Friday, February 24, 2017

A Warning To The Gov From GOD About Marijuana Being Constitutionally Protected

Here’s a warning to anyone in government now entertaining the thoughts of joining the previous administrations’ treasonous traitors on the stance of the legality of Marijuana: You, the government, NEVER ever ever EVER had any legal right to make Marijuana illegal. Motuphi and other timelines fought to get the treasonous traitors out of office who would not back the Constitution and make Marijuana legal again. If you prove to be just as treasonous as the previous administrations, then you WILL be removed, by any means necessary…Think long and hard about how we thwarted an already rigged (for Clinton) election before you take this prophecy lightly.
Motuphi has already issued preemptive curses on behalf of GOD regarding the Marijuana terrorism in America. You WILL endanger yourselves and your families if you even entertain the THOUGHT of making it harder for people using medical Marijuana to get their medication. Plus, there are people who will protest by killing anyone who can have their prescription medication while Marijuana is illegally illegal. Violence for violence will come.
If the Trump administration will not back the Constitution and make Marijuana legal again, then he, his administration, and all companies who benefit from Marijuana being illegal will be regarded by GOD and all other timelines as the terrorist phantoms it will prove them to be…Then, the hammers of God will come for them and their families and their administration….and for their collective agendas, which will be thwarted for spite.
God has tolerated your terrorism regarding Marijuana long enough. You fulfilled the prophecy where you were a government who peddled alcohol and hard drugs to your citizens while making the Marijuana that GOD provided illegal (illegally, mind you). Now that you fulfilled that prophecy, you are hereby put on notice: Make Marijuana legal again, back the CONSTITUTION, or be put on the supernatural death list right along with the rappers and sports figures that you allowed to dumb down the population.
If you doubt the power of God, just remember that Motuphi only had TWO enemies in Flint before God decided enough was enough. That crisis will spread to ALL anti-chronic terrorists (that’s anyone who’s against people having the Marijuana that GOD said they could have) in a supernatural manner: The brainwaves of their anti-chronic terrorist minds will attract the curses that transform anything they drink or eat into POISON the minute it passes their treasonous traitor terrorist lips…This curse DOES work: Motuphi shared his water with someone who was cursed with that curse and they immediately doubled over in pain. Later it was found that they’d ingested E Coli…in the water.
You, the government, allowed immigrants to afflict God’s end time Elect with E Coli poisoning in your nation. You allowed the mainstream and sports to endanger the taxpayers and animals. You allowed corporations to make terrorists out of you by making Marijuana illegal (defying the Constitution) so they could force market their products on the nation…Now, you see those corporations and their families being hit with supernatural curses…PLUS, their spirits are “taxed” to protect all other timelines and the real world from them. They will never get born to benefit from America having a government of treasonous traitors and terrorists who can be BOUGHT to make laws that defy the very Constitution of the Untied States of America…well, because THEY will never get born, neither.
Mass death curses have been preemptively enacted to begin killing anyone on prescription drugs with a driver’s license, by any means necessary, the moment that Trump’s government makes a negative move towards GOD’s Marijuana. Clinton and Obama failed to heed the warnings…Trump, if you want to be a cursed little phantom who never exists, you do the same…But if you want to be an AMERICAN president, then the Constitution must be BACKED and Marijuana must be made LEGAL, as it already IS, according to the Constitution.
Trump, if you have any anti-chronic terrorists on your staff, you’d best toss them off the ship before God decides to blow a ship sinking wind your way…Remember that you have kids and grand-kids counting on you to graduate from this simulation mechanism so they can get born beyond this temporary timeline. If you doubt God’s power, watch Motuphi’s video about being crazed and ranting and how God had him, in the spirit, “pull” on an invisible chord that was connected to a bigger planet orbiting another star. Then look at the time stamp of the magneto-pause at that same moment. He really did pull the planet so hard that it reversed the Earth’s magnetic shields for a moment. CERN got credit for causing it, though. 
The terrorists want Trump to fuck up and lose the hand of Grace that’s been placed over him by God is the reason why the sub-spirits have placed in their minds to entertain the thoughts of falling from that grace by doing the opposite of backing the Constitution regarding Marijuana. Then, the sub-spirits can take all of the curses that Motuphi and God were hitting the previous administrations with and apply it to the Trump team…
For Trump to allow an onslaught against the Constitutionally protected Marijuana that GOD provides would be equivalent to him saying that he wants his family to die off in freakish ways that can only be accredited to curses from God and Lucifer, who work together on law enforcement here (like the Romans did for the Jews in Bible times). America has been in violation of GOD’s law for however long Marijuana has been illegally illegal. They snub their nose at GOD’s will and it will bring about consequences, just like the penalties for ObamaCare have them in the time loops being time looped as slaves repaying this mechanism at a rate of $900,000 per PENNY taken from the citizens for ObamaCare…Then, Motuphi DOUBLED that taxation when Obama the crackhead refused to let ObamaCare go when Trump took office…Those consequences for the penalties for ObamaCare ain’t goin’ NOwhere…Nigga. And your Muslims, who were exempt, join ya’ll in the time loops as slaves, yo! Nobody who wanted ObamaCare exists in any other timeline, and this one gets undone after the Crash Point (so they do not exist). Same goes for those who wanted the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile and all who took advantage of those tax breaks (they and their families gots lotsa cotton and slave made gadgets and sex trades to turn as slaves when they expire here).
Because we like Trump and what he’s done so far, we thought he deserved that warning: The target of Marijuana is on your own family’s back, yo. Best not shoot at it, unless you hate your fam like all other treasonous traitors who don’t like GOD’s Marijuana do.
People who hate Marijuana are subhumans controlled by sub-spirits, which is ancient intelligence that is in adversity to God, Christ and Lucifer. Those sub-spirits have been in control of American government for too long. If they’re just going to transfer their agenda over to the Trump administration, then Motuphi, God, Lucifer, REAL devils and the other timelines will have to protect us from THEM, too. They removed Hillary before she could cause any more damage. Obama got phantomized and is in the future in the time loops picking cotton and being shot down as every cop who was murdered while he was posing as POTUS. He’s still here in the temporary premonition timeline, we know; so you can’t see it yet. But, beyond here, Obama never gets born because this timeline gets undone and replayed without the phantoms (like him) in it.
Lucifer, Motuphi and God regard anyone who defies GOD’s right to supply Marijuana to humans as too much of a risk to allow to exist in any other timeline nor in the real world.
The anti-chronic terrorists never even ask themselves WHY they don’t want people to have the Marijuana that God provided. They’re fine with drunks and junkies, who’re greater threats to the community. But people who’re decent and good, and it shows by their choice of what to use as an entertainment buzz, can’t be allowed to have what GOD said they could have? There are no alcoholics nor dope-fiends beyond this timeline…But there’s LOTS of potheads in the next timeline and in the real world, spending the escrow that the anti-chronic terrorists laid-up to come into this thing to identify themselves as deranged tyrannical dictators who’d deprive someone of something like Marijuana (while alcoholics and dope-fiends are killing people and torturing animals).
Sub-spirits like to cause unnecessary suffering is why alcohol is legal while Marijuana is not. Motuphi has health conditions that he must treat with Marijuana because nothing else will work for him. Bill Gates and his white devil peers do not want Marijuana to be legal because Marijuana use combats the illnesses caused for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries with GMO and Monsanto foods. Marijuana prevents and fights Cancer, Autism, High Blood Pressure, MS, OCD, PTSD, and the list goes on. All of those illnesses, diseases and conditions are caused by humans to make those afflicted involuntary consumers of their pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Marijuana defies their industry of unnecessary suffering. They do not want to work with their own two hands, like God said do in HIS turf (Nigga). They want people to be sick and so they bought puppets in government to make Marijuana illegal…They defied the Constitution to do so, and nobody except for JFK has ever let on that they might see that and want to change it.
The reason they’d dupe Trump into fighting against the Marijuana that has proven to be the ONLY effective cure and treatment and vaccine for CANCER is so they could continue to make you ill while obtaining the spiritual authority to get Trump removed so they can take everything back over…They know something now that Trump may not know: Motuphi has supernatural power and authority. The curses are real and in effect and there’s nobody on Earth except for Motuphi who can neutralize them…And they know that Motuphi will never neutralize curses for anti-chronic terrorists who allowed Michigan to continue to rape and Jihad his life by refusing to restore his driver’s license in 2014 (after 33 YEARS over childhood alcohol offenses) simply because he possessed a medical Marijuana card and had the religious beliefs that he can treat his illnesses with Marijuana instead of the pills pushed by the anti-chronic terrorists (scientific FACT is the guy had a clean drug screen and was therefore denied a fair hearing and was ill-fully represented by Kyle Legel, who took advantage of Motuphi’s mental handicap, a rare form of Agoraphobia that effects his ability to interact with people, not his ability to go outside)…
The government has been under Motuphi’s authority ever since then and Obama was too simple to either make Marijuana legal again or back the Map 21 laws to get that authority back from Lucifer and God. Motuphi just gets meaner and meaner spirited about the Marijuana Constitutional violation, too, with every second that passes that drunks and chemical toilets have driver’s licenses while he does not have one (over childhood offenses, mind you, ‘lest we forget what women in power really do: they rape and pillage, like Chris Seager of Catholic Services and Hearing Officer Odrobina of MI Sec of State did to Motuphi in 2014). Had the authority not been there due to that 2014 Jihad and rape of Motuphi’s life (and the previous 33 years of illegal Martial Law via that illegal license revocation), which is still ongoing because he still does not have his driver’s license back because Michigan government is comprised of terrorists who hate justice, then Americans would already be in FEMA camps because Hillary would’ve won her rigged election…So we’re about to see if Trump is an ungrateful little rich bastard who bites the hands that feed him now (potheads flew his flag and voted for him, hoping for JUSTICE and Constitutional backing regarding Marijuana).
America is overdue a cleansing of the alcoholics and dope-fiends. Motuphi will lead a revolution from other timelines against them…Let Marijuana be anything but made legal and you’ll start seeing people who drink and do chemicals getting murdered and dying off, midnight club style.
Motuphi already wants to serial kill anyone who has a driver’s license who does chemicals or drinks alcohol…This Marijuana thing would serve to give him proper authority from God and Lucifer to go on that mission and he’d never get caught, just like when he hunted pedophiles, and the deprivation campaign against him will have ended…He can simply take the possessions of all of the righteous kills and not have to work nor pay taxes. Then, if he gets caught, he gets the reward of prison. The Illuminati-controlled government made the “free” world so horrendous to Motuphi that he actually LOVES prison and is not afraid of going back there…He actually welcomes the thought of it, which places him above the law, because their “punishment” is a reward to him…See how the Illuminati can go overboard targeting supernatural entities until it completely backfires in their faces? Now, what will you threaten Motuphi with? Death? He already died and got sent back, so that’s not a threat. Prison? He LOVES prison, can’t wait to get back there! Keep him hidden in obscurity while you make untalented illiterate retards famous instead? That got those fucktards phantomized and now Motuphi doesn’t have to compete with them in other timelines, where he’s famous and it’s gonna LAST. It’s a fair trade. They got the short run, in a land where the majority don’t exist, anyway; so what?
Trump will endanger any number of alcoholics and dope-fiends on prescription drugs if he makes an enemy of God and Motuphi, like Obama did.
And, on that note: Anyone been to the observatory lately? Is that thing still headed for us? Then Motuphi must not have had his demands met yet…Once gravity takes over, Motuphi won’t be able to deflect it. Obama was crackhead and deranged enough to poke the ghetto dog with the gate unlocked to get that action started…It seems like Trump would want that thing to stop hurtling towards us…Motuphi magnetized it to something…Give him what he wants and he’ll demagnetize it, FOOLS! Otherwise, double sickles prophecies are gonna play out and 2 to 3 billion Muslims and terrorists and thugs and mainstream created zombie-slave-clones are going to die, along with their enablers in governments! The object was to prove the ability to magnetize curse batches to specific demographics via their brainwaves…But this timeline is riddled with retards who can’t accept reality.
See it comin’ at us? Obama would just chuckle and throw another rock on the grill and go golfing, using the curse batches from Motuphi to do his sub-spirit master’s bidding and cause unnecessary suffering…That’s how Obama played it: He baited Motuphi to enact curse batches to cause suffering…Wait until he dies and gets time looped as THOSE victims.
If the terrorist regime remains intact with Trump in office, then we may see Motuphi and Lucifer take the world over soon…or destroy it, to mercy kill the suffering. The only leaders who can be trusted are PRO Marijuana, as PRO God people are. To be anti-Marijuana is to be anti-God and anti-Luciferian, simultaneously, publicly identifying oneself as an anti-chronic terrorist subhuman who’s controlled by sub-spirits who do not want people to have anything from God nor Lucifer. We came into this simulation to see who’d be controlled by those sub-spirits and who would defy them to relieve unnecessary suffering. Making Marijuana harder to obtain causes unnecessary suffering and thus identifies the culprits.
You’ll know that Trump is just a puppet for the treasonous traitors and terrorists who controlled Obama and Clinton and Bush by how he handles the Marijuana issue…The Constitution clearly protects it and no other conclusion can be derived…Either you’re an AMERICAN who stands behind that Constitution even if you don’t like potheads, or you’re a treasonous traitor who would twist the laws protecting the rights of others to benefit yourself and corporations who put you in their pockets…All of the other Attorney Generals were bought off by the corporations who want Marijuana to remain illegal (illegally), and their actions PROVED it (Marijuana stayed illegally illegal).
Will Trump’s AG also identify himself as bought-off and treasonous, like those other creepy little treasonous traitors who want bugs like Gates to get away with making people sick? If so, you’re looking at yet another phantom regime and Motuphi is gonna be so let down because he wanted Ivanka to make it to the next timeline so she could see a better world where there’s no sports nor rap and no sleeper cell fans of those monsters and he’s famous because people haven’t been dumbed down so they can appreciate his music. He wanted Ivanka to make it because she was bullied by subhumans controlled by sub-spirits in this timeline…It’s why Motuphi got past his hatred of Trump and opted to help him, just to see if he’d live up to his word and graduate from this timeline.
Imagine how sad the world is gonna get if Trump fucks around and puts himself under the same cursed parameters as Obama had to operate under…It’s gonna get really sad.


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