Friday, February 15, 2019

Why They Don't Recognize Their Victims' Spirits - Adrenochrome Justice

Check out this video from Motuphi. He taught us this stuff years ago. Now, he's sharing it publicly, which must be a sign of the times.

The reason that people don't recognize the spirits of their victims when they come to call is because the spirit of the victim will be in their prime, not the little baby that they killed. Same for those who murder old people. Those who kill puppies and kitties have to deal with their full-grown spirits in their prime. Non-tamperable non-erase-able #SpiritMemory connects perpetrators to their victims and then they die to be time looped as those victims during victimization. Same goes for anyone #Famous for their #ToxicInfluence #Adrenochrome #AdrenochromeJunkies #Abortion #LateTermAbortion #Justice 



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