Thursday, February 16, 2017

American Response To Immigrant Strike: BOYCOTT!

Hey! It’s no E Coli in our lettuce day!
The American response to any immigrants who lumped themselves in with Muslim Islamic Extremists (infidels who are not welcome here) by closing their businesses for the Soros imposed strike will be to mark you as treasonous traitors and to never frequent your establishments again.
Plus, now the NSA and other agencies have data for future reference as to who the terrorist supporters are who should be closed down and not afforded the American freedoms to operate businesses in our CHRISTIAN nation…The religious freedoms in America were created for CHRISTIANS because the Muslim Islamic infidels were persecuting the Christians in all other lands…Protecting the Christians (and little kids’ butts) from Muslim Islamic infidels is the all-American way…It’s why America is great. When the Muslim Islamic infidels are allowed to roam freely on the American streets to rape and pillage Christians and children and GAYS, like they do everywhere else where Soros and his deranged white devil peers have gotten their way, then you’ll finally understand that you were, indeed, treasonous traitors, just as George Soros is to all nations on Earth (you obeyed a nonexistent parasite phantom, Fucktards!).
Yeah…It seems like you’d get the point: Trump is stationed as epitome of American freedoms to lure you treasonous traitors out of your caves and identify you. It’s all data collection: Soros sees how many treasonous traitors can be paid to protest American values and they go on a “list”…
Ya’ll do realize that the punishment for treason is DEATH, right? So you just gave the government license to secretly kill off a whole bunch of you worthless welfare and immigrant benefits recipients who defy the rise of America IN America…You should’ve took that Commie shit back HOME, yo, Nazi fuckers! Now, we get to watch you get magically killed off and become news stories…Bad weather’s coming for you…So is poison water and food, floods, fires, power outages…The demographic you protested for will be given your addresses and a “pass” to get away with raping and pillaging you in your own homes…You don’t see what you did to yourselves yet. You’re as cum-drunk and unfit for life as Rosie or any other gay protester, protesting against your own right to be gay in America without fear of persecution.
Before you let Soros mark you as a treasonous traitor like he is, READ what you would endure if Soros gets his way and gets Sharia Law enacted in your nation…Would it be legal for you to be YOU? Or would you be tortured and killed? Sharia Law must be opposed…by any means necessary.


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