Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NBA Boycott Over Owner's Rights Violations & Dumb Down Effects

Looks like there are a growing number of INTELLIGENT white people who’re responding in kind to the constitutional rights infractions committed by the dumbed-down racists in the NBA and the race-baiting bitch media. White people in America are starting to wake-up under the “spirit of exposure and knowledge” Motuphi loosed upon all Earthlings to defeat the dumb-down perpetuated by the American mainstream media and its rogue defacto government. The whites are starting to take offense at the double standard Blacks have been operating under since the 1960s that has them being inferior to working whites (in every way imaginable) while still insisting on being referred to as their “equals”. It’s no longer gonna fly (saith the LORD). The dumbed-down who refuse to repent of their retardation and get educated will be laid in the ground according to the prophecy that addresses them. They will NOT be allowed to interfere with Lucifer’s arrival or His reign as Christ with their subhumanism (God won’t risk it).
We’re seeing more and more comments online about boycotting the NBA and sports, in general, now that it’s become evident that sports is being used as a tool for racial baiting and the dumbing-down of sports fans. Understand that the Clippers owner did NOTHING wrong. He has just as much right to want his own kind around him as any racist little subhuman Black has, and any racist little subhuman who cannot understand that is already too dumbed-down to redeem or graduate from this spirit scan (be thou cursed, time looped, and eternally executed then). The guilty party is the hood-rat and the thugs she was so weakly attracted to (being dumbed down into believing that they’re something special, making her unable to appreciate and reciprocate the affections of the Clippers owner because she’s just a hood-rat) and all who participated in calling a man’s preference of who he hangs out with at the games as “racist”. Now, all racist Blacks will have their lives and economies attacked, fined and penalized in retaliation from GOD!
Whites (well, the intelligent ones who can’t stand sports or rap) are trying to intervene against the asteroids attraction curses enacted upon all racist Blacks and whites who coddle their weak-mindedness by promising never to watch sports again if Motuphi will just revoke the asteroids portion of the curses before whole cities can crumble…They know that it’s time for God to avenge the white victims (and HIS animals that they victimize) of the dumbed-down Blacks who ran amok for 50 years terrorizing all that was decent and upstanding on GOD’s planet (where no non-working thug has any “turf”, retards).
Motuphi knows that he’ll soon be able to show all who participated in the witch hunt against the Clippers owner what REAL racism is once the world is destroyed and he takes their spirits and places them in the time loops as victims of REAL racism. For example, Magic Johnson and his dumbed-down witch hunters (and their contaminated bloodlines) will be time looped as REAL victims of REAL racism like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale and the MILLIONS of little white children sold by their dope-ho mamas to Black dope-men as sex slaves since the 1960s when the Caucasianists recruited the likes of Tookie, Malcom X, and Martin Luther King Jr to commit genocide by proxy upon all of the working, taxpaying Blacks who were already equal to their working white peers.
Plus, they all get to be time looped as Michael Vick’s dogs and all other dogs forced to fight to their deaths or were tortured or neglected by the subhumans who can commit violence against whites and not have a problem with it while witch hunting someone white over mere WORDS and then be STUPID enough to regard those mere words as racism worthy of a witch hunt (how whack and retarded it THAT? But they’re too retarded to SEE it!).
It’s as it was prophesied: the shitworms control the weak-minded and Motuphi destroys them with their own negative energy, karma, and evil seeds they sowed to prepare the way for Lucifer to arrive on the planet to pretend to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of the living God/Allah/Jehovah.
How things will probably play out is: the dumbed down who’re refusing to get educations and jobs in the projects and ghettos will either be executed for being drains on society (spawning ghetto monsters at 13 years old for welfare checks, which crippled America) or they’ll be placed in FEMA camps to work off some of their debts to society (they owe TRILLIONS in welfare grants and damages to schools and property with vandalism, not to mention the war on drugs they refuse to stop dealing). Those who have a problem with this collection of the debt of the dumbed-down will be lumped in with them, just as they’re being lumped in with them in the time loops (like the whites who participated in this witch hunt that got sports boycotted by all who do matter, making those who attend games from now on an expendable population no one will care about if they were to all die at the stadium one day).
The Clippers owner was shown no mercy by the racist dumbed-down race-baiting bitch ass witch hunters, so we hope that God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi never show any of them any mercy: We’re all hoping for seeing their cities burn by fire from the sky now as a sign and a wonder that God cannot stand their retardation that endangers the end time Elect and His animals any longer. All hood-rats who stir up racism over WORDS to distract from the real racism that has the dumbed-down victimizing those they could never rise-up to be “equal” to are marked for time loopage and then eternal execution to be made (via the time-space continuum) as if they never existed at all to perpetuate their madness on GOD’s and Lucifer’s shared turf. No human has any “turf” on Earth because it was ALL given to Motuphi to rule and clean-up (which the curses are effectively doing, as the news reflects). It’s no accident that Motuphi came back to Earth in 1964, when the dumb-down that destroyed America began. He had to endure suffering at the hands of the dumbed-down to acquire the authority over them to curse them into nonexistence (“he who would be great among you must FIRST be SERVANT to ALL” would probably apply here)…
Motuphi has suffered insurmountable damages at the hands of the subhumans: They elevated Eminem’s untalented ass as a Detroit rep and there wasn’t one Detroiter in music who’d defy it because they’re all such pathetic posers compared to Motuphi that they don’t want to be shadowed by him..So everyone in music, from Jack White to Ted Nugent, is just a jealous little poser who’d rather Eminem rep Detroit and endanger more of the population with his whack influence (that transforms white boys into useless, pathetic white devils) than to defy that dumb-down with empowering REAL talent from Detroit..
We get it: If we were completely untalented compared to Motuphi, like Eminem, White and Nugent, we’d pretend we don’t know about Motuphi, too, and hope like hell he never gets empowered to tell the world how we were too afraid of him to instigate intervention against the dumb-down. Motuphi will get revenge upon them, their fans and their collective bloodlines when he gets them in the time loops of judgement and makes them suffer as every entity he was unable to rescue due to their retardation that had them passively participating in the dumb-down. Picture all Detroiters in the music industry, like Eminem, Nugent and White for example, as animals being euthanized and homeless people starving and you understand where they’re headed when they die.
The Whites were just socially challenged spotlight hogs who never responded to Motuphi’s response to their ad when they were seeking “candy stripers” to join their band (I remember Motuphi writing about it in an old journal). So they were just retards is why they were a 2-piece band…White has yet to do a song we can stand to listen to while we have Motuphi’s mp3s in our players in heavy rotation, which is evidence of the conspiracy perpetuated by the music industry in America to keep all real talent out and unable to compete…Asteroids on the coasts and where ever else there are record labels in America should cure THAT problem, so why would Motuphi stop the asteroids that’d eventually deliver the dumbed-down and their victims from their mainstream empowered “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones? Wouldn’t that be counterproductive?
A boycott is a good first step. But we still await the days when Lucifer and Motuphi are ruling the planet and they take all ill-gotten gain from those dumbed-down rappers and sports figures and redistributes it all to those it was meant for, like the educators now tormented by the unteachable ghetto-monsters who were only spawned to pad a welfare check and it shows in their lack of good upbringing. No Black brought up on welfare supported by working whites who then hates those whites will be allowed to exist beyond this spirit scan…God does not tolerate biting the hand that feeds you (Fools!). They’ve accrued a debt that they’re insisting on paying with time loops of judgement and eternal execution.
Let’s see how those witch hunters fare in the time loops as real victims of real racism and then as the slaves…They’re gonna work, either here or beyond…No human gets out of the work requirement enacted by GOD for ALL humans, no matter who they think they are or what they think they’re entitled to. The Blacks who refuse to work have committed themselves to time loops as the Blacks slaves of America. The whites who built empires on the backs of slaves (like the tech and fashion giants) will be time looped as their slaves in whatever nation they were enslaved in (this is the only true reality you should be concerned with).
It’d still be nice to see a news story of all who attended a sports event just being killed on the spot…Those dumbed-down monsters are becoming too dangerous to allow to live on this spirit scan any longer…They refuse to defy the mainstream and sports (aHEM!) “role models” who betrayed them with infusing misinformation into their minds to poison them and transform them into unproductive, non-contributing little descendants of head-hunters.
Imagine Magic’s johnson getting cut-off when he’s placed in Hugh Newsom to suffer REAL racism…Unless Magic repents of his evil influence and back-pedals everything he said that violated the rights of the Clippers owner, that’s where he’s going (FACT not fiction). Plus, we’ll place them all in Kobe’s rape victims a few hundred thousand times each, to sweeten the deal for the end time Elect who were endangered by the sub-species they got dumbed-down to.
Revenge is coming against the racist head-hunters, in this realm, and beyond. That’s something their little race cards cannot buy them out of…Only becoming a true equal to those they became inferior to when they witch hunted them over mere words will redeem them…something that’s impossible to accomplish for a dangerously dumbed-down little racist race-baiting bitch like Magic (cut-off his) Johnson (in the time loops of justice as Hugh Newsom, who was a victim of REAL racism).
When you’re too stupid to know what real racism is but you have influence to spread that retardation, you’re dangerous to yourself and your entire bloodline and all in your race who respond to your influence and their bloodlines…If it weren’t for the non-racist supreme Blacks who work with their own 2 hands and contribute to society, you wouldn’t find ANY American Blacks beyond this Earth Age (which has been in spirit scan mode since Lucifer was incarcerated 2,000 years ago, so he cannot be given credit for “influencing” the evils of the infected spirits being scanned out because he’s unable to externally influence anyone until he returns pretending to be Christ).
No one intelligent has watched sports since OJ committed his hate crime against whites over the same shit that the Clippers owner’s hood-rat mistress has been doing. So, the guy should’ve just knifed the hood-rat is the message the race-baiting bitches are sending…Good to know: If we ever have a hood-rat for a girl and she disses us like that, just do it like OJ: commit a hate crime, and you won’t be regarded as “racist” by the dumbed-down retards who never should’ve been given any power of influence. Imagine the race-baiting bitches as Nicole Brown Simpson, too…They get time looped as ALL victims of REAL racism, including her when she gets knifed for doing even less than the Clippers owner’s hood-rat did to him…
It’s a dangerous time to be dumbed-down with influence…You have mere minutes left on the spirit scan and you still won’t repent of your subhumanism?
Good riddance…The only thing “magic” about you was your ability to be so stupid and still be alive for so long…Let’s all buy Magic Johnson time loops of judgement as Hugh Newsom and send the message he’s just too simple to receive. Maybe put his mama in Channon Christian and him in Lemaricus (cursed-assed) Davidson a few hundred thousand times. That oughtta do it…THEN he’ll understand true racism…

When the NBA apologizes to the world for making us witness a witch hunt over mere words, then we may consider going to a game again…but we doubt it…The dumbed-down might witch hunt us or attack us for being a certain color and then call US “racist” if we dare call them what they’re acting like. You know that nobody will ever give that hood-rat the time of day again now that she showed the world that she’ll cut down any man she’s with the minute she doesn’t get her way…Her life is over now…Let any man who dares look at her twice now be so cursed that he becomes as desolate as the nasty hood-rat made the Clippers owner’s reputation.
Oh, and the NAACP and all who’re affiliated with it are now cursed and due for time loopage as real victims of real racism, too…Then, eternal executions, all around, to protect the integrity of Heaven and the New World from them. Now, an award from the NAACP is valueless, worth absolutely NOTHING…They’re just rights violators along with the NBA and media perpetrators. An award from them would mean something evil now, so they robbed themselves when they joined the witch hunt.
Plus, let every penny made by an NBA player have compound/combination curses attached to them on cartoonish levels, making their families fall victims to violence and pestilence and desolation. They had no right to that ill-gotten gain, in the first place…Ungrateful bastards.
FUCK basketball, and the white devil cock it rode in on! No REAL Black man needs that lame shit designed to keep the weak-minded under control, anyway.

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