Friday, March 28, 2014

Al Sharpton In the Time Loops of Judgement

If you go to you’ll see that yet another Al Sharpton time loop of judgement has been sold.
The latest sold was Sharpton gets to be the trucker that got beat down during the Rodney King riots. This is a participatory loop, meaning that the purchaser will be one of the thugs doing the beating of the trucker with Al Sharpton’s spirit in him.
No one dared entertain the thought that this race baiter who refused to work with his hands was graduating from the spirit scan, did they? He has many loops attributed to his “influence” as a “reverend”, who was nothing more than a carnal charlatan, so he’ll be getting looped for quite some time after he dies. Then, the cosmos is cleared of his infestation via eternal execution, making him nonexistent to play his part in destroying society. Sharpton never possessed any spirituality nor truth. No truth or righteousness was ever found in him. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, shitworms spewed forth lies from his lips. Picture him puking lies, just spewing them out all over his audiences, every time he opens his mouth to speak because, spiritually, that’s exactly what happened on Earth…Spiritual puke disguised as truth was the wares of the charlatan who dared take God’s name in vain and desecrate it.
God is divorced from Sharpton, now, never to be reconciled again. The Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom opportunity he missed to redeem himself has passed (he never uttered a word against it, meaning he condoned that behavior as long as the victims were white “crackers”). He and Jesse Jackson (who also has some loops sold) associated God to their ghettoism, lesserism, bigotry and racial hatred, which they never sought forgiveness for. They dropped the ball at every opportunity to do the right thing and positively impact the world. Now they must endure the consequences for that (trillions of times over, being as their victims via “influence” are in the tens of MILLIONS now).
There’s a loop sold of Sharpton as Channon Christian, too, since he never showed up to express remorse and rebuke on the mentality that had her murderers thinking it was okay to “hunt” her, rape her, torture her and kill her because of her skin color. An extra loop got thrown in with this one with Sharpton as Hugh Newsom during his rapes, tortures and murders, too. Sharpton should’ve showed up every time a white person was victimized by a black (because of his “influence” to hate white people) to express rage at those in his race who’d resort to such subhumanism. GOD said get an education and a job, pay taxes and CONTRIBUTE to whatever society you’re in…That should’ve spewed forth from Sharpton’s lips and any other “civil rights leader” when talking to the demographic who refused to do what God said and get jobs and work and contribute to society, like the already equal to whites working Blacks were before the “civil rights movement” desecrated their Earth existences with niggerism and transformed them into inferiors to the working whites in everyone’s eyes (simply by association to all of the subhuman non-workers who refused to work but were able bodied enough to riot, rape, pillage, rob, torture, murder, steal, gang bang, and march on Washington).
A long dead Black (while he was here) graduate of this spirit scan left behind an awesome quote when he died. It deserves a reread, so there’s no misunderstanding about who all was participant to the 1960s atrocities:
"I was equal to the white man before those gangsters in suits and ties with Black faces and white hearts came along. Then, suddenly, I was not their ‘equal’ anymore, because some lazy niggers had to riot and march on Washington like the white man wanted them to do. Then, I lost my job because I was suddenly ‘Black’ and dangerous in the white man’s eyes, like the gangsters my whole generation hated. Then my house was robbed and my wife was killed and my daughter was raped and committed to a mental institution. This was done by non-working Blacks who, no doubt, participated in those riots and that ridiculous march of uneducated, non-working, non-taxpaying, non-contributing to society thugs. This is what the ‘Civil Rights Movement’ did for me. It enabled the welfare cases to pillage me. Everything I suffered was from Blacks, inferior to me, who refused to get educations and jobs.
My generation left the white schools we went to looking white, pristine and clean, just as we found them. But their generation, under the influence of lazy “leaders” who were NOT leaders in my opinion, like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, turned everything they touched into ghetto. They spray painted all over those schools our generation took such good care of. They weren’t their to learn to prepare to be productive members of society like we did. They were there mugging the white kids, spray painting the lockers and walls, vandalizing the property, raping the white girls and trading dope for sex to those they didn’t rape, having sex with them in broom closets and under the bleachers or in the white girls’ parents’ cars in the parking lots. They caused a societal collapse, as far as Blacks were concerned, because they were killing US all off, too, leaving only them as an example of Blackness, well their weak version of it. Then the white man was truthfully able to point and say that we, as a race, were inferior to them. We truly wanted to lay around and mug them and rape their women while they worked to pay taxes to support our welfare queen mothers who started spawning more ghetto trash at 13 years old to get their welfare checks started.
Whenever ‘equality’ is mentioned to me and I see the inferiority of this generation that began in the ’60s, I curse that ‘dream’ that lazy, loudmouthed fool had for Blacks to be able to be judged as too inferior to abide by the common parameters of society, which resulted in coddling and treating Blacks like R Kelly and O.J., Vick and Kobe like small minded monkeys instead of intelligent men who’d be jailed if they were white and therefore expected to be intelligent enough to abide by proper parameters and laws of the land. True strong Blackness dictates the opposite: that the more famous a Black man is, the more punishment he should get for his crimes as an example to Black kids not to be like him, not the other way around. This version of “equality” is a joke. But the joke’s on US, us Black people. The kids don’t care if they’re perceived to be too inferior to be expected to abide by the same parameters as the whites who walked those streets before them without negatively effecting the neighborhood by refusing to work. They didn’t care if they were inferior to the white kids who’d work. Gangstas may’ve made more cash than those white kids in those part time jobs, but they were still inferior to them because of how they got it, without obeying God and working for it with their own 2 hands. But how can a dumbed down generation ever comprehend any of this?
As far as removal of those ‘Whites Only’ signs: I miss ‘em. ‘Used to warn us that racist white people was inside and we could avoid them just by going someplace else with our money. Removal of those signs made it impossible to avoid funding the wrong organizations, like the Klan, who owned many ‘Whites Only’ establishments at the time. The victory in making those signs go away went to the whites, who still hated us and would spit in our food and still get our money. I could not believe the ignorance. No one knew what a ‘false flag event’ was in those days, so it went on with an unfounded sense of righteousness that made us no better than the white bigots who started the whole ordeal. I wish there were more strong-minded working Blacks from that era who’d survived the genocide of the working Blacks perpetuated by the non-working Black gangstas who’d speak-up with the truth, albeit unpopular as it is. They did more harm to Blacks than decades of white devils in sheets could ever dream of.
No white man refused to work, lived in my neighborhood, cased me out, broke into my house, stole the love of my life and the innocence and future of my beautiful young daughter and then stole my property after all of that. Only gangstas survived the Civil Rights Movement in my neighborhood. I was the only survivor who wasn’t like them for 30 plus blocks. That’s over three MILES. They killed off all working Blacks who were superior to them for 3 miles in my neighborhood. They methodically killed off the rest of us after what they did to my wife and daughter and the neighbor’s mother, hunted us like we were animals, took our stuff we worked so hard for. No white man ever did any of that to me. They gave me jobs and warned me if they was racist by posting signs, so I didn’t give them my money for spit in my food. ‘Wish those days had never changed. I’d give my eternal soul to go back and know to move my family away from them niggers. They were not my equals, nor were they equal to my working white peers.
Yes, I’m still angry. I’ll die angry, now. The weakness that killed my wife never got addressed, they just got more weak and dared to call themselves ‘Black’. How messed-up is that? The NEW ‘Black’. They should rap THAT: ‘the NEW Black is whack’. Then someone will finally have told the truth ain’t nobody been tellin’ since they started tellin’ those lies back in the 1960s, where it all began for them and ended for me. I’ve been dead ever since, forced to live to see it and feel it and see them get worse and worse and never be held accountable for it or be required to live up to the basic responsibilities that go with being equal to those who’re more responsible to the surrounding community than they ever thought to be. I welcome my passing. I’ll finally be at peace, far away from the descendants of the gangsters who got away with genocide and got paid for it by the white devils who empowered them instead of incarcerating them as they deserved to be.” 
Cool real quote and there are more that are eerily similar, all from older (and some now dead) Black people who had jobs in the 1960’s and regarded themselves as already  ”equal” to the whites. Reading it makes you understand the era on a deeper level.

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