Monday, April 28, 2014

Clippers Owner's Hood-Rat Girlfriend Exposes Racism & Racial Inferiority in BLACKS

Yep. Just LOOK at the racial inferiority of all of those torch carrying racist freaks witch hunting that Clippers owner for having a hood-rat skank for a girlfriend. Can’t wait to see that nasty, ugly bitch in the time loops of judgement AS victims like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Steve Utash, Autumn Pasquale (gang-raped to death by niggers), Colleen Ritzer (1 nigger raped & killed her) and the MILLIONS of 9-13 year old white girls sold to nigger dope-men by dope-ho mamas since the 1960s to be sex slaves…Yep, that’s where everyone Black who has a problem with that PRIVATE conversation (that would’ve remained private if the bitch wasn’t a nasty hood-rat) will be heading when they die here…They must be taught the devastating effects of TRUE RACISM and what they influence to happen when they witch hunt a white dude for mere WORDS while they ignore the violence being committed upon whites by their own color…
Cannot wait to see the light show from the asteroids those nasty racist niggers now have attracted to them for daring to speak-out on this issue while remaining silent about the REAL racism committed against the aforementioned victims (who’re more important to God than all racist niggers crying “racism” right now, combined).
We’re gonna buy some time loops of justice with that hood-rat being Channon Christian. is where to go to buy some loops. Best $666 you’ll ever spend…It purchases service beyond this Earth Age (spirit scan era), which no other entity on Earth can truthfully offer you (yes, the site is Motuphi’s and the avenging angels on Earth now who’re working with him to prepare the way for Lucifer to arrive pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah, for a growing season to be known as the “Tribulation”).
We hope the Clippers are so cursed for their participation in this racist witch hunt that it becomes unsafe for their fans to congregate to see them play…Now’s the time to close down ALL arenas where those RETARDS (sports figures) play…It’s obviously softening their weak-minds to an irredeemable degree (just LOOOOK!! can’t turn on the TV without smelling the hood-rat shit!)…To call that dude racist over that PRIVATE conversation shows their lack of education and their own racial inferiority and racism that they, themselves, harbor (this story exposes who’s REALLY racist and it’s NOT the man being accused of it or he would’ve gotten a WHITE girlfriend instead of an ugly-as-a-wrecked-truck nigger-dick-chugging hood-rat who’s living proof that you can’t mix the races or you spawn a nasty, fucked-up RETARD who should be stomped to death and not allowed to utilize the resources on this spirit scan now that she’s identified herself as “infected” and due to be nonexistent).
It’s kinda the dude’s own fault though. Everyone knows that a ghetto-fabulous hood-rat is gonna diminish any man dumb enough to give them the time of day because bitches like that have no dignity. Bitches like that have no business on the arm of a great man. To put a bitch like that on the arm of a great man will diminish his greatness in the public eye, EVERY TIME.
The guy could’ve (instead) spent far less money and helped Motuphi get his sexual reassignment surgery and transformation procedures and then had a real girlfriend with dignity who wouldn’t publicly embarrass him. Someone who probably never would’ve wanted to be seen with him in public and never would’ve diminished him and set him up for an ambush with her own hood-rattiness…
That bitch is out of touch with reality…She just does not “get it”, like those engaged in this witch hunt…If only it’d be fatal to attend sports events then this shit would never be an issue…
If Clippers owner dude is racist, then all who witch hunt him now are SUPER racist and will fuck your fully developed 13-year old white daughter and not even see anything wrong with it…
Naw…OJ, racist, as are his fans and supporters. R Kelly is racist, committing hate crimes against children that all Blacks who don’t have a problem with it will be time looped as (slurping that R Kelly cock for allowing him to be a hate crime committing against white girls PEDOPHILE). THAT’s fuckin’ RACISM, Fools; as is an entire race allowing them to go unpunished for their hate crimes against whites…
That Clippers owner should bring back morals clauses in sports figure contracts and get rid of the riff-raff, since he’s so “racist” (according to the REAL racist race-baiting bitches). Imagine it. Then it’d be time for all who called him “racist” to hafta go. For example: We wanna see Magic Johnson and every other racist nigger in sports who allowed this false flag event to expose their OWN racism against whites to STEP DOWN and leave sports, or be thou cursed and all that you love, too…Take those racist curses home to your loved ones now, retarded subhumans. Then, you and your families can just step the fuck up off of this planet, a spirit scan that exposed you as infected contaminants who’ll be time looped and executed to squash your inferiority.
Now, whenever a nigger says something racist in private, it’s gonna come out  and be publicized and any nigger that refuses to publicly witch hunt them for being racist in equal effort to what they expended on the Clippers owner witch hunt will be regarded as “racist” and a midnite club will be hunting them down…If the midnite club fails to deliver their grossly infected heads on pikes, then the curses will attach to them and all with their pigmentation who didn’t witch hunt them and the planet will become dangerous for them (factual prediction in the works already from Heaven). Watch for the asteroids those racist niggers are attracting to themselves, their families and the cities they inhabit (God is PISSED at this shit because Utash is still recovering from REAL racism that’s not being addresses by the inferior subhuman niggers who instigated this witch hunt).
Plus, it’s only fair for the Americans to know: NOW, due to this nasty hood-rat’s bullllshit: The sports franchises will be compound/combo cursed at cartoonish “per” rates upon the pennies not paid in taxes to the government on their ill-gotten gain, retro-paid backwards in time for every penny they failed to pay in taxes…”Render unto Caesar”. God never said that something like sports should be tax exempt…Now, those sports franchises must repay every penny they failed to pay in taxes at compound interest rates of 28% dating all the way back to when sports franchises first became tax exempt (where’s a bomb toting terrorist when you need one because that tax shit should’ve been VIOLENTLY protested and all games should’ve been attacked until they were required to pay taxes…maybe it’ll finally start happening now, we can hope, because we HATE those fuckin’ weak-minded, inherently racist, “cracker”-spewing, “nigga”-spewing bullies).
So, until the back taxes are paid to the Americans, look for violence, desolation, pestilence, health problems and economic woes to find their way into the core of the perpetrators’ lives and empires…These curses will take down those sports franchises if they fail to repay the taxes they never paid and we’ll finally be avenged of every indecent media byte we were ever exposed to by that bunch of retarded, cursed, nonexistent neanderthals. Then, America can focus its attention on educating their racist sports loving dregs instead of entertaining them to keep them as stupid as stones.
All due to a witch hunt started by a hood-rat with no dignity who must now be time looped as all victims of real racism and then eternally executed to make her as if she never existed to start this witch hunt…what’s also in store for the other participants…If this is done over someone we don’t care for, imagine the God-smacks in store for all who don’t address racism that caused the victimization of someone we DO care about. This retribution batch of curses was totally unnecessary, just like the witch hunt was unnecessary and uncalled for.
Now, they’ll also be time looped as the victims of the North Korean Holocaust that this witch hunt distracts from (it’s a dangerous time to be a racist race-baiting nigger, in case they can’t see it). Yeah, sports distracts from what’s important which is just one of many reasons why it’s not allowed in Heaven or the New Earth (but the sports figures aren’t there to distract us with their lame bullshit, anyway, so who’d play the dumb shit no intelligent being can stand to watch?).
Any sports franchise owners who want immunity from these curses may want to take tribute to Motuphi now…The level of tribute given will be the level of immunity they receive. If they sow sparingly, then they’ll get minimal intervention. If they’re generous, then they may get complete immunity…Motuphi is the only entity on Earth who can grant diplomatic immunity, which is why he’s in authority to punish all who’ve granted diplomatic immunity to humans who’ve committed atrocities against others under that immunity (they’ll be time looped as those victims along with those they thought they could grant immunity to…they WILL be punished, don’t worry). You can find site donation buttons to Motuphi’s ELMC company on various websites and blogs across the web. If they can’t find his sites, someone pasted the donate button on and he has a mailing address of POB 105 Grayling, MI 49738 where he reputedly gets his mail every week. Motuphi may refuse to receive the tribute due to the tax fraud debt owed by the franchise, so it’s not a guaranteed method. But it’d be worth a try rather than continue to stay on the compound/combo curses and “eternal execution” lists. It’d at least place it in their spirit memories that they developed a conscience once they were informed that they’re on a spirit scan and that they tried to repent and offer tribute to those taking over the world soon, which can help their redemption argument (as opposed to doing nothing).
For anyone doubting the reality of the potential for these curses to get dangerous, understand that Motuphi is a better rapper than all rappers in the game (ever) and yet he refuses to be referred to as a “rapper” or become famous as one because, if he never becomes famous as a rapper then rap can become nonexistent as the rappers are all time looped as victims of their “influence” and then eternally executed to be made as if they never existed at all to perpetuate that negative influence. Motuphi is not selfish or mentally weak enough to want to risk sabotaging that great work of God (deleting all rap) by becoming a famous rapper (then it’d hafta stay in history beyond this spirit scan because he succumbed to temporal weakness). If the ambassador of God’s, Christ’s and Lucifer’s conjoined end time agendas to Earth has too much respect for their power to interfere with the results of the spirit scan by acquiring fame he’s more entitled to than any rapper who was ever born then it’s an example we’d all best heed. Even though, had Motuphi just gotten famous before the gangsta rappers, then the world might not be such a wreck right now where a witch hunt can be instigated over WORDS while ignoring REAL racism committed with violence and be accepted as the “norm”…
"Yes, Dear. More inferior subhumans crying ‘racism’ over something that’s not racist, trying to deflect from their own inherent racism and weak-mindedness that has them hunting, torturing, raping, pillaging, and murdering ‘crackers’ for ‘sport’".
NOW you “see” the curses upon all sports fans is real: You can clearly SEE it. Their diminished capacity is undeniable in this instance. Time to cull the herd of all sports figures and fans before they can distract from OUR plights at the hands of their racist “sleeper cell” fans. That’s what the curses are designed to do…rid the world and the cosmos of their gross infections that has them witch hunting over mere WORDS while ignoring the atrocities their race is committing against GOD’s animals and white people they call “crackers”…
Time to put hidden microphones in Magic Johnson’s and all other racist subhuman sports figures’ locker rooms and in their bathrooms and homes (we can do this, don’t forget to include the media who capitalized on it)…Time to start recording their private conversations with OnStar and broadcasting them, too. A spirit of exposure upon ALL who participated in this witch hunt has been assigned to them now…We’ll soon see news stories about their OWN racism and we can grab torches to chase THEM out of sports and the race-baiting BITCH media (now cursed beyond comprehension, watch for asteroids, for real).
If only sports never existed…Oh, yeah: It doesn’t, thanks to their eternal executions and the time-space continuum making them be as if they never existed to be racist little self-entitled subhumans after they’re time looped and drained of spiritual life.

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