Friday, March 28, 2014

Bush Loops Are Selling

Time loops of judgement involving BOTH Bushes writhing in pain as soldiers they killed with their wars are being sold to the survivors of the murdered soldiers. Many times, extra loops are included, so they can also watch the parents of the Bushes endure the time loops they raised their wicked offspring to create with their behavior that got them identified as “infected” “contaminants” committed to time loops of judgement and then eternal execution so that they never exist to do the horrendous shit they did here on this spirit scan.
America’s corrupt government will be avenged upon every spirit who participated in the offenses, decisions, and events that caused unnecessary suffering on (the spirit scan that took place on) Earth from the moment Christ incarcerated Lucifer in God’s realm and revoked his inter-dimensional pass until now, when the hidden prophecy of Daniel 9, that we’re on an elaborate spirit scan, was revealed (and beyond, of course, until the scan comes to a complete end via the death of all flesh).
So, if they have it in their spirit memory that they voted for the tax breaks for the wealthiest percentile, then they’ll be time looped and eternally executed with any from the wealthiest percentile who took advantage of those tax breaks/treasonous terrorist attack on the REAL money makers (God said that any money not earned with the labor of one’s own 2 hands will be regarded as “ill-gotten gain” during these end times due to what the shitworm controlled parasites on the Forbes Fortune 500/Passive Terrorist List did with their power and wealth). So those Congress Member time loops are available for sale to any American who’ll be graduating the spirit scan who wants revenge, after death, beyond this Earth Age.
Also, all who have it in their spirit memories that they did not fight (tooth and nail) against ObamaCare (the “Affordable HealthCare Act”) are regarded as dangerous “infected contaminants” guilty of treason and war crimes and will be time looped as all ObamaCare victims (with numbers in the MILLIONS now) and then as all victims of Black on white crime and violence, because the white devils bought Obama and put a Black face on the (mass mugging) crime they have him committing against America. This “change of venue” created the necessary authority to cast all who own a stake in insurance companies (or America or Obama), or anyone else who stands to profit in any way from ObamaCare, into time loops of judgment as victims of Black on white crime (such as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasqaule, who was also gang-raped, Colleen Ritzer and the MILLIONS more who were victimized in America since lazy, lay-about, uneducated, non-working, non-contributing subhumans were allowed to live to form gangs in the 1960s and then start a gangsta-enabler movement they dared dub the “Civil Rights Movement” that caused decades of reverse discrimination that caused the victimization of so many millions of God’s human and animal creations at their hands and under their influence, which God AND Lucifer took personal).
So, time loops of these offenders are just as available as any time loops of any gangsta that ever trespassed on the spirit scan located on Earth (turf) that belongs to God and Lucifer (and their conjoined end time agendas). If they were equal to those who’ll graduate the spirit scan, they had jobs and worked with their own 2 hands in these end times or they refused to eat to show God His due respect. He said not to let anyone eat who will not work…That applies to gangstas, most especially, now; due to all of the end time Elect they’ve victimized over the past 50 years (they’re indebted, big time, and these time loops will go to repaying God and Lucifer, who they defied and pissed-off, since they never had enough respect for themselves to do so while alive on the spirit scan, which their non-tamperable, non-delete-able spirit memories will have intact when they die).

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