Friday, March 21, 2014

Music to Fill In the Gaps AFTER The Spirit Scan

 Motuphi was once asked why he makes music if he has conceded to it never being published or exploited due to the cock-blocking of the nonexistent untalented squatters in the American mainstream, and his answer was mind-blowing:
He stated that, when the offending mainstream musicians, artists and rappers are time looped as their victims, as well as the victims of their fans/”sleeper cells”, and then eternally executed to be made as if they never existed at all (with some help from the time-space continuum, which is what that’s for), there’ll be “forced interaction” voids in spirit memories that’ll hafta be filled. For example, every person who graduates from the spirit scan may have some dribble over spirit memory of media they would not have voluntarily listened to or watched, like the people sitting at the stop light when the subhuman pulls up next to them bouncing their nonexistent zombie-slave-clone rapper or materialistic temporal-minded ghetto-fabulous “artist”, or when someone’s forced to hear nonexistent media makers in train stations or airports or via commercials or nonexistent shows (like reality shows or movies glamorizing “lesserism” or “ghettoism” or “materialism”; or like American Idol, the Voice, and other music craft desecrating shows that sent Lucifer and his devils on missions of hatred against all who participated in them or was fans of them). Well all of that media that they (those who graduate the spirit scan) were forced to ingest does not exist, so it’ll have to be filled with media that the humans would not allow to exist during the spirit scan, media that was hidden in obscurity that was just as good or better and yet existed the whole time, albeit unknown to the masses (like Motuphi’s super cool, beyond this spirit scan, airwaves ruling music, for example).
That’s where Motuphi’s superior muse and music comes in. Where ever they (the nonexistent offenders) were, Motuphi will be, instead. It’ll be a different world without them, without their inferior soundshit disguised as music, and without their fans/”sleeper cells” (and without their  lesserism, violence, and undeserved senses of self-entitlement) and there’ll be a demand for REAL talent again and REAL music again, just to fill the spirit memories left incomplete due to untalented squatters, desecrators, and participants to shitworm-ism thinking they were getting away with violating the contracts of being an Earthling while here and consequently getting themselves eternally executed for it (after being time looped as everything they negatively effected, of course, which is easy to do with a little manipulation of spirit transferals).
So, those who graduate the spirit scan who don’t know who Motuphi is now will know who he is then. Only it’ll seem to them as if they always knew of him because he’ll be filling the gaps left from the moments the nonexistent perpetrators first infiltrated spirit memories they had no right to enter because they were never supposed to become famous…nor be born, obviously, since they refused to get educations or jobs or become productive members of society who work with their own 2 hands as commanded by God/Allah/Jehovah AND Lucifer, whose turf they’re desecrating with their collective nothingness…Looks like they’re just shit outta luck…
Now we see why Motuphi never took no sucker deals that would’ve garnered him mediocre power and fame: The trade-off of the eternal reference gap-filler in non-tamperable, non-erase-able spirit memory was too great a loss for him for him to bite (he must’ve wanted that position pretty bad for some reason).
Kinda puts it all in perspective, doesn’t it? How some entities are just larger than our temporal lives and how they’re not even appreciated or properly revered, so we never end-up with kids following their proper examples (just more of the same old self-absorbed, self-entitled, arrogant, stupid, all-but-retarded, “lesser”, materialistic ”stars”, sports figures, reality show scum, rappers and tainted-minded/untalented music ”artists” and we wonder why shit’s all fucked-up).

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