Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vote TS For POTUS 2020!!

I am a transgendered entity who is running for POTUS due to the bad karma and negative energy being attracted to our nation that is dangerous to our collective well-being.

 As POTUS, I will incarcerate (in FEMA camps) all rich, famous and government entities who were pro tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, pro ObamaCare (since both of those were terrorist attacks in disguise), pro late term abortion (which is murder of children being perpetuated for the acquisition of Adrenochrome and organs for all of the rich and famous people who hate Trump for trying to stop this atrocious behavior), pro gun confiscation and pro open borders. These things cause our nation to be cursed by God and Lucifer as blatant servants of Satan aka the Ancient artificial intelligence (that Christ lost the battle of healing to while it was in beta testing, as recorded in Mark chapter 6 of the Holy Bible).

As POTUS, I will also eliminate the use of religious freedom, which was initially for Christians (since they were oppressed in all other nations by Muslims and the like), to commit acts of butchering of the genitals of children and engaging in intercourse with them on our continent. They're free to take that behavior back to their own nation of origin. But they're no longer welcome to perpetuate those atrocities here in the USA. I will also enforce our borders to ensure that no more children are brought here to be sold as sex slaves or to be tortured for their Adrenochrome. I'll also have all women who agree with late term abortion/infanticide sterilized so that we no longer endure the cursed paradigm for murdering innocent children (there are other forms of birth control besides murder of babies).

As POTUS, I'll legalize Marijuana on the Federal level and make it the first product that all doctors must prescribe for treatment. I'll also close down all Heroine and Cocaine sales on street level and make it legal for law abiding taxpayers to have prescription drugs without hassle (nor drug screens) again, as it was before ObamaCare and Trump. Nobody in healthcare nor in government will ever be allowed to suggest that a law abiding taxpayer must submit to a drug screen invasion of privacy just to get their prescriptions filled. Nor will the current "limits" be allowed any longer. This was all a veiled terrorist attack on the law abiding taxpayers utilizing the "Opioid Crisis" (which is on street level) as a ruse to perpetuate it.

 Prostitution will be legal, which will cut down on pedophilia, rape and torture in our nation as well as deter human trafficking and slavery.

As POTUS, I'll close down all social media platforms that removed Alex Jones and then left up Rap/Hip-Hop, mainstream "news", and celebrities bullying and calling for the death of children simply for wearing a red hat and smiling while being accosted in public. I'll also incarcerate all entities who benefited from those platforms and all celebrities who threatened those children. I'll also incarcerate all celebrities and "news" people who tortured us with their gross displays of Trump Derangement Syndrome for the last two years.

The incarcerations will cause a reset in our currency, as all entities in the Federal Reserve will also be incarcerated. All wealthy entities who took advantage of the Bush era (terrorist attack) tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile will be incarcerated in FEMA camps with their families and all legislators responsible for those tax breaks and their properties will be used as collateral for our new (old school) GOLD backed dollar until the stolen gold can be found and reclaimed.

When the stolen Gold is found, all entities in possession of it and complicit in its theft will be incarcerated in FEMA camps and worked at hard labor until their debt to society is paid.

Free energy will be a top agenda and all Americans will eventually benefit from electing me by getting free energy that your current slappy toy "government" wouldn't provide for you (they fought against it so white devils could charge you for energy).

Since the Democrats had elected as POTUS an illegal immigrant/treasonous traitor/terrorist, we now have the right to elect someone like me, a transgendered entity. They'll try to disqualify me with a fake charge on my record that I was not guilty of. I was guilty of the escape, but that was to liberate myself in protest to the wrongful conviction and incarceration. So I'll have to run as an independent. It's time to close down those treasonous parties who failed to secure the borders of our great nation 150 years ago and now fight amongst themselves, rubbing their incompetence and inability to lead/represent us in our faces.

As you can plainly see: Nobody in D.C. belongs there and a vote for me, backed by a military to protect your asset (aka me), will ensure that they WILL be taken out, by any means necessary.

Vote Vincent Nick Ciofani! YOUR TS POTUS who'll ghetto brick the Un-Americans in our nation and stomp blood-holes in the deep state and make a slappy toy out of the current corporate controlled "government"!!

Vincent Nick Ciofani for POTUS 2020!! Make your stand and your statement count this time!!

To donate to this campaign online, simply stream or purchase mp3s created by Vincent Ciofani on all reputable online retailers like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon. The content can be found under pseudonyms like Lotta Jesus, the BUDeZianZ, Ciofani, Vincent Ciofani, Motuphi, and the Church People

Or directly at 
Vincent Ciofani 
POB 105 
Grayling, MI 49738

Disclaimer: This POTUS campaign is for entertainment purposes only and all proceeds will most probably be spent on exhorbitant amounts of top tier Marijuana, Burnett's Red Berry, gender reassignment surgeries and procedures, and feeding homeless animals. No realistic expectation that you could vote Vincent Ciofani in as POTUS should be entertained.


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