Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Race-Baiting MEDIA Curses Are Compound/Combos, Too

Notice how Sharpton’s nonexistent (porch monkey NIGGER) ass could be there to speak up about comments from the Clippers owner; but that inferior raced, race-baiting porch monkey never showed any remorse for the ACTIONS taken against whites by NIGGERS “influenced” by him to racism and racially charged violence? Yeah, we mean atrocities like Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Colleen Ritzer, Autumn Pasquale (who was gang raped), Steve Utash, and MILLIONS of Black on white violence victims in America over the past 50 years — like the millions of little white girls sold as sex slaves to nigger dope dealers by dope-hoes (ever since the welfare-case/gangtsa enabler movement disguised as a “civil rights” movement happened to diminish all Blacks to NIGGERS in all eyes of all intelligent people, even to niggers themselves, who started calling themselves “niggers’ under the “Tookie” X and King jr influence), which are all of the standard time loops that all who committed those crimes and all who influenced those crimes (like X, King jr, Parks, Sharpton, Jackson, rappers, and all current mainstream nigger music artists/actors/comedians) will have to endure after they die here before their spirits are eternally executed to protect Heaven and the New Earth from their morbid “infections”.
Well, God must’ve gotten tired of the bullllllllshit because, after seeing Sharpton ran to be a media hound to talk about that stupid shit said by that Clippers owner (and he said NOTHING wrong and all who think he did will have these curses attached to them and their bloodlines, and their collective health and economy), God had Motuphi enact compound/combination curses upon the MEDIA that resorts to this level of race-baiting, upon all who started the stories, upon all who were enraged at the “racism” of the white overlords (when NIGGERS are KILLING white people in America just for being “crackers”), upon all who do not rebuke the NIGGERS for daring to even look for racism in the whites (who’re now GODS when compared to them) who work and support them, and upon all of their bloodlines, equipment, their SAFETY (because they make it unsafe for the people who MATTER on Earth, namely any of God’s end time Elect who’re white who may be victimized by a NIGGER) and their SPIRITS (to keep them Earthbound and out of Heaven and the New Earth to ensure they do their time loops).
These curses are now flowing forth at cartoonish “per” rates (like “per” second passed, “per” molecule negatively effected, “per” entity, per REAL racism by a NIGGER not being addressed which results in violence every time, per number of times that “cracker” or “nigga” were spoken by those who’re attracting the curses by being involved in it, etc) and they may even have secret, dangerous parameters attached to them, as well; like they may attract asteroids to the culprits/curse magnets, which could kill whole cities where the racist-against-whites culprits are… So, if you get enough retarded niggers all stewing about nonexistent racism of a white contributor to society (did they do what was done to the white victims above? then shut the fuck UP!), you might just see a news story where a whole city was destroyed by an asteroid impact (which’d be cool if it’s LA, NY, DC, Detroit, or any other city where it’s not safe for God’s white overlords to live in peace and where His 13 year old fully developed white girls are being defiled, molested, raped, and “turned-out” by subhuman little scummy niggers who were never self-empowered by their dope-man-dick-chugging, ghetto-fabulous, gold-digging, uneducated, non-working, “bitch” “ho” nigger whore mamas by being taught to masturbate so they don’t hafta touch the “crackers” they hate so much).
We need something enormous, like asteroids destroying entire cities, to make the niggers finally rise up and start BEing “equal” to the whites they hate so badly for allowing their ancestors to work off a DEATH sentence: Those slaves were marked for death! If only they’d been executed like they deserved, instead of sold to unwitting Americans, the world would be a better place now. Just look at what those headhunter spawn have done to the world with their laziness, ignorance and power of influence. White people ain’t allowed to be racist while the NIGGERS are allowed to be racist to a fault, refusing to work, letting the white man carry them, then rewarding that good turn by “hunting” “crackers” for “sport”…Now where’s any semblance of “equality” in any of THAT? If niggers can (defy GOD and) refuse to work and then victimize God’s superior (to them) creations who WILL work, then whites BETTER be allowed to hate their nigger asses for being that way.
A white hero needs to give them niggers what they want so badly and just repress that level of rage until he explodes and kills about a MILLION fuckin’ niggers all at one time and THEN maybe their retarded asses will wake the fuck up and stop having anything in common with the nasty nonexistent squatters in the mainstream who raped their minds and robbed them of heritage. But whites are too dignified to drop to their level. They don’t have white versions of subhumans like Sharpton and Jackson to fuel the racial hatred and violence. They don’t riot over crackheads (like Rodney King). They incarcerate their child molesters, rapists, animal torturers, murderers, extortionists, kidnappers, thieves, dregs, gang-bangers, and bullies. They cleanse their own race with “midnite clubs” that secretly kill those who make their race look bad who escaped punishment. They don’t show up to picket racial violence against their own and then ignore it when their own do it to to others like Sharpton and Jackson taught niggers by example to do. They’re too dignified to drop down to the niggers’ level, in every instance…
Too bad the niggers aren’t their “equals”, huh? Then Sharpton, Jackson and all gangsta rappers would get shot by Black heroes who understand how dangerous they are to the collective Black psyche. Suddenly, white girls could walk thru the ‘hood again and not be defiled or expected to fuck and suck. It’d be safe for God’s dogs and cats around niggers again…It’d be like America BEFORE the gangsta and welfare case enabler movement they so ignorantly called the “civil rights movement”. Blacks would be EQUAL to whites again, like they haven’t been since they first started listening to X’s and king jr’s race baiting nigger asses.
FUCK American niggers. We NEVER hear of this “equality” they proclaim. Every story from the American media about them is proof of their inferiority…If they don’t have a problem with the violence they’re perpetuating on the white taxpaying overlords, yet have a problem with whites being racist in response to it, then they’re truly inferior to the whites and cannot claim to be their “equals”…sad, irrefutable FACT. They’re too inferior to see that, though.
Now, the MEDIA will attract curses (and maybe even asteroids) to themselves for daring to run a race-baiter story against a white GOD compared to all niggers who have a problem with white racism while they’re being such inferior headhunting NIGGERS scaring off all of the white tourists from going to America. The niggers are too subhuman to be impartial and unbiased. They want the world to ignore their violence and focus on mere WORDS said by a white overlord (he became their overlord by paying taxes that support those who refer to him as “cracker” and it was solidified when niggers had a problem with HIS racism but never even batted an eye at the violence that their own color commits on a daily basis upon the whites like those mentioned above).
We cannot wait to see a whole American city completely leveled by GOD as a statement that He is fuckin’ tired of the inferiority and racism of the American NIGGERS…Then, justice will be served and niggers will have to rise up and control their thoughts against racism and spewing “cracker” about their supporters to whom they owe their very lives and existences…
Finally, niggers have to BE “equal” to the whites in America, or be fuckin’ cursed, then dead, then time looped, then eternally executed (spiritually dead)…It’s about time the coddling stopped.
NOW, anything that looks like coddling of an inferior NIGGER might just get them what they deserve: being DEAD!
We hate sports, understand. We hate the Clippers and their owner. But we hate what the niggers got going in America even worse. We hate it so badly that we’d make an example of Sharpton for daring to show his face again by skinning him alive on camera while wearing white sheets and burning crosses, and then playing it online, if we were on the same continent as him. We hate that racism enough to combat the shit with racism on cartoonishly violent levels, since that appears to be all that American niggers seem to understand…NOW you see how GOD will be reacting to it from now on.
Motuphi once said that it was so funny to hear God say “The NEW ‘Black’ is WHACK” when He had to look upon the current American NIGGERS and their current mental whackness. He said you’d never expect to hear GOD say “whack” and it busted him out laughing. The current American niggers caused God to see Black flesh as dangerously ”contaminated” and so He went to all other life sustaining planets He created in all other realms and UN-created all of His Black-fleshed creations…Now, due to the nonexistent American niggers on this spirit scan, God sees Black as ugly (“whack”) and He changed the color of trillions of entities on all other worlds to ensure that no inferiority sets in and gets accepted as the norm like it did in America.
The American niggers and the media that baits them have no clue that their current mentality is NOT normal and should not be accepted as such.
They make the whites into GODS (compared to them) when they expect them not to be racist against NIGGERS who deserve to be the recipients of racism and societal disdain (even from decent Blacks).
The whites are only human, after all. If you act like niggers, then that’s what they see and that’s what they’ll feel and you cannot expect any differently from them unless you think that they’re GODS incapable of common human weaknesses like racial responses to niggerism, lesserism, and ghetto-fabulousness being passed-off as “equality” to them. The whites don’t get to be niggers and get away with it: They get incarcerated for their crimes, not coddled as being too inferior to “get it” and abide by the same laws and parameters. If R Kelly was white, he’d be an imprisoned hate crime committing pedophile and that’s a statement of racial inferiority the Americans refuse to stop perpetuating (if a Black KILLED R Kelly, then the racial inferiority regarding that whole issue would be nullified, but that’s the only way, now that it’s gone on for so long)…Same for OJ, Vick, Kobe…
Niggers have gotten so bad that the only way for them to ever rise up to equality to the white overlords they keep victimizing is for them to resort to racial cleansing: BLACKS (not whites) must kill all racist, “cracker” spewing niggers who refuse to get educations and jobs and all niggers who were not punished for their atrocities against whites, and THEN they can be “equal” to the whites who DO do those racial cleansing things the Blacks are too weak to do.
Sharpton’s head should be prominently displayed on a pike for all to see (right along with all gangsta rappers’ heads). He’s one nigger that should be dead as an example of what NOT to be with Black skin (nasty little nonexistent race-baiting nigger). That’d be a good first step towards BEing equal, seeing the Blacks do just that one simple thing: kill those who led them so horribly astray.
But, instead, GOD must equalize it, yet again. Now it’s time for fire from the sky upon American ghettofied cities in response to Sharpton’s and the American mainstream media’s level of racism. FINALLY!! We were beginning to think that God was too weak to clean up His mess.
It just became unsafe to be an American (aHEM!) “journalist” who resorts to making “stories” out of someone else’s “racism” or “bigotry” if that person did not act out in violence based on that perceived prejudice. It might attract asteroids to go along with the other compound, combination curses that’re freely flowing forth and attaching to all who dare be racist while expecting others not to be.

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