Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Graffitii/Vandalism Curse Is Compounded, Too

Since graffiti and vandalism became a tool of attack on the wholesome spirits of whole communities and cities where such assaults were committed, the curses upon those who committed those atrocities are compounded, as well. They’re also expanded to include all who regard such pathetic subhumanism as “art”.
So, it probably goes a little something like per paint (or ink) droplet, per second passed from the moment of contact of the 1st paint droplet and every droplet thereafter, per penny of depreciation caused; which can go into the billions of dollars of blight by the time it’s all over with because graffiti drives all of the good, productive demographic away and makes the uneducated, non-working, non-taxpaying, non-contributing “head-hunter” demographic feel right at home to victimize the working who’re unfortunate enough to cross paths with them…
Add to these parameters the basic parameters outlined in 
and you understand how Heaven and the New Earth will be graffiti-free and free of “infected contaminants” who’d devalue the property and lives of others with their retardation and subhumanism.
Good riddance. The aire` (cosmos) is smelling better (via the time-space continuum), already.

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