Sunday, February 12, 2017

Temp Travel Ban Exposed Treasonous Terrorists Posing As Judges To Sue!

Okay. It’s time for a class action lawsuit against the treasonous traitors disguised as judges for their blockage of the travel ban…It’s “reckless endangerment” and they have committed that crime against all Americans and Christians (and little girls).
Time to sue those traitors.
What’s that say about the Muslims? They’ve stated with their actions (picture it in a cartoonish Muslim voice with bad English) “We will not wait 90 days to rape and pillage! Death to Ameerica toDAY! We must rape and pillage NOW! RAAAAAPE and PILLLAAAAGE! Rape and pillage! We refuse to wait 90 days to rape and pillage in the America we bought from the treasonous traitors who pose as your judges and others in power who oppose the ban against our right to rape and pillage Americans toDAY, not 9o days from now!”
Soros and the protesters and the treasonous pedophilic mainstream have voiced THEIR opinions, too: “Do NOT make those rapist and terrorists wait 90 days to rape and pillage us and our fans! Allow them in, right NOW, to rape and pillage us, toDAY! We demand the right to be raped and pillaged by America haters! Let them rape us! Let them rape us! Let them rape us! Let them rape kids! Let them rape kids!”
Did you expect anything else from pedophiles? Really? We didn’t.
Now, the demographic who should be executed for treason have shown themselves…All it took was electing a real American as president and then imposing a few basic American values that treasonous traitors managed to remove from our lives like an evil magic trick. A TEMPORARY travel ban, asking them to wait 90 piddly DAYS to rape and pillage in America…LOOK what that exposed…Colleges with treasonous traitors for teachers and professors turning kids into Marxist zombies who have no regard for their fellow man or their right to not be raped and pillaged by foreigners in their own home towns.
Yep. Trump performed magic…See the maggots?

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