Saturday, April 12, 2014

The "Rosa" Compound Curses & Time Loops of Judgement

Just because you don’t see a purchased time loop of judgement posted at does not mean that they weren’t purchased, or that an entity won’t be enduring the punishment due them in the time loops of judgement and then eternal execution. For example, the time loops associated to the “Civil Rights” Movement that was actually REALLY just a ”Gangsta and non-working nigger enabler movement to be coddled yet considered equal” get added to every day…via gang violence, Black on white violence and crime, Black on Black violence and crime and the unnecessary time loops that get added to every tilly every time more lies are told about the Gangsta Enabler Movement and every time one of the criminals who perpetuated that movement is referred to as a “hero” or “leader”…
Facts are, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr will be time looped as every victim of Black on white violence and crime committed from the moment they first influenced a soul to racism, violence, ghettoism, and lesserism disguised as “Blackness”. The curses associated to them are compound combination curses with “per” rates that’re reaching cartoonish levels with every second of lies that elevates these nasty, race-baiting criminals who’re guilty of 5 decades of war crimes against Americans by proxy (via their “sleeper cells”, which were mostly gangstas and non-working Blacks).
So, if a second is spent lying about Rosa Parks and saying anything other than the TRUTH: that she was just a criminal who refused to obey the laws of the land at the time that God commanded all humans obey, then that causes a whole new batch of curses to flow forth upon her, her bloodline, and everyone who sees her as a “hero” or believes the lies proclaiming her to be a good role model.
The problem with making a criminal, like Rosa Parks, a “hero” or a “role model” is that it sends the wrong message to Black youth: That, if they’re Black and disagree with a law, they should simply break it and call it a “civil rights movement”. Then, you have 50 years of the Tookie influence creating subhuman headhunters out of a once proud race of productive, contributing Black people who’re mugging, raping, torturing and killing “crackers” for “sport” and “reparations” instead of doing what GOD said do on HIS “turf” (Earth, fool), which is get an education (not spray paint the school and rape white hoes, fools) and a job working with your own two hands and pay taxes and contribute to whatever society you’re a part of. Rosa’s influence got good people like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Colleen Ritzer, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, and millions more productive people like them victimized by those she influenced, all because she was an uppity nigger whore who refused to obey GOD and abide by the laws of the land.
For the record, Rosa Parks did NOT get that law changed, it was already in the works to be changed (retards). But she DID participate in causing murderous riots and lynch mobs during which hundreds of thousands of decent, hardworking Americans were victimized, robbed, mugged, raped, tortured, maimed, burned out of their homes, and even killed (they don’t want you to focus on THAT part, though).
Now, Rosa has an enormous debt to pay, all because she couldn’t be EQUAL to the law abiding white man and get up off of her lazy ass and move to another seat, which would’ve had her obeying the law and staying in the grace of GOD (she was too God-less to be regarded as a “hero”, fools). Her debt keeps escalating every time a Black liar narrates a lie program on TV or cable that portrays subhuman, non-working, headhunter gangsta niggers as civil rights “leaders”. But her debt doesn’t just escalate for her, it escalates for everyone who sees her as a “hero” or a “leader” or believes the lies being spoken by the Black liar narrating the lie presented as documentary programs. The same goes for Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, too; much like Muslims/Islamics commit Mohammad (the false, woman-hating, baby-butt-rapist prophet) to more time loops of judgement to endure every time they commit an act of terrorism, or fuck a child bride, or stone a woman, or lie, or call GOD/ALLAH a “liar” by denying that Jesus Christ/Joshua is the holy Son of God/Allah/Jehovah.
Rosa KILLED people with her influence, for DECADES, by refusing to obey a simple law. Those are the simple, harsh FACTS that history has irrefutably recorded. If Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr would’ve just gotten themselves some JOBS where they work with their own two hands for a living, they would’ve seen that the working Blacks were already equal to their white working peers and they probably would’ve been more valuable entities who would’ve graduated this spirit scan instead of being time looped as their “ripple effects” victims of negative nigger influence. The rape, murder, torture, and animal cruelty cases committed by those subhuman mind-molested Blacks under the Parks-X-King influence that went unpunished WILL be punished in the time loops of judgement (“you reap what you SOW, God is NOT mocked, do unto others as you want done to YOU in the time loops of judgement”).
It’d be unrighteous for God to allow Rosa, X, King, a gangsta rapper, an artist, an actor, sports figure, or anyone else to sow the evil seed of influencing people to be non-contributing headhunters who hunted and victimized his superior creations (who would work) and then not time loop them AS those victims they participated in putting those “hits” out on. Rosa is just as guilty as Tookie, X, King, and all of the gangstas and gangsta rappers who followed. God cannot be moved by the lies of twisting history to lie to a defunct and mind-molested generation about what really happened and who really participated in it, just because the truth about how Blacks became Unequal to whites beginning in the 1960s is too uncomfortable to accept.
Facts are: Before the 1960s, a fully developed 13 year old white girl could walk through ANY neighborhood without any chance of being raped or expected to sexually perform for a nigger just because she’s white on GOD’s turf (Earth/this spirit scan). It’s going back to that BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, even if it means eternally executing all Blacks born in America going back to before perps like Rosa, X, King and Tookie were born. God will NOT have niggers raping his young white girls. Those white girls are HIS creations HE may have plans for as HIS end time Elect on HIS “turf” (fools); and He ain’t gonna let that simple, brutish, gonna rape me some white ass mentality fly any longer. If you have that mentality, you’re already on borrowed time before you’ll be dead and in the time loops of judgement AS the white girl victims of every subhuman nonexistent nigger like you (you’ll see, THEN you’ll suddenly “get it” when you’re the one full of BBC).
BE “equal”, niggers. It’s as easy as this:
If you’re a nigger and you see a white “ho” and you think that you should be allowed to fuck her just because your little subhuman dick got hard, then go home and rape your gold-digging, ghetto-fabulous, uneducated, non-working, non-contributing, welfare-collecting, dope-man dick-chugging, sub-species, subhuman, “cracker”-spewing, racist for no reason against those who feed her, “bitch” “ho” mama. Because, if your mind works like that, your mama deserves to be raped and tortured to death for spawning you just to collect a bigger welfare check and then raising you to think that all women were created to be used by niggers just because that’s all SHE was good for.
If you’re a non-working American Black and you hate the good white people who’ve been supporting you, then (fact is) you and your mama do NOT exist, even now, due to the time-space continuum making you as if you never existed, at all, when you’re finally eternally executed in the future (after being time looped as every victim of Black on anything crime and violence). Your subhuman mama was not allowed to be born to sow the evil seed of spawning your nasty ass, fool. YOU did that to yourself when you opted to believe the lies told by all subhuman Blacks about the civil rights movement.
FACT: No Black Panther, nor NAACP member, nor anyone else Black who believes that the civil rights movement actually did the Blacks a service can be trusted because they delude even their own selves (they’re just nonexistent racist bitches, too weak to graduate the spirit scan, becoming the scan as a “color”, instead). Their weak-mindedness identified them as “infected” “contaminants” who’d influence and participate in atrocities like what happened to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom, which cannot be allowed to happen, EVER.
The Civil Rights Movement was nothing more than a “Coddle Me Cuz I’m a Lazy Self-Entitled Nigger Who Refuses To Work” Movement…Facts you cannot conveniently erase history now to deny…
Whatcha’ gonna do to defy the FACTS recorded in crime records as REAL “Black History”? Bring Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale, and all those other white “hoes” that were robbed, raped, tortured and murdered by subhuman niggers back to life? You gonna UN-rape them? UN-torture them, now that you know you’re headed for the time loops AS them? The spirit scan does not work like that. You don’t be a contaminant and then get credit for not being one once you see there’s consequences for being that way (fools, listen to some more uneducated, non-working, subhuman gangsta rappers and get a little bit stupider, why dontcha?).
Poor Rosa. She was too subhuman to refrain from negatively effecting Black History and now must be erased to set the scales of justice right again…Black coddling stops at this spirit scan, where it began. That dumb nigger shit’s not gonna fly with God. He knows He created them with the potential to be equal and that they’re simply refusing to do it because there’s work involved…and you still can’t ask headhunter spawn to work, even though it’s a direct ORDER from GOD (who can erase their nasty spirits after he MAKES them work in the time loops as every slave who ever picked cotton to teach them that proper work ethic their sub-species nonexistent ghettofied mamas were too fucked-up and ignorant to instill in them)…
Hey, headhunting niggers who refuse to work, you don’t know what you’re missing. You’re depriving yourself of the PRIDE of doing a good job and contributing to a society instead of defiling it and being a drain on it. There’s spirits of old school hard-working Black people who were killed off by your kind back here to fight against your kind now. They see you for what you are: more dangerous to the collective Black community than any KKK member could ever dream of being…That’s why the Caucasianists employed you and all of the subhuman racist niggers who refused to work and contribute to society who influenced you to be so inferior to all the white kids who’ll work with their own 2 hands.
You can’t be equal with words, violence, or defiance. True equality has responsibilities that must be lived up to for one to really be equal, and no racist lazy nigger is gonna explain that to you because their minds are too inferior to grasp the concept, and they cannot set the examples required to be true to it even if they said it.
A long dead Black (while he was here) graduate of this spirit scan left behind an awesome quote when he died. It deserves a reread, so there’s no misunderstanding about who all was participant to the 1960s atrocities:
"I was equal to the white man before those gangsters in suits and ties with Black faces and white hearts came along. Then, suddenly, I was not their ‘equal’ anymore, because some lazy niggers had to riot and march on Washington like the white man wanted them to do. Then, I lost my job because I was suddenly ‘Black’ and dangerous in the white man’s eyes, like the gangsters my whole generation hated. Then my house was robbed and my wife was killed and my daughter was raped and committed to a mental institution. This was done by non-working Blacks who, no doubt, participated in those riots and that ridiculous march of uneducated, non-working, non-taxpaying, non-contributing to society thugs. This is what the ‘Civil Rights Movement’ did for me. It enabled the welfare cases to pillage me. Everything I suffered was from Blacks, inferior to me, who refused to get educations and jobs.
My generation left the white schools we went to looking white, pristine and clean, just as we found them. But their generation, under the influence of lazy “leaders” who were NOT leaders in my opinion, like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, turned everything they touched into ghetto. They spray painted all over those schools our generation took such good care of. They weren’t their to learn to prepare to be productive members of society like we did. They were there mugging the white kids, spray painting the lockers and walls, vandalizing the property, raping the white girls and trading dope for sex to those they didn’t rape, having sex with them in broom closets and under the bleachers or in the white girls’ parents’ cars in the parking lots. They caused a societal collapse, as far as Blacks were concerned, because they were killing US all off, too, leaving only them as an example of Blackness, well their weak version of it. Then the white man was truthfully able to point and say that we, as a race, were inferior to them. We truly wanted to lay around and mug them and rape their women while they worked to pay taxes to support our welfare queen mothers who started spawning more ghetto trash at 13 years old to get their welfare checks started.
Whenever ‘equality’ is mentioned to me and I see the inferiority of this generation that began in the ’60s, I curse that ‘dream’ that lazy, loudmouthed fool had for Blacks to be able to be judged as too inferior to abide by the common parameters of society, which resulted in coddling and treating Blacks like R Kelly and O.J., Vick and Kobe like small minded monkeys instead of intelligent men who’d be jailed if they were white and therefore expected to be intelligent enough to abide by proper parameters and laws of the land. True strong Blackness dictates the opposite: that the more famous a Black man is, the more punishment he should get for his crimes as an example to Black kids not to be like him, not the other way around. This version of “equality” is a joke. But the joke’s on US, us Black people. The kids don’t care if they’re perceived to be too inferior to be expected to abide by the same parameters as the whites who walked those streets before them without negatively effecting the neighborhood by refusing to work. They didn’t care if they were inferior to the white kids who’d work. Gangstas may’ve made more cash than those white kids in those part time jobs, but they were still inferior to them because of how they got it, without obeying God and working for it with their own 2 hands. But how can a dumbed down generation ever comprehend any of this?
As far as removal of those ‘Whites Only’ signs: I miss ‘em. ‘Used to warn us that racist white people was inside and we could avoid them just by going someplace else with our money. Removal of those signs made it impossible to avoid funding the wrong organizations, like the Klan, who owned many ‘Whites Only’ establishments at the time. The victory in making those signs go away went to the whites, who still hated us and would spit in our food and still get our money. I could not believe the ignorance. No one knew what a ‘false flag event’ was in those days, so it went on with an unfounded sense of righteousness that made us no better than the white bigots who started the whole ordeal. I wish there were more strong-minded working Blacks from that era who’d survived the genocide of the working Blacks perpetuated by the non-working Black gangstas who’d speak-up with the truth, albeit unpopular as it is. They did more harm to Blacks than decades of white devils in sheets could ever dream of.
No white man refused to work, lived in my neighborhood, cased me out, broke into my house, stole the love of my life and the innocence and future of my beautiful young daughter and then stole my property after all of that. Only gangstas survived the Civil Rights Movement in my neighborhood. I was the only survivor who wasn’t like them for 30 plus blocks. That’s over three MILES. They killed off all working Blacks who were superior to them for 3 miles in my neighborhood. They methodically killed off the rest of us after what they did to my wife and daughter and the neighbor’s mother, hunted us like we were animals, took our stuff we worked so hard for. No white man ever did any of that to me. They gave me jobs and warned me if they was racist by posting signs, so I didn’t give them my money for spit in my food. ‘Wish those days had never changed. I’d give my eternal soul to go back and know to move my family away from them niggers. They were not my equals, nor were they equal to my working white peers.
Yes, I’m still angry. I’ll die angry, now. The weakness that killed my wife never got addressed, they just got more weak and dared to call themselves ‘Black’. How messed-up is that? The NEW ‘Black’. They should rap THAT: ‘the NEW Black is whack’. Then someone will finally have told the truth ain’t nobody been tellin’ since they started tellin’ those lies back in the 1960s, where it all began for them and ended for me. I’ve been dead ever since, forced to live to see it and feel it and see them get worse and worse and never be held accountable for it or be required to live up to the basic responsibilities that go with being equal to those who’re more responsible to the surrounding community than they ever thought to be. I welcome my passing. I’ll finally be at peace, far away from the descendants of the gangsters who got away with genocide and got paid for it by the white devils who empowered them instead of incarcerating them as they deserved to be.” 
Cool real quote and there are more that are eerily similar, all from older (and some now dead) Black people who had jobs in the 1960’s and regarded themselves as already  ”equal” to the whites. Reading it makes you understand the era on a deeper level.

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