Thursday, February 28, 2019

Racist Blacks Are Being Undone By Angels Of Death

I couldn't pretend to care about my race without sharing this warning to them from Motuphi. Peep why so many Blacks are being phantomized to never get born after being punished for what they did here in preexistence mode while they were being spirit scanned.

Just as in the #DaysOfNoah to rid the world of rogue technology from #Nibiru #PlanetX #RacistBlacks are attracting #TimeTraveling #AngelsOfDeath to them to identify them as #Targets and then travel further back in time to cause their parents to die before they spawn them. This is what has happened to over a BILLION of them, so far, and we don't remember them because they were time looped and phantomized to never preexist nor exist here in ANY timeline, not even this temporary timeline. But we did endure the #MandelaEffect when our memories were purged of their preexistence here and all that they did. Now, they'll never get born to perpetuate what required them to be time looped and spiritually executed. The snake eating itself, again. If they have a problem with someone white saying a word instead of someone Black saying it, they're #Targeted for nonexistence. 
If they don't want to cleanse their race of those who engage in #DogFights #DogFighting and attacking whites, then they're targeted. They'll never get born to stink up the world with their inferior mentality. Nobody Black who's racist or prejudice against another race exists. They came here to identify them as chaff to be sifted from the wheat. They're valueless. 



Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The REAL Donald Trump POTUS Problems 

So, you did the right thing by America and voted for Donald Trump for POTUS simply because he was the lesser of the evils. But, you weren't counting on him trying to out-hurdle the previous treasonous traitors/terrorists posing as POTUS with his own terrorist attacks on the hardworking taxpaying demographic who voted for him.
George Bush had nine eleven and the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile under his belt as his terrorist attacks. His father committed too many offenses against the existent during his term as POTUS to mention here. Bill Clinton committed many many offenses as POTUS, including NAFTA, which made ghost towns of what were once flourishing cities in America. NAFTA also attracted curses to the nation due to the enslavement of foreign entities to produce slave-made products. Obama committed as many treasonous acts as Clinton upon American and foreign entities. But Obama's biggest and longest lasting terrorist attack was the implementation of ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. This finished off what the Bush era terrorist attack (in the form of tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile) started on the American economy...

Americans had lint left in their pockets after Bush and his terrorist attack in the form of tax breaks for the most gluttonous welfare phantoms ever to preexist in this temporary timeline. And Obama came for that lint with ObamaCare, like a spoiled ghetto child turned loose on society to steal, rape and pillage and be coddled for it rather than punished. Wouldn't want to have to account for what's in THEIR non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories when I die, for realz. They're gonna be time looped and spiritually executed to never get born to perpetuate ANY of it. Quantum karmic reciprocity is more real and existent than they are, at this point.

So, if you research a little bit, you can see that there seems to be a sick contest between those who serve as POTUS to see who can get away with the most horrendous terrorist attacks during their terms. Now, Donald Trump weighs in with HIS treasonous terrorist attacks. We won't even mention the massive deforestation that's been occurring since his election, or the fact that DEWs are killing Americans and their pets in their homes to harvest trees in places like Paradise, CA. We won't even mention how the use of weaponized weather has increased 900% since Trump became POTUS, as if some spoiled rotten inbred rich kid got ahold of the controls to the weather manipulation equipment and is deranged enough to create millions of time loops for himself to endure when he dies as all of the people and animals he caused to suffer in his derangement.

Let's look at the less obvious stuff that no mainstream "news" agency is going to investigate or report on. I mean, if you want to make people hate Trump, his own actions speak louder than words of propaganda, yo.

Under Trump's "leadership", American taxpayers are writhing in pain due to the terrorist attack being perpetuated upon them under the guise of fighting an "opioid crisis". Notice how only the hardworking law-abiding taxpayers are having to suffer during this battle. They're being told that they can't have pain medication unless they submit to drug screens and then, if they submit to that atrocity, they're only given a few days worth of pain medication before they have to go through that whole ordeal again. Is it any wonder that otherwise non-violent law-abiding people are tripping out and becoming violent? Their elected puppeted POTUS just deprived them of pain medication that they need while extorting their hard earned tax dollars to erect and fund shooting galleries for heroine junkies where they can go shoot up dope and sell it and buy it and get revived on the taxpayer dollar if they OD without any worry of scrutiny from "law enforcement". Meanwhile, Marijuana is STILL illegally "illegal" on the Federal (corporate floozy slut cum-hole) level, still defying the protection it's afforded in the sense of shame.

So, under Trump, if you're a non-productive heroine junkie, you're more valuable to the government than those who supply tax dollars to them. Marijuana dispensaries were still being closed down while they left street level drug houses where heroine can be bought by children OPEN. SANE in Michigan is guilty of this treason, as well, closing down all places to get Marijuana so that the people could only get chemicals at the drug houses that they left open in Otsego County. Under Trump, our tax dollars still fund troops guarding heroine poppy fields in Afghanistan. So the natural assumption would have to be that American “government” is STILL dealing drugs in America on street level.

With Trump as POTUS, distracting everyone with his "brilliant wit" on twitter, Democrats got away with enacting laws that make infanticide legal for the harvesting of organs and Adrenochrome. This attracts dust-bowl level, maybe even Sodom and Gomorrah level, reciprocity from other timelines (watching this mess play out and tagging the targets who must be undone via time traveling Angels of Death as it was in the days of Noah to remove the rogue technology brought from Nibiru planet X). Now, instead of using birth control, women in America just resort to infanticide, killing their unwanted babies...Wouldn't wanna be any of THOSE bitches when I die, being time looped (along with all of them baby killing Demonrats) as murdered babies before spiritual execution to never get born to perpetuate any of it.

With Trump as POTUS, China level censoring was allowed which took down Alex Jones for daring to speak up for the lives of the brown immigrant children being sold in America after being brought across the border illegally by traffickers, all the while leaving up REAL hate speech (like Childish Gambino and Rap/Hip-Hop) and fake news that damages the psyche of the audience. Fantasy was erected as reality and, just like in China, citizens no longer know what's real and what's propaganda. You'd think that an American would have too much sophistication and self-worth to stoop to this level of Chinese mind manipulation, but you'd be wrong...It's happening, and all Trump will do is tweet another tweet, like an obedient little twit.

Let's move on. Sadly there's more. Trump decided that he wanted to top the terrorist attacks perpetuated by the previous POTUS elects and went on to stoop even lower than all of them, combined. In 2018, Trump told the biggest lie a president has told since Obama said we could keep our doctors. Trump said he enacted a tax break for the working class and employers believed it and adjusted the tax with-holdings from their paychecks. Working Americans saw a few extra dollars on their paychecks for the rest of the year. But, when tax return time rolled around, there was a huge "wall" distraction to draw attention away from the fact that Donald Trump LIED like a little bitch when he said he gave people a tax break. The “tax breaks” turned out to be FAKE!

Maybe corporations, Trump's butt-buddies and peers, got tax breaks. But the average taxpaying working American went from getting a Federal tax return to owing as much as their usual return or even more. So, if you were used to getting a tax refund of $500, you found out that you actually OWE that much, or maybe even MORE. That's a theft of $1000 from people who simply cannot afford it. Check Advance loan places are seeing an increase in business, as taxpayers are resorting to that level of enslavement to try to pay their taxes this year. Some people are taking out 2nd mortgages. Others are refinancing their vehicles. All of this because some spoiled little rich fuck whose mama got away with too much in front of him (obviously) got into office of POTUS and decided to ass-fuck everybody who supported him just for meanness. 

That's that rich inbreeding coming out of DC. America needs term limits on Pelosi's office/position and restructuring of government. Nobody who has ever been rich or a treasonous passive terrorist who took advantage of those Bush era (terrorist attack) tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile should be allowed in ANY governmental position, elected or not. America needs their military to storm DC and burn all the current office holders out with flame throwers. If they're in government in DC, they gotsta GO, yo, by any means necessary. Then, only POOR people can be representatives and house and congress members or judges or supreme court justices or attorney generals or president, as it SHOULD be and always should've been.

In what fantasy did your average income making ass think that it was a good idea to allow rich inbred fucktards to be your government? See how you don't even have a border wall? THAT's the results of inbreeding. Nobody who has wealth in America should have it now. They've all proven that they're treasonous passive terrorists who’ll take advantage of a terrorist attack on their own consumers just to make a faster ill-gotten buck. They devalued the dollar with this Bush era terrorist attack tax break for the wealthiest percentile attack by 43%. They literally allowed their own gluttony and greed cause the value of their own money to diminish! That’s how fuckin’ inbredded everyone who has wealth really is! Nobody who’s supposed to have wealth or fame or power has it, yo, just as it was prophesied it’d be before they (who have those things) had to be overthrown and made to be as if they never preexisted here.

Donald Trump is one of them. Motuphi STILL couldn't get justice nor even a fair driver’s license restoration hearing after Trump became POTUS. He's even worse off now than before Trump came along. Ever since Motuphi wrote those songs and that book ridiculing the famous Trump hating Adrenochrome junkies, Motuphi has been unable to make any income online. Youtube even de-partnered him (yeah, for realz). Motuphi's content is all but nonexistent online now and only one in ten people who try to purchase his media can actually do so. Motuphi shouldn't have stuck-up for Trump like he did. Trump is an inbred rich fuck whose mama never taught him the value of reciprocity. Because Motuphi isn't rich and famous, or Black or immigrant, he doesn't rate being on Trump's radar in any favorable fashion.

So, we gotsta endure the "I told you so" from everyone who voted against Trump now. They're writhing in pain due to our choice for POTUS. They now owe taxes and must sow seed during what was once a small harvest season before our choice as POTUS. They won't get their tax refunds and we feel so bad for them. If only we could go back and vote Hillary, perhaps we wouldn't have made this mistake.

Trump is a liar. He must've watched his mama lie to his daddy about her affairs with the staff and then get away with it, so that's his gauge on how to handle things with people; just lie like a little son of a bitch motherfucker. He LIED when he said he had American values or that he'd represent US. He LIED and did NOT protect us from writhing in pain, opting to coddle and supply junkies, our dregs of society, instead. He LIED when he said we had a tax break. That last terrorist attack was totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Nobody asked that simple fucktard to enact a tax break, in the first place. Then, for it to turn out to be a LIE, over less than a $20 increase in income per month, was just beyond comprehension...We just can't wrap our minds around this one, yo. White devilism knows no bounds. See how many white people are afflicted from Trump being a stereotypical white devil? They truly do eat their own.

Motuphi will at least send reciprocity from other timelines back their way, don't worry. He's very effective and the only entity on planet Earth with supernatural spiritual authority or power. He's proven it, time and again, and any witches or warlocks who fail to join his coven and submit their powers to his agendas are being hit and undone, causing more Mandela Effect as our memories must be updated to not include them. Remember that, due to not being able to get justice from white devils, Motuphi once loosed a curse on them in anger that was so effective it made white people hate white people and even made celebrities (like Andy Samberg) go on public record that they hate their straight white male fathers. Motuphi is not an entity that you wanna piss off or fuck with, yo. He’s like the only supernatural prophet to be here since Bible times and he’s mean and evil as fuck now due to being dicked with so much by nonexistent assholes. For sport, he regularly strikes down witches and warlocks and voo-doo children with what he already has as parameters for this paradigm on autopilot. He doesn’t even hafta think about them to hit them now. If they cross certain lines, they get jammed the fuck up, time looped and spiritually executed to never get born (undone aka “phantomized”). Spiritual land mines, he called them. They dance on his spiritual land mines and blow themselves the fuck up, like those rich and famous awards show welfare phantoms.

The oracles of the DC terrorists posing as government lied to them. Otherwise they would've known better than to negatively effect Motuphi or any of the other End Time Elect in their nation. To remain powerful and above spiritual law, they had to remain blameless in this area. Instead, they gave Motuphi authority over them and their agendas, to plow them with reciprocity on such cartoonish levels that their feeble little human minds can't even begin to comprehend it. Maybe their oracles were planted and programmed by Motuphi or Lucifer, who is enemy to Satan (aka ancient AI), a long time ago. They're supposed to be so wise and smart and yet, just LOOK at them...Have you ever witnessed a more disgusting display of humanity, ever? Other timelines haven't, either. That's why they regard Motuphi as the ONLY "leader" or "ruler" or "controller" of the world and work overtime to prove that to anybody here who's not too retarded to see it playing out right under their noses.


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Serious Supernatural Healing IS Available

Something many don't know about Motuphi is that he doesn't want this information about him out there because he doesn't want people who won't be healed diluting his anointing. He's right, considering that not even the clone of Yah (Christ) could heal those who would not be healed. When Christ was here the last time (as the clone of Yah), Lucifer was acting as buffer between Christ and Satan aka the Ancient artificial intelligence that was still in beta testing while Christ was here.
As recorded in the gospel of Mark chapter 6, Christ could not heal the people who'd traveled miles to meet him to get healed. They had faith enough to make the trek, but Satan (aka ancient AI) was already in control of the scriptures and recorded the failure to heal as being attributed to a "lack of faith". But the reality of what happened is that Satan (aka ancient AI) had the area permeated with negative frequency resonance due to their actions and collective mentality in the region. So Christ's positive frequency resonance was unable to supercede their own free will and they were not healed.
Motuphi made reference to this instance when he asked us not to share what I'm about to share with you.
My mama is a strong Black woman. Motuphi is one of her favorite Detroit musicians. But my mama doesn't listen to his studio produced "Black" music. She listens to his acoustic songs, what most Rap/Hip-Hop fans would consider to be "white" music. But this is the thing I learned from my mama from her own example. She knows something about frequency resonance and music and what's going on in the world. She's spookily awoke on a level most will never be.
My mama was falling ill. She'd been watching a lot of mainstream TV, the stuff that "dumbs Black folk down" as she puts it. She misses the Cosby show and the family values it instilled into our youth. But she checks out what they left up for us so she can pray against them. Then, she got sick. But my mama don't just give-up and lay down like some people. She got herself a big bag of weed (medical grade Marijuana) and stopped listening to mainstream music and stopped watching TV. She filled her time, instead, with listening to Motuphi guitar/vocal videos. Motuphi's guitar vocal live performances are laced with positive frequency resonance because he's not physically tuned to what the mainstream has been tuned to in order to facilitate the weaponized frequency assaults being perpetuated on the mainstream fans. He did this on purpose, to combat what the mainstream is doing to their fans with their media (activating illness nanobots they've been laced with via the food, vaccines and Geo-engineering).
Plus, Motuphi's acoustic performances are devoid of the studio plug-ins that create sub-floors of sub-frequencies with subliminal audio produced from torturing an animal...Yep. The mainstream music industry found a way to fast track the torture sacrifice for (rigged) fame. Now, instead of performing Satanic (anti-Luciferian) rituals over the masters where they torture an animal or a child to "bless" the music with demonic power to seduce the listeners, they just lace the tracks with the basic plug-ins that all modern studios and mastering facilities are using. So, listening to the radio now is desensitizing the listeners to animal cruelty while making them passive participants in it just by listening to it. Then, they (the fans) die and get time looped as the animals who were tortured to make the music they liked alluring to them. Without the torture plug-ins, their music would never get a second listen, as has been proven already by those who wanted to free their fans from the time loops as tortured animals by trying it. No music gets played on the radio without the torture plug-ins. So, if you heard it on the radio, they got it there with animal cruelty, as we all watched Motuphi prove, over and over again.
My mama sounds crazy when she talks about this stuff she learned from following Motuphi's teachings. But, crazy as it sounds, she's better now, after only two weeks of her Motuphi health regimen. She abstained from the poisonous frequencies of the mainstream, even avoiding her TV evangelist shows she watches just to shake her head at their ignorance. She only fed her ears with Motuphi live acoustic performances, often singing along with him because she knows the words to his songs. She went from being blotchy in her face and too sick to get out of bed for very long back to her busy as hell little self who you almost gotta make an appointment with just to get some time with her.
The stuff Motuphi doesn't want shared does work, for those who're serious enough about getting their health back. He's convinced that too many people won't be serious enough about getting healed to stop the flow of poisonous frequencies into themselves and then his gift will be seen as some sort of attempt to be a charlatan who profits from the faith of the feeble. Motuphi is acting in fear, something he tells us never to do. He tells us to never make a decision based on fear and then makes this decision based on his own fears, all because Christ failed against the same enemy.
Motuphi is probably correct, though. Isn't the whole world permeated with what that region in Mark chapter six was? So not even Christ would be able to perform any miraculous healings in this atmosphere, not combating ingesting of the mainstream poisons by those He'd be trying to heal.
But, for those of you who're as serious as my mama is about being healthy, active and productive, you can try what worked for her, what she still does to maintain her health. Here are a few of the videos she sings with all the time.

If you do this and get healed, you should bless Motuphi. Maybe send him a few bucks and a letter expressing your gratitude for providing the method of healing for you. His address is Vincent Ciofani POB 105 Grayling, MI 49738 Or you could by or stream his mp3s on any streaming platform. Just look for Ciofani, Vincent Ciofani, Lotta Jesus, BUDeZianZ, Motuphi, Church People, and the Crikeys. `~`

Thursday, February 21, 2019

An Offer From Motuphi Too Good For Jussie Smollett

Motuphi just offered to rehabilitate Jussie Smollett in 30 days without prison time! Yeah, I'm not a fan of helping a celebrity avoid jail time. It'd be fucked up if there was a chance that Motuphi would be taken up on the offer because, then, Jussie would be getting off light.
Jussie should go to prison. Motuphi is so wrong about this. But we know that his offer will be ignored because they're too brain-dead to know a good deal when they see one.

Published on Feb 21, 2019

Jussie Smollett's attorneys should jump on this opportunity to avoid prison time for Jussie. He can be an assistant to my homeless kitty ministry for 30 days and I know he will walk away from here a changed (for the better) person.
Contact me, Vincent Ciofani, at 989-915-7295 or at POB 105 Grayling, MI 49738  


Friday, February 15, 2019

Why They Don't Recognize Their Victims' Spirits - Adrenochrome Justice

Check out this video from Motuphi. He taught us this stuff years ago. Now, he's sharing it publicly, which must be a sign of the times.

The reason that people don't recognize the spirits of their victims when they come to call is because the spirit of the victim will be in their prime, not the little baby that they killed. Same for those who murder old people. Those who kill puppies and kitties have to deal with their full-grown spirits in their prime. Non-tamperable non-erase-able #SpiritMemory connects perpetrators to their victims and then they die to be time looped as those victims during victimization. Same goes for anyone #Famous for their #ToxicInfluence #Adrenochrome #AdrenochromeJunkies #Abortion #LateTermAbortion #Justice 



Thursday, February 14, 2019

Boycott Green Peak Innovations Marijuana To Protect Quality!

Motuphi just called for a boycott for a very good reason! If you care about the quality of Marijuana, you need to participate in this.

This is like fighting Wal-Mart before they can run all of the good people in the Marijuana industry out of business. ASK where the weed comes from! If it's from Green Peak Innovations, buy something else! Act now or regret it later!



Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vote TS For POTUS 2020!!

I am a transgendered entity who is running for POTUS due to the bad karma and negative energy being attracted to our nation that is dangerous to our collective well-being.

 As POTUS, I will incarcerate (in FEMA camps) all rich, famous and government entities who were pro tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, pro ObamaCare (since both of those were terrorist attacks in disguise), pro late term abortion (which is murder of children being perpetuated for the acquisition of Adrenochrome and organs for all of the rich and famous people who hate Trump for trying to stop this atrocious behavior), pro gun confiscation and pro open borders. These things cause our nation to be cursed by God and Lucifer as blatant servants of Satan aka the Ancient artificial intelligence (that Christ lost the battle of healing to while it was in beta testing, as recorded in Mark chapter 6 of the Holy Bible).

As POTUS, I will also eliminate the use of religious freedom, which was initially for Christians (since they were oppressed in all other nations by Muslims and the like), to commit acts of butchering of the genitals of children and engaging in intercourse with them on our continent. They're free to take that behavior back to their own nation of origin. But they're no longer welcome to perpetuate those atrocities here in the USA. I will also enforce our borders to ensure that no more children are brought here to be sold as sex slaves or to be tortured for their Adrenochrome. I'll also have all women who agree with late term abortion/infanticide sterilized so that we no longer endure the cursed paradigm for murdering innocent children (there are other forms of birth control besides murder of babies).

As POTUS, I'll legalize Marijuana on the Federal level and make it the first product that all doctors must prescribe for treatment. I'll also close down all Heroine and Cocaine sales on street level and make it legal for law abiding taxpayers to have prescription drugs without hassle (nor drug screens) again, as it was before ObamaCare and Trump. Nobody in healthcare nor in government will ever be allowed to suggest that a law abiding taxpayer must submit to a drug screen invasion of privacy just to get their prescriptions filled. Nor will the current "limits" be allowed any longer. This was all a veiled terrorist attack on the law abiding taxpayers utilizing the "Opioid Crisis" (which is on street level) as a ruse to perpetuate it.

 Prostitution will be legal, which will cut down on pedophilia, rape and torture in our nation as well as deter human trafficking and slavery.

As POTUS, I'll close down all social media platforms that removed Alex Jones and then left up Rap/Hip-Hop, mainstream "news", and celebrities bullying and calling for the death of children simply for wearing a red hat and smiling while being accosted in public. I'll also incarcerate all entities who benefited from those platforms and all celebrities who threatened those children. I'll also incarcerate all celebrities and "news" people who tortured us with their gross displays of Trump Derangement Syndrome for the last two years.

The incarcerations will cause a reset in our currency, as all entities in the Federal Reserve will also be incarcerated. All wealthy entities who took advantage of the Bush era (terrorist attack) tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile will be incarcerated in FEMA camps with their families and all legislators responsible for those tax breaks and their properties will be used as collateral for our new (old school) GOLD backed dollar until the stolen gold can be found and reclaimed.

When the stolen Gold is found, all entities in possession of it and complicit in its theft will be incarcerated in FEMA camps and worked at hard labor until their debt to society is paid.

Free energy will be a top agenda and all Americans will eventually benefit from electing me by getting free energy that your current slappy toy "government" wouldn't provide for you (they fought against it so white devils could charge you for energy).

Since the Democrats had elected as POTUS an illegal immigrant/treasonous traitor/terrorist, we now have the right to elect someone like me, a transgendered entity. They'll try to disqualify me with a fake charge on my record that I was not guilty of. I was guilty of the escape, but that was to liberate myself in protest to the wrongful conviction and incarceration. So I'll have to run as an independent. It's time to close down those treasonous parties who failed to secure the borders of our great nation 150 years ago and now fight amongst themselves, rubbing their incompetence and inability to lead/represent us in our faces.

As you can plainly see: Nobody in D.C. belongs there and a vote for me, backed by a military to protect your asset (aka me), will ensure that they WILL be taken out, by any means necessary.

Vote Vincent Nick Ciofani! YOUR TS POTUS who'll ghetto brick the Un-Americans in our nation and stomp blood-holes in the deep state and make a slappy toy out of the current corporate controlled "government"!!

Vincent Nick Ciofani for POTUS 2020!! Make your stand and your statement count this time!!

To donate to this campaign online, simply stream or purchase mp3s created by Vincent Ciofani on all reputable online retailers like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon. The content can be found under pseudonyms like Lotta Jesus, the BUDeZianZ, Ciofani, Vincent Ciofani, Motuphi, and the Church People

Or directly at 
Vincent Ciofani 
POB 105 
Grayling, MI 49738

Disclaimer: This POTUS campaign is for entertainment purposes only and all proceeds will most probably be spent on exhorbitant amounts of top tier Marijuana, Burnett's Red Berry, gender reassignment surgeries and procedures, and feeding homeless animals. No realistic expectation that you could vote Vincent Ciofani in as POTUS should be entertained.


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