ (or government) property, rape, murder, steal, torture, maim, gang-bang, or negatively effect the existence of any of God’s other creations in any fashion (which means they cannot even negatively effect others with mere WORDS now)…
Those who’re IMMUNE from the curses that’ll manifest this repossession of those rogue molecules include:
Motuphi’s fans and followers and all who bless or empower him as a ministry to GOD;
Black women who’re engaged in interracial sex with white men, simply because God knows that this eats away at those on the repossession list due to their weak-minded double standards;
Those Blacks who’re fighting against the weak-minded mentality that had so many Blacks become offended by something they should not even have cared about in the first place  (So what, some old white fuck who fills niggers’ pockets is supposedly racist? He’s still tearin’ off those he’s supposedly so racist against, ain’t he? Well, there you go, actions speak louder than words…Did Chris Rock, Magic Johnson, Obama, or any other Black who’s supposedly so down with the “Blackness” fill so many Black pockets with cash in their lifetimes? FUCK NO!! They’re BLACK and they ain’t about to do THAT, just ask them!!);
Those Blacks who’re working, paying taxes and contributing to society and refuse to be race-baited by mere words while niggers run amok committing violent crimes against God’s whites and His animals.
But this is a small percentage compared to those who jumped on the witch hunt train…
So, if you add-up the infidels who do not accept the truth about Christ being God’s Son and the Messiah with the American Blacks on the Rogue Molecule Repossession List, you’ve got about one-third of the planet’s population…the exact amount that was prophesied would be eliminated before the Tribulation begins…
The weather’s backing up this set of prophesies…Still no apology from the witch hunters…None is forthcoming, neither. God knows that from past experience with those nonexistent subhumans.
No fear of God is evidence of being given over to a reprobate mind…
Having a reprobate mind is a sign that God has given-up on someone and they’ve lost their strategic placement (on Earth) value to Him and will no longer be protected nor blessed by Him…That’s a dangerous mindset to have right about now…
How many are on the Rogue Molecule Repossession List and do not even realize it? Yet they roam around on Earth with their heads up their own asses like they’re SAFE or somethin’…Ridiculously laughable, as we watch the hammers of God drop upon their heads as a sign and a wonder from GOD and they STILL do not “get it” nor repent of their evil mentality.
"as a thousand stripes on the back of a fool"

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