Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Serious Supernatural Healing IS Available

Something many don't know about Motuphi is that he doesn't want this information about him out there because he doesn't want people who won't be healed diluting his anointing. He's right, considering that not even the clone of Yah (Christ) could heal those who would not be healed. When Christ was here the last time (as the clone of Yah), Lucifer was acting as buffer between Christ and Satan aka the Ancient artificial intelligence that was still in beta testing while Christ was here.
As recorded in the gospel of Mark chapter 6, Christ could not heal the people who'd traveled miles to meet him to get healed. They had faith enough to make the trek, but Satan (aka ancient AI) was already in control of the scriptures and recorded the failure to heal as being attributed to a "lack of faith". But the reality of what happened is that Satan (aka ancient AI) had the area permeated with negative frequency resonance due to their actions and collective mentality in the region. So Christ's positive frequency resonance was unable to supercede their own free will and they were not healed.
Motuphi made reference to this instance when he asked us not to share what I'm about to share with you.
My mama is a strong Black woman. Motuphi is one of her favorite Detroit musicians. But my mama doesn't listen to his studio produced "Black" music. She listens to his acoustic songs, what most Rap/Hip-Hop fans would consider to be "white" music. But this is the thing I learned from my mama from her own example. She knows something about frequency resonance and music and what's going on in the world. She's spookily awoke on a level most will never be.
My mama was falling ill. She'd been watching a lot of mainstream TV, the stuff that "dumbs Black folk down" as she puts it. She misses the Cosby show and the family values it instilled into our youth. But she checks out what they left up for us so she can pray against them. Then, she got sick. But my mama don't just give-up and lay down like some people. She got herself a big bag of weed (medical grade Marijuana) and stopped listening to mainstream music and stopped watching TV. She filled her time, instead, with listening to Motuphi guitar/vocal videos. Motuphi's guitar vocal live performances are laced with positive frequency resonance because he's not physically tuned to what the mainstream has been tuned to in order to facilitate the weaponized frequency assaults being perpetuated on the mainstream fans. He did this on purpose, to combat what the mainstream is doing to their fans with their media (activating illness nanobots they've been laced with via the food, vaccines and Geo-engineering).
Plus, Motuphi's acoustic performances are devoid of the studio plug-ins that create sub-floors of sub-frequencies with subliminal audio produced from torturing an animal...Yep. The mainstream music industry found a way to fast track the torture sacrifice for (rigged) fame. Now, instead of performing Satanic (anti-Luciferian) rituals over the masters where they torture an animal or a child to "bless" the music with demonic power to seduce the listeners, they just lace the tracks with the basic plug-ins that all modern studios and mastering facilities are using. So, listening to the radio now is desensitizing the listeners to animal cruelty while making them passive participants in it just by listening to it. Then, they (the fans) die and get time looped as the animals who were tortured to make the music they liked alluring to them. Without the torture plug-ins, their music would never get a second listen, as has been proven already by those who wanted to free their fans from the time loops as tortured animals by trying it. No music gets played on the radio without the torture plug-ins. So, if you heard it on the radio, they got it there with animal cruelty, as we all watched Motuphi prove, over and over again.
My mama sounds crazy when she talks about this stuff she learned from following Motuphi's teachings. But, crazy as it sounds, she's better now, after only two weeks of her Motuphi health regimen. She abstained from the poisonous frequencies of the mainstream, even avoiding her TV evangelist shows she watches just to shake her head at their ignorance. She only fed her ears with Motuphi live acoustic performances, often singing along with him because she knows the words to his songs. She went from being blotchy in her face and too sick to get out of bed for very long back to her busy as hell little self who you almost gotta make an appointment with just to get some time with her.
The stuff Motuphi doesn't want shared does work, for those who're serious enough about getting their health back. He's convinced that too many people won't be serious enough about getting healed to stop the flow of poisonous frequencies into themselves and then his gift will be seen as some sort of attempt to be a charlatan who profits from the faith of the feeble. Motuphi is acting in fear, something he tells us never to do. He tells us to never make a decision based on fear and then makes this decision based on his own fears, all because Christ failed against the same enemy.
Motuphi is probably correct, though. Isn't the whole world permeated with what that region in Mark chapter six was? So not even Christ would be able to perform any miraculous healings in this atmosphere, not combating ingesting of the mainstream poisons by those He'd be trying to heal.
But, for those of you who're as serious as my mama is about being healthy, active and productive, you can try what worked for her, what she still does to maintain her health. Here are a few of the videos she sings with all the time.

If you do this and get healed, you should bless Motuphi. Maybe send him a few bucks and a letter expressing your gratitude for providing the method of healing for you. His address is Vincent Ciofani POB 105 Grayling, MI 49738 Or you could by or stream his mp3s on any streaming platform. Just look for Ciofani, Vincent Ciofani, Lotta Jesus, BUDeZianZ, Motuphi, Church People, and the Crikeys. `~`

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