Sunday, April 13, 2014

Illinois DEA Ignores REAL Crime To Criminalize Over POT!!

Looks like the fools in the Illinois DEA have a priority problem that’ll soon be solved with their recent “invitation” to all real criminals in the world that they can set up shop in their state without worry of falling under scrutiny of law enforcement BECAUSE they’re all too busy wasting resources on marijuana stings to pursue REAL criminals who’re committing REAL crimes…like rape, mugging, car jacking, car theft, burglary, murder, gang activity, heroine dealing, cocaine dealing, prescription drug dealing, meth cooking which creates a waste that can kill any small animals that dare sniff it and can make people sick who handle it and should be regarded as domestic terrorism that takes priority over all else until they stomp it out to protect the community.
Most likely, the “per” granule “per” second (that it’s not addressed) per molecule negatively effected curse that’s been attached to all chemical drugs upon the dealers, cartels, users, and cops (and their collective bloodlines, health and economy) who fail to get it off of the streets will also be thrown at these pothead persecutors disguised as DEA agents who endanger their own communities they took oaths to protect and serve that they now violate.
Have they not learned anything from Bill Schuette’s personal agenda against potheads and prostitutes in Michigan? Have they not seen how that agenda crippled their law enforcement agencies and attracted REAL criminals to those communities most notorious for marijuana agendas that now have drugs flowing freely in all of the small towns in northern Michigan (as if it’s been legalized, it’s just everywhere and the people are becoming dangerous junkies)?
Not to mention the meth waste scattered everywhere: It’s literally EVERYWHERE in northern Michigan. You can’t walk your pet without encountering meth waste you must protect it from. The days of allowing your dog to run free in the woods are long gone for Michigan now. Schuette single-handedly changed the DOC (Drug Of Choice) for millions of Michigan residents who never would’ve went any further than recreational marijuana use had he not been hunting them down and criminalizing them for it. Then, the resources to fight real crime got depleted and the cops couldn’t even patrol the small towns late at night…
All due to persecuting potheads and prostitutes for mere nuisance “crimes” that aren’t really crimes compared to what happened to hundreds of thousands of once liberated people who occasionally smoked grass who’re now slaves to hard drugs and will victimize you and sell your kids to the dope-man for their next fix, or what happened to Al Potter and all of the Michigan victims of violent and drug-related and gang-related crimes due to Schuette’s ignorance of the real criminal element he was elected to protect his communities from.
Now, to clean up the Schuette mess made of Michigan will require an almost rogue, criminalistic law enforcement operation upon all of the REAL criminals who were given passes to commit their crimes for so long due to the war on marijuana and prostitution in Michigan…
Schuette sent his minions on “missions” and look at the harvest he must now reap for those evil seeds…Government corruption at it’s best…The meth waste and cocaine, meth and heroine everywhere are factual evidence that not even an arrogant asshole with his head up his own ass, like Schuette, can deny.
If Michigan had an Attorney General who hated real crime and criminals as much as Schuette hates pot, prostitution, potheads and prostitutes, Michigan would be the safest state in the Union right now (fact, again).
And so goes Illinois down that same path to nowhere that Schuette took Michigan, and for what? Some marijuana busts? REALLY?!?! They cannot be serious. In this day and age, you KNOW them (aHEM!) “agents” could’ve found them a baby being raped, or an animal being tortured or forced to fight to its death, or a mugging, or a murder, or a dope-pimp pumping those first few droplets of heroine into some poor unsuspecting kid’s veins because she doesn’t know he’s gonna make a dope-ho/slave out of her. The kids trusted the adults to hire proper protection from that element. Then they betray the kids by electing freaks who’ll allow the dope-pimp to operate without worry of being busted because the “man” is up the road, fucking with some potheads. That’s NOT law enforcement, that’s abusing power to pursue personal agendas.
Schuette will never have the mental capacity to grasp the damage he did to Michigan. He never offers an apology for the rapes that do NOT get solved: Like: Crawford County Sheriffs can’t find a rapist who raped a woman mere blocks away from the city police department, yet they dare waste resources on marijuana stings and trying to criminalize citizens for nuisances like pot possession. Oh, yeah: There’s no MONEY in pursuing the rapist, but you can take cars away from potheads and johns and fine the fuck out of them…Sounds like the same niggerism they allowed to pass for government and law enforcement in Detroit for so many decades that now has the city deteriorated to a war-torn, ugly fuckin’ stank-ass jungle that no decent law abiding, tax paying citizen can travel safely through without the realistic threat of being victimized by gang-related or racially charged violence or crime…
Just hard cruel FACTS they don’t want the kids and people they’re endangering every single fuckin’ day to consider. Why? Because you can FIRE them and run them out of those offices where they abuse the power you entrust them with. YOU have authority over Schuette, he serves YOU. But he has it twisted in his little warped mind. He’d rather his wife and children have to encounter real criminals in their daily lives (and junkies and their killer meth waste) than to encounter SAFE potheads and prostitutes who won’t victimize them…What a monstrous freak, huh? Do that to his own family? Diminished Capacity curse. He must’ve unwittingly victimized one of God’s end time Elect with his pothead persecution and got his mind God-smacked with the “diminished capacity” curse God promised to attach to anyone who fucks with His end time Elect…Schuette is not immune to eternal spiritual law. No. On the contrary: As a figure of authority, charged with the safety of the community with his decisions and the battles he chooses, he’s MORE obligated to it than the average joe. To properly do his job, he’s supposed to think smarter than the criminal element, not allow them to outsmart him with his own weak-mindedness and biases.
Now you know that there’s animal cruelty, rape torture, gang activity, child molestation, and CHEMICAL street drug crimes being committed right under those malicious retards’ noses in Illinois that they’re going to have to give account for in the time loops of judgement when they die. Maybe they shouldn’t have taken jobs as cops or DEA Agents if they were going to be too afraid of real criminals to deter REAL crime.
Now, when they die, they and their bloodlines will be time looped AS every victim they failed to rescue because they weren’t pursuing REAL perpetrators of REAL crimes with their time, power and resources…Then, they’ll be eternally executed so they never existed to cock-block the REAL cops (from those jobs) who would’ve thwarted real crime had they been given those jobs they kept but refused to do…So the raped babies WILL be rescued and those crimes stopped, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. So will the rest of the crimes that the Illinois dunce cap wearers allow to happen unchecked.
Plus, remember the compound, combination curses flowing forth upon those fat little donut eaters and their rogue, tax revenue wasting agencies at astronomical “per” rates…
for more info on the parameters of the new law on Earth stronger than all of man’s law, combined.
To read the story of the invitation to the real criminals to go to Illinois, go to

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