Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spirit "Snacks"

Ever wonder what happens to eternally executed spirits after being time looped and eternally executed? The answer is: They become “spirit snacks” of the gods of the cosmos who helped to closed down the spirit scan, like Motuphi did while on Earth.
Motuphi places all spirits he time loops and eternally executes into a big “freezer” for entertaining guests in the New World. He also creates snacks out of the spirits of the “shitworms” who pretended to be extra-dimensional, or inter-dimensional beings, or aliens, or oracles to control their minions that they empowered on Earth to do their bidding and perpetuate their mind-molestation of the masses. Those are called “Shitworm Spirit Snacks”.
"Once they’re time looped to extreme purification, those spirit snacks make for some good eatin’" Motuphi once shared online.
That’s a pretty good motivator: The spirits of the nonexistent “phantoms” (due to eternal execution) that Motuphi defeats here on Earth go into his own freezer once they’re punished, purified, “cured”, and drained of life. So he can tell the legends about what they were as he shares the snacks with his associates. They’ll appear as myths and legends due to their memories being erased from all surviving spirit memories. So the snacks will make for some great, entertaining communion, while making Motuphi look like the ultimate story teller.
Picture hearing this at a party (those who graduate from this spirit scan just might):
"…and this spirit snack was a famous gangsta rapper while it was alive who actually deluded itself into thinking it was talented enough to be famous and it poisoned society and molested minds for the Caucasianist Spirit Snacks on the bottom shelf of my fridge"
"this spirit snack afflicted the End Time Elect, all of you, with its power while on Earth"
"good eatin’"

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