Thursday, May 1, 2014

American Media Puts Out HIT! Posts Photo! Even Posts Location!

How fucked up is the American media, huh? They’ve got some negative karma coming to them, don’t they?
While they were trying to start a race war in America with the NBA hood-rat shit/Shaq-whack-attack racial double standard that has all intelligent whites ready to go reverse gangsta on their bitch asses, they were also busy putting out a passive HIT on a slave laborer. They even posted the dude’s photo! Now that dude is probably being tortured to death, all so some parasite reporters could make a story out of it…
In the real journalism world, this is one of those rare cases where you do NOT tell the story in order to protect the victim…But there are no real journalists left in America; just race-baiting bitches, sensationalists, flat-out LIARS, fabricators of “facts”, “original” news producers, and government-controlled propagandists. That’s why they don’t see anything wrong with getting this poor prisoner murdered who was forced to slave labor to make bags for a cursed American fashion store.
The Americans are fucked-up monsters, aren’t they? No shame. No sense of common decency. The media in America has run amok and needs to be completely destroyed and rebuilt, allowing not one soul from the current monster industry back in. They have no sense of responsibility to integrity and more than half of Americans do not even know what that word means (they cannot even define “integrity”, do a poll and see for yourself, no one instilled it into them). That’s what’s “reporting” in America now, a generation raised up from dope-ho mamas and ridiculous hood-rats who had no good traits to pass-on or instill into their children and no motivation nor intention to do so.
America needs to import some reporters from a FREE nation who do not answer to their deranged little tyrannical dictator so we can get some TRUTH told on their TVs every once in awhile…They flat-out LIE about EVERYTHING political happening in other nations to sway the story to mean what THEY “want” it to mean (not the true conveyance). There’s no such thing as “journalism” in America anymore…Just the bloggers who defy the tyranny and tell the truth and the rest fuckin’ LIE…It’s sad…Bloggers are the only real reporters left in America. The mainstream media news cannot defy their new whack hitler regime.
Gotta go online to find-out the FACTS about what’s goin’ on in America…It’s always the ones that the Americans most want to hide in obscurity and discredit who’re the most trustworthy truth-tellers (like the Motuphi bunch who had to get violent and send some whip-ass from the spiritual realm upon their bitch-asses over their leader being cock-blocked in the mainstream by untalented poser retards who didn’t realize they were not where they were supposed to be).
Meanwhile, the mainstream media (that Obama now controls) will hide stories of Blacks torturing and gang raping little white children and then burning their bodies and torturing animals and making them fight to their deaths for sport and hunting “crackers” for sport while stoking coals of racism with some white dude’s PRIVATE statements (mere WORDS!!)…
You cannot get any more fucked-up than that…When your media will hide the atrocities of rapists and pedophiles and animal torturers to instigate a witch hunt over some dude’s preferences not to have that element around him that he actually had to voice to a retarded hood-rat who just does not “get it” and should not be around anyone with money or power anyway (she’s a fuckin’ gold-digging piece of fuckin’ shit who should be charged with inciting to riot along with the media who ran that “story” while ignoring Shaq’s whack attack on the handicapped he must’ve learned to do from his mama).
Did we just say you cannot get any more fucked-up than that? Oh, yes they CAN! They can sow the seeds of murder by passively putting a “hit” out on a prisoner (like the monsters holding him captive can’t read or something)…Now, they’ll reap the harvests of murder as it becomes dangerous for them to ply their trade in their jungle they helped to create with their whack idea of what “journalism” should be (the president said hide all stories that prove racial inferiority in Blacks and to witch hunt “crackers” for news stories instead? wow, must be, because that’s all they do).
Cannot WAIT to see the news stories of murdered and tortured news “jounralists” coming from America…It’ll be sweet for them to see the results of their own “handiwork”.
Blood-thirsty, murderous assholes.
Notice we did NOT include a link to the media “hit” story because we will not participate in torture and murder like the Americans and their media will…We want to avoid the time loops of judgement as torture victims and murder victims is why we’re more responsible in our reporting than the fools in America, who’ll just tell any old bullllshit any old kinda’ way and still keep their jobs.

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