Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Shaq Is Whack! Shaq Is Whack!

Let’s get our torches and scurry to show the media and the witch hunters and the NBA how racist they are…’hear the crickets from the field of mainstream media (aHEM!) “journalists” now that the perpetrator is Black? Did you expect anything different from the dumbed-down and those who’re dumbing them down? C’MOOOOOOOON!
So, it’s just another time loop of justice Shaq and all who witch hunted Sterling and give this a pass will endure…Better tear him off good, Shaq, since you’ll be time looped AS him about a hundred thousand times for every second of comparable media byte missing. Meaning: if 2 words were said against Sterling’s PRIVATE remarks then 100 words better be said against this public display of inferiority, bigotry (Shaq hates the handicapped!) and bullying or forever be known as inferior, dumbed-down, racist, cursed, retarded and nonexistent because you were time looped and then eternally executed.
We’re waiting for some (ahem) “equality” over here…We know we’re not gonna see it. See how we were prophets all along? The Blacks do not “get it”, do they? We just made a racist remark just now to their retarded asses, didn’t we? See how dangerous they’ve become? They’re even influencing US! Time to FEMA camp ‘em before they do any more damage…If they’re still fans of the NBA and Shaq after this let that be a mark on their heads…or even a little red dot…we’d settle for that.
Read-on, because the “coddle my niggaz” American mainstream media won’t be smothering you with this one like they did something that did not even matter by comparison.
Now you see it…Time to take all sports figures’ wealth and status and give it to the educators…We’ll collect the back taxes those franchises owe your nation and build some spray-paint proof/thug proof schools where they’ll hafta LEARN (we said LEARN! Not play, not spray paint, not pimp hoes, not mug and bully white boys, not rape white girls, not deal dope, not gang bang, not play sports…LEARN! motherfuckers! so you can WORK when you get grown, BITCHes, make them white people carry you like they’z your MAN and shit and you’z all suckin’ their dicks! dayamn! grow some more respect for yourself than those simple simon, no IQ havin’ sports figures and rappers who can’t abide by morals clauses and therefore do NOT qualify as “role models” and your dope-man dick-chuggin’ mamas ought to have had the sense to TELL you that and not let you idolize them or even be exposed to them because, as you can see, they are toxic as fuck!).
Shaq is a bitch, plain and simple. If we were in America, we’d throw acid on that skank ho’s face and show him a thing or 2…What a nasty little punk bitch with too much body (big ol’ dumb gorilla, we just s’pose to ignore it becuz you’z just too got-damned simple to “get it”, right? PUNK!).
We see you got your race card out…crickets are chirping where there should be media parasites buzzing and running amok like they just did over a NON-story about a man’s private remarks…good to see how many wanna enter time loops instead of graduate the spirit scan…racism is becoming ETERNAL for these dumb-assed fools…she-eyit! That’s why we’d gank your media reporters everytime we saw them…for this shit right here…Something they never should’ve reported on was milked for fuckin’ DAYS (Sterling’s private statements) while something they should be pulling HELICOPTERS out for and chasing Shaq-is-whack everywhere he goes and they act like he didn’t do a goddamned thing! Yeah, those are some unsafe reporters now…If we ever see them on the street, we got us some cameras and vans and some pussy, too (even the male ones, we’ll do it for Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom!); FUCK them race-baiting bitches who made the world unsafe for God’s white end time Elect and His animals by making role models out of stone-cold retards like Whack-assed-Shaq and suckin’-dog’s-dicks-Vick and their peers…Motuphi’s gonna make Vick suck dog dicks in the time loops of justice, too (bought us a loop to watch it play out). It’s what Blacks secretly do to little 11 year old white girls in the ghettos in America (their media will never tell you THAT, neither, you’ll see: prophetic utterance…been going on ever since there was crack cocaine, too, how long ago was that? where’s the “journalists”? NOW they’re moving on from the white trash and the new slave of fashion is Asian girls (we mean GIRLS, too! children!!)…
and how many Black women know that their “men” are part of these “dungeon” clubs (or whatever they call ‘em now) and don’t care as long as their men ain’t pressin’ them for sex? How nasty is THAT? You cannot make us believe that the rest of the world can see this sex slave thing the Americans got goin’ now, stronger and more open and blatant than it ever was before, and that the Black women conveniently don’t know that their men are doing this shit…they know and are being held accountable, and the rich whites are the minority now, so it is NOT them! (we know why Rodman is friends with Kim Jong Un, who’s a notorious holocauster, raping and enslaving his people, he gets some oriental slave pussy while he’s there, or maybe is into watching Asian girls be tortured to death). Either way, “guilty by association”…Now you understand why Sterling wants to be careful who he hangs with and had to put his ugly as a wrecked truck, retarded-assed hood-rat in check for indiscriminate chicken-neckin’ in public (damn, Girl, get a fuckin’ room and don’t post selfies of you wit’ other men if you some old dude’s mistress at the time (just how dumb IS you, ho?).
But GOD will take care of ‘em before we ever make it to America to rescue the white people from this double standard with an equal double standard of our own in the opposite direction with cartoonish retaliatory lacks of remorse or senses of shame about our blood-thirstiness to comically reflect to them how they look to the rest of the world (WE wanna be the stupid as stones, bloody toothed raping and pillaging niggas now, gettin’ them race reparations for the whites negatively effected by the “dumb-down” started in the 1960s by the criminal element and bought uncle toms like X, King Jr and Parks (all “plants” by the white man to rally the welfare cases to riot and diminish the working Blacks in everyone’s eyes, which they did and more, like they killed the working Blacks and raped their daughters and pimped them out, oh yes they did, no white man ever did THAT to the Blacks).
We want America to be safe for white people again (by any means necessary) and this double standard is standing in the way, meaning that all who the double standard benefits must be exterminated to fix the broken America where they hunt white people for sport and call them “crackers” all the time while witch hunting white people over private statements shared by a fucked-up, race-baiting, retarded, ugly, smelly, cursed, nonexistent hood-rat.
Be careful what you say about the Sterling case because now it’s gonna be said about YOU by God, Lucifer and the angels:
"No matter what it costs, no matter what it takes: We gotta get them outta there" is the new sentiment against all who had a problem with the Sterling comments made in private and then turned around and gave Shaq a pass (showing their own racism and his own inferiority, like: "he’s too simple to "get it" so let’s forgive him").
Blacks wonder why they cannot be considered “equal” and this shit is like some crazy kid with his finger in a light socket wondering why he’s getting electrocuted. We’re watching how many Blacks really ARE inferior to all whites…the number is how ever many had a problem with Sterling’s PRIVATE statements yet didn’t have a problem with Shaq’s PUBLIC belittling and cyber bullying of a handicapped person…Shaq was probably molested is why he’s a bully and can’t see anything wrong with his behavior. We understand that all who have a problem with Sterling’s comments have had their minds molested by the American mainstream media, video games, iPhones, and the weapons’ grade frequencies they’re tweaking their weak minds with, and we still see it as no excuse for de-evolving to this level, where they’ll publicly make themselves lesser in all beholding eyes than the bigot they burn at the stake…We feel sorry for Sterling and the white people in America…This is like airing your dirty laundry, America, that you hunt and kill “crackers” and that’s okay by all of you while a few private comments from an old bigot got you all taking turns on that worn-out soapbox of “oh dear lord it’s RAYcism! Oh lord oh lord oh lord noooooo!”
You’re all so predictable, like monkeys in a cage…
The white man says “Be racist to a default”
and ya’ll all jump up and say “Yes, sir! massa! how high?! can we gang-rape some young white girls and make kiddie porn from it and get away with it, like R Kelly? Or kill some crackers and walk, like OJ? Can we torture some animals and rape some little kids and call all white people ‘crackers’? If so, then we all INNNNNN!”
How many MILLIONS of people can “see” this and Oprah’s cursed, nonexistent, race-baiting, porch monkey ass can’t? What a fucked up bitch, huh? No voice of reason from the dunce cap wearing “cracker”-spewers…ev-ver. Just more lesserism, ghetto-fabulousness, dumbed-down-edness, retardation, and true racism on levels few have dared aspire to before the 1960s, where it all began (with the BLACK man, who rioted and burned down his own ‘hood and then raped his working neighbors’s daughters and wives after pillaging and murdering them)…We still remember what REALLY happened during the (aHEM!) “Civil Rights Movement” and so do the spirits of those massacred working class Blacks the Tookies took from God on HIS “turf” who’re liberated by Motuphi and called here now to haunt the race-baiters and fuck with their lives until they abolish the double standard and start BEing “equal”…as in BE equal to the white man, for a change…Just TRY it, see if ya’ can actually DO it…Maybe you can’t, and maybe (just maybe) you’ve been deluding yourself, all along (wouldn’t you like to find-out?)…
This shit is not being “equal” to the white man: all turning your heads to ignore the racial violence committed by YOU against whites while crying racism over some old perve’s private conversations that were manipulated by the media to instigate a response from you that you so easily and too readily gave to them…
Now they know what to do to push your buttons, if you’re Black, to make you cross lines that’ll enable them to enact Martial Law on you and FEMA-camp your ass (or shoot you dead in the street, like you deserve if you’re a race-baiting witch hunter who has no respect for the suffering of the victims of REAL racism like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale, and the MILLIONS of white children sold by their dope-ho mamas to dope-dealing Black thugs as sex slaves, who usually end-up dead by torture and rolled-up in carpets or burned in pits or thrown in dumpsters while Americans are acting like it’s not happening even though they know it is).

Warning! This story is gonna make you sick! Just like we were sickened by the witch hunting of Sterling, which violated his rights to freedom of speech and expectancy of privacy during a private conversation…What? Blacks are only American when it’s convenient? Is that what having a mass mugging terrorist for a “leader” is teaching you? Ahhhh, pathetic little subhumans cannot relate to losing their jobs and independence because they pimp, deal dope, steal, gang-bang, torture animals and make them fight to their deaths, put on “torture and rape the cracker shows”, and drain the welfare tit of the government of every bit of resources it had to offer instead…How WOULD they know what it’s like? Obama’s never worked a job or had to survive, so he’s surely not gonna “get it”…
What a clueless bunch! It’s making us laugh so hard our fuckin’ ribs are hurting! Every time we see the race-baiting media bitches “reporting” on Sterling instead of Shaq, we bust out laughing! Your media is so laughable! They’re trying to start a race war using sports as the conductor! Ha-Ha! Too fuckin’ obvious…And the irresponsibility of it, after seeing that they were weak-minded enough to riot over a crackhead (Rodney King) that endangered their own kids and didn’t want OJ or R Kelly punished because the victims were white and then ran amok raping women and children after Katrina hit instead of protecting them, like the white MEN were doing for the women that THEY encountered on the same streets…
How stereotypical, huh? Yet, no red-facedness; just more dumbed-down-edness…”and neither can they blush” (like they cannot properly process the shit and form the proper responses to what they should be ashamed about because they’re just THAT fuckin’ retarded)…Yes, these freaks DO exist (for the moment)! They are NOT “fictional” characters! They are on TV and, for real, are openly associating themselves to this witch hunt of this old fool with straight and somber faces while ignoring REAL racism that’s causing REAL victimizations with every passing second in America! It’s like someone is “controlling” them to make them embarrass themselves this way without allowing them to realize that they should be embarrassed for what they’re doing! They even marionetted Oprah for this shit, to prove that they can control ANY and ALL Blacks with false flag racism and make them simultaneously wipe baby-shit on their faces with their refusal to address the REAL racism being constantly perpetuated by their own race!
Never saw anything like this, ever, huh?
Here’s the link to the fucked-up shit:

Former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal is facing sharp criticism from fans after posting a photo to his Instagram account making fun of Michigan-nati…
Preview by Yahoo

Shaq IS fuckin’ whack, yo…he should go the fuck away now and never darken our eyesight again…he’s a soulless-zombie-slave-clone, doing what he’s told (by the voices of the shitworm spirits he hears in his head), that much is quite clear…

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